Issue - meetings

Consultation on revised HR policies to support the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership alignment of Terms and Conditions

Meeting: 09/09/2024 - Policy Development Panel (Item 31)

31 Consultation on revised HR policies to support the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership alignment of Terms and Conditions pdf icon PDF 166 KB

To consult Policy Development Panel members on revised HR policies to support the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership alignment of Terms and Conditions (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate).



Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which consulted with the Policy Development Panel on the policies prior to their planned implementation.


The Assistant Director – Corporate and the Head of HR and Organisational Development (PSPS) were in attendance for this item. Councillor Chris Brewis attended as a consultee but not as a member of the committee.


The Assistant Director – Corporate introduced the report which included the following:

  • Context of the alignment of workforce terms and conditions of employment;
  • Phase 1 consultation activities undertaken to date (alignment was to be implemented in phases);
  • The following complete policies relating to the phase 1 consultation:
    • Time Off Policy at Appendix A;
    • Long Service Awards Policy at Appendix B; and
    • Absence and Sickness Policy and Procedure at Appendix C;
  • A summary of the phase 1 terms and conditions being consulted on was outlined at point 2.4 of the report;
  • Implementation of the phase 1 terms and conditions alignment was planned to take place from 1 November 2024; and
  • A consultation process would follow for phase 2.


Members considered the report and made the following comments:


  • Members stated that the alignment of the terms and conditions of employment demonstrated that the partnership authorities were progressing with their alignment ambitions in a positive way.


  • Members asked how the long service awards compared with non-local authority employers.
    • The Head of HR and Organisational Development (PSPS) responded that whilst long service awards varied widely across public and private sector employers, such awards were common practice and expected within local government. A related framework had been in existence at SHDC however this would be replaced with the aligned Long Service Awards Policy which had incorporated the ‘best of’ existing terms from the three authorities.


  • Members noted a duplication within the report which required correction prior to further publication.


  • Regarding long service awards, members asked whether length of service was transferable across local authorities.
    • The Head of HR and Organisational Development (PSPS) confirmed that length of service, for a long service award, did not take into account service at authorities outside of the partnership.


  • Members queried the remuneration policy for successful completion of professional exams.
    • The Head of HR and Organisational Development (PSPS) responded that:
      • The council’s qualifications commitment was included within ‘study provisions’ rather than written within a policy.  Any approved study would be subject to conditions which included a staged payback of course/qualification fees to the authority should the employee leave within a set period of time; and
      • There would be consideration to a different scenario of imposed study which may include exceptions.


  • Members queried resource/capacity implications, benefits, and any associated financial impact resulting from the career break policy.
    • The Head of HR and Organisational Development (PSPS) responded that:
      • A policy in respect of career breaks was already in existence across the other authorities in the partnership;
      • The focus of the policy was retention of staff;
      • Career break approvals were at the discretion of management and included the consideration of service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31