Issue - meetings

Car Parking Recommendations

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Options for paying parking charges pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To provide Members with the details of the current car parking options available in order to agree the scope of the statutory consultation that will propose changes to the car parking order (report of the Portfolio Holder Place enclosed).


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Portfolio Holder for Place, which provided members with details of the current car parking options available in order to agree the scope of the statutory consultation that would propose changes to the car parking order.


Options available to the Cabinet were 1) card only machines; 2) card and cash machines; or 3) to do nothing.


It was suggested that car parking charges should be reviewed in order to encourage users to pay by card rather than cash.  Members were advised that a report would be brought forward to the Cabinet next year, following a complete review of fees and charges, and that this suggestion could be included within the report.




a)    That consultation be undertaken on card and cash payment machines (option 2) for the car parks at:


              i.        Sheep Market - Spalding, PE11 1BE

            ii.        Victoria Street - Spalding PE11 1EA

           iii.        Holland Road - Spalding PE11 1UL

           iv.        Westlode Street - Spalding PE11 2AF (on behalf of Broadgate Homes)

            v.        Winfrey Avenue - Spalding PE11 1DA

           vi.        The Vista - Spalding PE11 2RA

          vii.        Swimming Pool - Spalding PE11 1QD


b)    That it be agreed, in principle, that the South Holland District Council  (Off Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement) Order 2012 be amended so as to allow payment of parking charges by ‘any means advertised’ such as coin, card and mobile phone;


c)    That officers be authorised to undertake the necessary consultation and equality impact assessment in relation to the proposed amendments to the car parking order and report back to a future meeting following completion of the consultation process;


d)    That the draft notice of proposals and the draft statement of reasons attached as Appendices B and C to the report be approved in principle; and


e)    That the request for the additional capital costs for altering the machines (associated with option 2) be completed, and a further report be submitted to a future meeting proposing amendments to the current car parking charges due to the additional costs associated with this option.


(Other options considered:

·         Option 1 – Card only machines; or

·         Option 3 - To do nothing.

Reasons for decision:

·         Cash payments would be incorporated with the new card payment function – this would mitigate the potential risk of a high number of objections as part of the consultation which, if they could not be appropriately justified, could result in the machines needing to be converted to cash and card post consultation;

·         Although not the cheapest option, option 2 may be the quickest in terms of getting the new machines fitted and in use as there was a lower risk of objections during the consultation, which would cause a delay in fitting the machines; and

·         That the order is made future proof by consulting on allowing the provision of ‘any payment method as advertised; to allow for changes in technology and include current options such as mobile phone payments for car parking as part of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41