Issue - meetings

Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 23/24 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP)

Meeting: 25/07/2023 - Policy Development Panel (Item 11)

11 Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 23/24 for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP) pdf icon PDF 169 KB

To approve the scoping documents for the proposed joint scrutiny topics for 23/24; and to agree the appointment of three Members to each of those Joint Task and Finish Groups (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which asked the Policy Development Panel to approve the scoping documents for the proposed joint scrutiny topics for 2023/2024; and to agree the appointment of three members to each of those Joint Task and Finish Groups.


The Scrutiny and Policy Officer introduced the report by outlining the proposed topics for the partnership as detailed at Appendix A.


The project scopes for two Joint Task and Finish Groups were outlined for the Healthy Living Action plan and Partnership Housing Standards Strategy at Appendices A and B respectively.


Members were asked to volunteer for the Task Groups and the following was agreed:


For the Healthy Living Action Plan Task and Finish Group which would commence in September 2023, membership was confirmed as:

  • Councillor Ingrid Sheard;
  • Councillor Nanette Chapman; and
  • Councillor Mark Le Sage


For the Partnership Housing Standards Strategy Task and Finish Group which would commence in January 2024, membership was confirmed as:

  • Councillor James Le Sage;
  • Councillor Margaret Geaney; and
  • Councillor Thomas Sneath.




a)    That after consideration by the Policy Development Panel that the topics and associated scopes, as set out at Appendices B and C, be agreed, with each Task and Finish Group authorised to review the scopes and determine the detailed lines of enquiry and witnesses; and


b)    That the Committee agreed to appoint three members to each of the proposed Task and Finish Groups identified in Appendices B and C, as named above.


Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Performance Monitoring Panel (Item 10)

10 Proposed joint scrutiny activity for 23/24 for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP) pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To approve the scoping documents for the proposed joint scrutiny topics for 23/24; and to agree the appointment of three Members to each of those Joint Task and Finish Groups (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which sought approval of the scoping documents for the proposed joint scrutiny topics for 23/24 and agreement to appoint three Members to each of those Joint Task and Finish Groups.


The report was introduced by the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development on behalf of the Scrutiny & Policy Officer and stated that the report outlined the proposed joint scrutiny topics for the Partnership for 23/24 and the establishment of a Joint Task and Finish Group for each topic. The topics included had previously been considered by scrutiny committees at each Council, but the report brought forward more detail on each topic and requested appointments to the Joint Task Groups.


Appendix A provided an overview of the proposed Partnership scrutiny work plan. Appendices B and C set out the scopes of the proposed Task and Finish Groups for Public Transport and Enviro-Crime which both needed to be agreed by the Panel and appointments made to.


It was noted that there would be a pause in the work of the Public Transport Task Group in order to look at current recommendations made in the interim report of the Task Group before re-convening this group.




  1. That the topics and associated scopes, as set out at Appendices B -C, be agreed with each Task and Finish group authorised to review the scopes and determine the detailed lines of enquiry and witnesses.
  2. That the Panel agrees to appoint three Members to both the Public Transport and Enviro Crime Enforcement Contract Task Group as follows:

·         Public Transport:

o   Councillor L Eldridge

o   Councillor J Reynolds

o   Councillor C Brewis

·         Enviro Crime Enforcement Contract

o   Councillor N Chapman

o   Councillor P Barnes

o   Councillor S Chauhan