68 Industrial Units Letting Policy PDF 343 KB
To inform the Policy Development Panel of the update to the policy on letting of the industrial units within SHDC (report of the Assistant Director – General Fund Assets enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director - General Fund Assets which informed the Panel of the update to the policy on letting of the industrial units within SHDC.
The Strategic Property Manager introduced the report which outlined proposed revisions to the Industrial Units Letting Policy and encompassed planning legislation changes effective from September 2022. The following changes afforded SHDC greater flexibility with new tenants prior to the granting of longer leases:
Appendix A detailed the revised Industrial Unit Lettings Policy which outlined the following areas:
The Strategic Property Manager stated an addition of ‘B class’ to Key Point 3 of Appendix A, which was not included within the report:
‘Tenants can only use in line with the user classes act and the following amendment in 2020. The defined use of the Council’s estates will fall under the B or E class g i, ii, iii may in some cases be permitted to apply to widen the planning use of a unit to F2 (b) local community use…’
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
That following consideration of the key points, rent incentives and rent arrears of the amended Industrial Units Letting policy, the comments of the Panel be noted.