4 Spalding Special Expenses Year End Outturn 2020/21 & 2021/22 Quarter 1 Forecast PDF 278 KB
To consider the Spalding Special Expenses Year End Outturn 2020/21 & 2021/22 Quarter 1 Forecast (report of the Executive Director (Strategy & Resources)(S151) is enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Executive Director (Strategy & Resources) (S151) which provided information on the Spalding Special Expenses Year End Outturn 2020/21 and 2021/22 Quarter 1 forecast.
The Assistant Director – Finance introduced the report and noted that the figures took into consideration the approval of the use of reserves for cemetery improvements.
The following points were raised by Members of the Forum:
· What was the situation with funding for future Christmas events in relation to Spalding Special Expenses?
o Officers confirmed that this year’s events were being funded by the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan budget but a more substantial and consistent budget for Christmas events needed to be looked at for future years.
· If the money for Christmas events was to come out of Spalding Special Expenses, would it come from the Christmas decorations budget?
o Officers confirmed that the Christmas Decorations budget would be used to buy lights as assets.
o Officers would need to have further conversations regarding where Christmas events could be fitted in to the budget and would bring this conversation back to the Forum at a later date when options had been considered.
· The Council needed to ensure that Christmas lights were properly maintained and Christmas decorations should be a key contribution from Spalding Section 106 agreements.
· Work had been carried out on the parking down Monks House Lane prior to the May 2021 elections but did not appears within the report, was this paid for via the Elections budget?
o Officers responded that they would confirm this with Members outside of the meeting.