Decision details

Debt Management Policy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the Debt Management Policy.


1)    That the continuation of the refreshed Debt Management Policy be approved; and


2)    That delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships, to undertake future review and changes to the Debt Management Policy.

Reasons for the decision:

·         The continuation of the Debt Management Policy will ensure that South Holland District Council demonstrates a clear and transparent position in respect of its approach to the management of debt; and

·         Delegation for reviewing and updating the policy will enable a responsive and efficient approach to policy maintenance).

Alternative options considered:

·         Do nothing – this option was rejected as it is timely for the policy to be formally reviewed and its continuation re-approved.

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted



AD - Finance, S151 Officer and PFH

Contact: Sharon Hammond, Head of Revenues & Benefits Sharon Hammond - Head of Revenues and Benefits, PSPS - Email: Email:

Report author: Sharon Hammond

Publication date: 22/07/2022

Date of decision: 19/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/07/2022

Accompanying Documents: