Issue - meetings

Car Parking Recommendations: Electric Vehicles

Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 Options for the enforcement of electric vehicle car parking spaces pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To provide members with the details of the current car parking options available in order to agree the scope of the statutory consultation that will propose changes to the car parking order (report of the Deputy Leader, Councillor Malcolm Chandler enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Leader, which provided members with details of current car parking options available, in order to agree the scope of the statutory consultation that would propose changes to the car parking order.


Members commented that although the Authority had no control over car parks operated by Parish Councils, it was currently liaising with three Parish Councils and would assist them where possible.




That should the Council introduce electric vehicle only spaces (once the necessary budgets and formal decision have been made to do so), and that in order to ensure that enforcement can be undertaken immediately ,within electric vehicle only spaces (currently anticipated to be within car parks at Vine Street, Spalding, Victoria Street, Spalding and Fishpond Lane, Holbeach), the following be undertaken:


a)    That in principle, the South Holland District Council (Off Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement) Order 2012 be amended so as to allow electric vehicle parking bays to be used only by electric vehicles;

b)    That officers be authorised to undertake the necessary consultation and equality impact assessment in relation to the proposed amendments to the car parking order and report back to a future meeting following completion of the consultation process;


c)    That the draft notice of proposals and the draft statement of reasons attached as Appendices B and C to this report be approved in principle


(Other options considered:

·         Option 2 – Not to change the current car parking order until the Council agrees to install electric vehicle charging points within its car parks; or;

·         Option 3 - Do nothing.

Reasons for decision:

·         Option 1 allows for any future electric vehicle charging units to be installed quicker as the car parking order would already be amended, allowing for enforcement related to non-electric vehicles using parking spaces served by charging units .)