Issue - meetings

Refurbishment of Tennis Courts in Ayscoughfee Gardens

Meeting: 06/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Refurbishment of Tennis Courts in Ayscoughfee Gardens pdf icon PDF 229 KB

To accept the grant funding from DCMS via Lawn Tennis Association and approve the necessary budgets (report of the Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture enclosed).


Note: Appendix B  will be sent to follow.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture which asked the Cabinet to accept the grant funding from DCMS via Lawn Tennis Association and approve the necessary budgets.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Leisure Centre Delivery and Spalding Town Improvement presented the report.  The following points were highlighted:


·       Members raised a number of points - 1) Who was responsible for running the contract – SHDC or the LTA? 2) Would the completion date of 21 August 2023 be met? 3) Were nets on the tennis court to be included? 4) Was the removal of the debris resulting from the work undertaken to be included in the contract? 5) The Health and Safety Policy appeared to be somewhat generic – would it therefore apply to the site?

    • Officers responded that there were opportunities to work with the LTA, for example working with coaches and the development of programmes.  It was confirmed that the works would be completed by the 21 August deadline, and that nets would be included as part of the programme.  The issue of removal of debris was a contractual matter and would be addressed as part of pre-contract meetings. Heath and Safety statements would be provided as part of the process.
  • The Leader thanked officers for the response and requested that a follow-up report be provided at a future point to provide an update on progress.


·       Members were delighted that these improvements were being undertaken in Spalding but felt that it highlighted that monies were being directed towards projects in Spalding and Holbeach and that similar work should be undertaken in other areas within the district. Crowland and Long Sutton also had tennis courts.

  • Members were advised that UKSPF funding was available and applications to bid for funds was encouraged.  It was important to get all parishes on board to ensure they could access monies through these channels.




1)    That the grant award from the LTA of £101,000 to refurbish the tennis courts at Ayscoughfee be accepted;


2)    That the grant conditions attached to the award be accepted;


3)    That it be noted that the s151 Officer has previously already approved the necessary match funding of £20,000 using their delegated powers;


4)    That the scheme be added to the Council’s Capital Programme, given that the s151 Officer has confirmed that in doing so there will be no ‘material impact on the Council’s budget’; and


5)    That the necessary Exemption to Contract Procedure Rules be approved, as delivery of the works will be undertaken by a contractor directly appointed by the LTA.


(Other options considered:

·       Do nothing – the courts to remain in existing state with no additional budget and decreasing usage due to lack of engagement and promotion;

Reasons for decision:

·       To enable the tennis courts in Ayscoughfee Gardens to be refurbished to a high standard, working with the LTA to promote them and broaden access and participation).