92 Review of the Sheltered Housing Offer for the HRA PDF 381 KB
To approve the recommendations and changes, including increasing the HRA establishment (report of the Assistant Director – Housing enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Housing which sought approval of recommendations and changes, including increasing the HRA establishment.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing presented the report.
Members commented that they were pleased that a serious step was being taken to improve this service area.
1) That an increase to the HRA establishment is approved.
2) That a new service charge categories with an increase in these to sheltered tenants, of no more than £0.88 per week as attached at Appendix A be approved. Tenants would be formally consulted through service of statutory notice.
60 Review of the Sheltered Housing Offer for the HRA PDF 466 KB
To note and support the recommendations and changes, including increasing the HRA establishment (report of the Assistant Director – Housing enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Housing which requested that Cabinet note and support recommendations and changes, including increasing the HRA Establishment.
The Portfolio Holder – Communities and Operational Housing presented the report.
The following points were raised:
· How was the charging formulated? Charges at Trinity Court seemed comparatively higher than other sites.
· Why were tenants being charged for Health and Safety compliance? Did this not fall within the Authority’s landlord responsibilities?
· Would charges be reviewed each year rather than automatically increased in line with RPI?
· How long would the trial of the two digital notice boards be for; where would they be located; what action would come from the trial; and who would update the noticeboards?
That Cabinet:
1) Noted the extensive review undertaken, initial service improvements made and those proposed to be implemented.
2) Supported the installation of digital notice boards, as a pilot in two communal areas to improve communication to our tenants and a marketing budget to help promote the new service, £13,000 to support these items was included in the draft 2024/25 budget.
3) Supported the implementation of a response service at a cost of £29,000 as included in the draft 2024/25 budget.
4) Supported Communal TV Aerial changes through capital investment of £111,000, generating an on-going revenue saving of £15,000 which was included within the draft 2024/25 budget.
5) Supported an increase in the Sheltered Housing Budget of £290,000 and noted that this would be funded through service charges to residents. As set out in the draft 2024/25 budget.
That Cabinet Recommend to Full Council:
6) To increase the establishment as set out in the body of the report.
7) To approve new service charge categories with an increase in these to sheltered tenants, of no more than £0.88 per week as attached at Appendix A. Tenants would be formally consulted through service of statutory notice.
(Other options considered:
· Do nothing: ... view the full minutes text for item 60