Issue - meetings

Environment Policy

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Environment Policy pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To seek approval for a new South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy (report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory which sought approval for a new South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy.


The Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Conservation and Heritage and Tourism presented the report.


The Environment Policy was a new policy for South Holland District Council and was a commitment made in the Alignment and Delivery Plan in 2024/25 and followed on from the adoption of the Climate Change and Environment Strategy in 2023/24.  Environment policies had been in place at East Lindsey District Council and Boston Borough Council since 2022 however, these had been reviewed and were now aligned to a single Partnership Environment Policy.  All three councils were being asked to adopt the revised policy through their executive arrangements.  Scrutiny had already been undertaken by the Policy Development Panel at SHDC, and the policy had been recommended for adoption by it.


The Environment Policy set out four key themes:


·       Protecting and recovering our natural environment;

·       Mitigating and adapting to climate change;

·       Protecting and enhancing our built environment; and

·       Ensuring a sustainable approach to waste and resource management




That the Environment Policy be adopted.


(Other options considered:

·       Not to adopt the Environment Policy.

Reasons for decision:

·       To provide the mandate for delivery of the new Environment priority contained within the Sub-Regional Strategy.)

Meeting: 25/06/2024 - Policy Development Panel (Item 22)

22 Environment Policy pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To seek approval for a new South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy (report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory which sought approval for a new South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Environment Policy to underpin the Sub-Regional Strategy.


The Assistant Director – Regulatory and the Group Manager – Climate Change and Environment attended for this item.


The Group Manager – Climate Change and Environment introduced the report and highlighted the following points:

  • The Environment Policy was a new policy for South Holland. Policies were in place for East Lindsey District Council and Boston Borough Council which had been reviewed and were to be aligned across the three authorities of the S&ELCP;
  • The environment had been identified as one of four key priorities in a new Sub-regional Strategy recently adopted for the S&ELCP. The development of the Environment Policy provided a mandate to deliver the strategy;
  • The Environment Policy, at Appendix A, outlined the following four themes which would be considered across all Council operations:
    • Theme 1: Protecting and recovering our environment;
    • Theme 2: Mitigating and adapting to climate change;
    • Theme 3: Protecting and enhancing our built environment; and
    • Theme 4: Ensuring a sustainable approach to waste and resource management.

Several priorities had been identified under each theme, as outlined within the report.


Members considered the report and made the following comments:


  • Members welcomed the report to the Panel and stated that it was needed.


  • Members queried how the council intended to work with partners who also had an interest in managing the fens/local environment.
    • The Group Manager – Climate Change and Environment responded that:
      • Following the approval of the Climate Change Strategy, a South and East Lincolnshire Climate Action Network (SELCAN) had been established which placed a focus on climate change outcomes beyond the councils’ operational requirements; and
      • SELCAN incorporated a range of private, public and third sector partners and associated information was included in the South and East Lincolnshire Climate Change Strategy update at agenda item 11 of the current meeting.


  • Members referred to Theme 1, ‘Protecting and recovering our natural environment’ and asked whether the policy could help protect the natural environment from industrialisation. Concerns were raised regarding the Meridian Solar Farm Ltd development which affected areas of the district with the construction of solar farms, battery storage and pylons (National Grid infrastructure). Could the council work with external agencies to instal solar energy sources on buildings instead of constructing solar farms.
    • The Group Manager – Climate Change and Environment  responded that:
      • The Planning department adhered to the Local Plan, and the Environment Policy would be influential to Planning Policy and provide ‘hooks’ when the Local Plan was reviewed;
      • In respect of the siting of solar energy sources, this related to the Planning function however the Environment team worked with partners through SELCAN where renewable options for external buildings could be explored; and
      • The new Environment Policy gave the S&ELCP a framework approach for plans and policies that service areas would adhere to, as well as a robust position to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22