Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy

Meeting: 26/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 Climate Change Strategy pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To receive and approve the final version of the Climate Change Strategy (report of the Leader and the Climate Change and Environment Manager enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Leader and the Climate Change and Environment Manager which asked members to receive and approve the final version of the Climate Change Strategy.  The Climate Change and Environment Manager provided an overview of the Strategy.


The following points were raised;


·         Councillor Alcock commented that, as detailed in the table on pages 181-182 of the agenda pack) proportionately, SHDCs emissions seemed higher than Boston and East Lindsey’s, and the headings across these tables were not uniform.  It was also suggested that young people should be consulted with.

o   The officer advised that a response would be provided in due course.


·         It was disappointing to see that there had only been 14 respondents in South Holland.  It was important to improve communication with local residents in order to receive feedback on what should be done locally, as local requirements were often different to those nationally. 

o   Officers commented that Boston and East Lindsey had also been in a different position two years ago and work had been undertaken to address issues.  This would be the next step at SHDC, but would take time – a review of how each service area worked would have to be undertaken so that the Council was working to the Strategy before it was progressed any further.


·         It was noted that within the table detailing links to the 12 missions in the Levelling Up White Paper, there was no information under ‘Education’ however under Skills, it was stated that education was an overarching theme of the strategy.  Members asked that this contradiction be addressed.


·         Did the Authority have the capacity to deliver the action plan detailed within the document within the timescales?

o   Until the South and East Lincolnshire Climate Action Network was established, it would be difficult to guage the level of support for the work within the strategy.  Once the network was formed, prioritisation would be key to ensure there was capacity to take this forward.




That, following public consultation on the document in winter 2021/22, the final version of the Climate Change Strategy be approved.


(Other options considered:

·         None.

Reasons for decision:

·         To progress work on the agreed Climate Change Strategy and enable the establishment of a South and East Lincolnshire Climate Action Network.)