42 Governance and Audit Committee Work Programme PDF 172 KB
To set out the Work Programme of the Governance and Audit Committee (report of the Assistant Director – Finance enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Finance which set out the Work Programme of the Governance and Audit Committee.
Also attached to the report was a schedule of training provided to the Committee since 2019 and suggested future topics. Members were requested to consider the information and any future training options.
The Democratic Services Team Leader and the Assistant Director – Finance advised the Committee of the following:
· The 2022/23 Schedule of Meetings had yet to be finalised – once it had, the Work Programme would be populated with the meeting dates for the forthcoming year, along with items for consideration at each of those meetings;
· A package of training to be delivered to Committee members was currently being considered. This would support members and ensure that councillors had the appropriate skills and tools required to be effective members of the Committee. It was also hoped that this would make membership of the Governance and Audit Committee a more attractive option for councillors.
· The focus for the Committee had, until now been very finance-focussed and it was therefore important to strengthen governance-related skills and knowledge.
· It was suggested that the first topics for training could be around cyber security and pensions.
· Where appropriate, it was suggested that training sessions be undertaken together with members of the equivalent committees within the S&ELCP.
The following points were raised:
· Members commented that it would be good to undertake training jointly for common areas. It was suggested that the training could be opened up to all other members who were interested.
· Members commented that the topic of pensions was one that often arose, and training in this area would be valuable.
· Members agreed that the list of future topics suggested within the report were the right ones and where possible, they should be aligned across all three authorities.
That the report be noted.