35 Debt Write Off
To seek approval for the write-off of uncollectable debt (report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) which sought approval for the write off of uncollectable debt.
The Portfolio Holder – Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up presented the report.
Members agreed that only the principles of the report would be discussed and there was therefore no need for the meeting to go into private session.
That the amounts identified in the report, as detailed below, be approved for write off:
Council Tax |
£ 2,582.45 |
Business Rates |
£39,997.17 |
Housing Benefit Overpayment |
£ 4,240 30 |
Total |
£46,819.92 |
(Other options considered:
Reasons for decision:
· Officer time can be maximized on greatest returns, at the same time as ensuring robust procedures for debt management are in place across all revenue streams.