Issue - meetings

Update on the Garden Waste Collection Pilot

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Update on the Garden Waste Collection Pilot pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To update members on the outcome of the Garden Waste Collection trial and to seek approval to formalise this service into the base budget (report of the Portfolio Holder for Place and the Executive Director Place enclosed).



Consideration was given to the joint report of the Portfolio Holder for Place and the Executive Director Place which provided members with an update on the outcome of the Garden Waste Collection trial, and sought approval to formalise this service into the base budget.


In order to remain commercial, there would inevitably be areas within the district that it could not cover.  It was requested that members be provided with information on which areas would not be covered by the service. 


Members commented that the report implied that the cost of the service would not rise in the future, and felt that consideration should be given to the cost of providing it in years to come.  Officers confirmed that financing of the service had been carefully considered, but that this would of course be reviewed in future years.




That the report be noted and the proposals approved so far as they may be executive functions.




a)    That approval be given for the Garden Waste Collection Scheme to become a formal offered service within target areas (not all of the district);


b)    That approval be given to extend the Garden Waste Collection Scheme to two collection routes from 1 April 2018;


c)    That the purple sack garden waste disposal service is reviewed in lined with the extension of the Garden Waste Collection Scheme;


d)    That £240,000 is released from the Investment and Growth reserve in 2017/18 in order to finance the capital requirements (one vehicle and wheeled bin provision) or a second route to the garden waste collection scheme;


e)    A further £165,000 is approved as a commitment from the Investment and Growth reserve in 2021/22 in order to finance the capital requirements (replacement vehicle); and


f)     That in Year 1 (2018/19), based on the mid case scenario (Table 3, Option 2), the revenue budget is increased by up to £90,000 (net expenditure), that the funding for this initial investment is taken from the Investment and Growth Reserve, and that the revenue budgets will be reviewed and adjusted in accordance with demand during 2018/19.


(Other options considered:

·         Formalise garden waste collection service (without extension);

·         Do nothing;

Reasons for decision:

·         The strategy for providing a formal garden waste collection service addresses a number of business objectives).