Issue - meetings

Review of Implemented Planning Decisions

Meeting: 15/11/2023 - Performance Monitoring Panel (Item 41)

41 Review of Implemented Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To report on the review undertaken with members and to consider the findings (report of the Head of Planning enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Planning which reported on the review undertaken with members and asked the panel to consider its findings.


The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report which detailed the following:

  • Background and purpose of the exercise which fulfilled the Local Government Association best practice and adhered to SHDC constitutional requirements;
  • An overview of the tour which took place on 25 October 2023; and
  • Conclusions drawn from the exercise

The summary of comments from the tour was outlined at Appendix A.


Members considered the report and made the following comments:


  • Members thanked officers for arranging and leading on the tour which included a range of interesting sites.


  • Members applauded one site in particular for its utilisation of innovative and attractive design and suggested that this approach be influential for other sites in the district.


  • Members stated that design should have a greater weighting in the decision-making process; the aesthetics of developments regarding use of materials and features needed greater consideration in some cases.


  • Members noted concerns regarding the upkeep of play equipment on new estates and clarity was required regarding who was permitted to use it: the residents of the respective estates or the wider community.


  • Members noted the comments in Appendix A regarding recommended improvements to open spaces controlled by management companies, and stated that:
  • SHDC needed to give serious consideration to the purpose of any designated open spaces;
  • Where open spaces were not maintained or completed as expected by the management company, SHDC needed to consider what action could be taken to ensure conditions were met;
  • Members questioned the benefits of open spaces and their need to be managed versus larger private gardens. Concerns were raised that management companies had been traded, with the probable aim of profit, which would likely pose an increased financial burden upon residents in the future; and
  • Members were concerned if the Drainage Board 9 metre buffer strips were included as part of the allotted open space.


  • Members agreed that future visits to review implemented Planning decisions include the wider participation of members from the Planning Committee; some members suggested that the exercise should be mandatory training for Planning Committee members.




Following consideration of the Review of Implemented Planning Decisions report by the Performance Monitoring Panel:


a)    That the contents of the report be noted;


b)    That the Review of Planning Decisions tour occur every two years, in place of the current annual process;


c)     That future member invitation for the Review of Planning Decisions tour includes members of the Planning Committee; and


d)    That members’ comments be noted by the Principal Planning Officer and relayed to relevant Planning officers.