Issue - meetings

Policy Development Panel Work Programme

Meeting: 25/07/2023 - Policy Development Panel (Item 12)

12 Policy Development Panel Work Programme pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To set out the Work Programme of the Policy Development Panel and to request items for consideration for inclusion (report of the Interim Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) enclosed).

Additional documents:



The Panel considered a report by the Interim Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which set out the Work Programme of the Policy Development Panel.


The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report which outlined the following main points:


Appendix A set out the dates of future Panel meetings along with proposed items for consideration. The programme included policies that were either due for review, were overdue, or were undertaking their first annual review.


Appendix B set out the Task Groups that had been identified by the Panel. The South Holland Centre Task Group was still current but had been paused pending the receipt and implementation of the business plan.


The Chairman raised the following points in respect of Appendix A:

  • Regarding the pending Work Programme items, the Chairman queried whether the Strategic Tenancy Policy could come forward to the Panel in the near future.
    • The Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership responded that the Strategic Tenancy Policy was not in a position to come forward however a briefing note regarding its current status could come forward if required.
      • The Chairman agreed that a briefing note would not be required for the next Policy Development Panel meeting, but this would be kept under review for the future.


The Chairman referred to Appendix B, and raised the following points in connection with ongoing Task Groups:

  • In respect of the South Holland Centre Task Group: three Task Group members would need to be recruited to replace the two members who had not been re-elected at the May 2023 election, and the one member who had moved to the Executive. The Chairman asked for volunteers and the following members stated their wish to be involved when the Task Group was reconvened:
    • Cllr Jan Whitbourn;
    • Cllr Ingrid Sheard; and
    • Cllr Mark Le Sage.
  • The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Task Group would remain on hold until the appropriate time.


The Chairman raised the following in respect of pending task groups:

  • The Chairman had recently received contact from the Head of Planning regarding the Planning Design Task Group. At the current time it had been agreed that the task group remain pending until legislative changes at central Government level had taken place;
  • The Devolution Task Group remained pending subject to the nature of future developments; and
  • The Data Protection/Data Retention Task Group was formed in 2017 as a result of the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Task Group was dormant but could be called upon if needed.


The Chairman requested that members consider whether they wished to scrutinise any existing policies or suggest the creation of new ones where a need had been identified. Suggestions could come forward at the current meeting or at future meetings. The Chairman asked members to be mindful of officer capacity when considering the creation of new task groups. A task group was not always necessary for the formation of a new policy.


A discussion ensued around the potential formation of a new district-wide Street Scene Policy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12