Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Community Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Purchase of seven S106 affordable homes in the
district, from a developer
To approve the business case and approve the
acquisition of 7 affordable homes within Holbeach, for the
To delegate to the Assistant Director Strategic
Growth & Development, in consultation with Deputy Chief
Executive (Corporate Development) and S151, to agree the
contractual matters (including the terms and conditions which may
represent a minor variation to the scheme approved in the business
case) such as signing the contract/transfer documents and other
incidental actions that may be required, and approving the
associated due diligence and valuation required to purchase the
properties, and to identify this scheme as a named scheme in the
capital programme, in accordance with the approved
Reasons for the decision:
To enable new affordable homes to be delivered which
meet identified housing need in the district.
To provide a return on investment as set out in the
financial evaluation provided at Appendix A.
To replace homes sold to tenants via right to
To deliver housing solutions which meet local needs
and aspirations to ensure that our residents have access to a range
of housing options in the district.
Alternative options considered:
Do nothing. In this event, the
authority would not purchase the properties. As a consequence, the
expected benefits set out in the Reasons for Recommendations
section of this report, would not be realised. Officers would seek to identify alternative,
appropriate schemes for consideration by the Executive or
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Reason Key: Incurring expenditure above £75,000 threshold in respect of revenue/£180,000 in respect of capital;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Conflict of Interest: n/a
Dispensation Granted: n/a
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Ward Members will be consulted
Contact: Caroline Hannon, Head of Delivery Email:
Publication date: 08/06/2023
Date of decision: 08/06/2023
Effective from: 16/06/2023
Accompanying Documents: