22 Sustainable Products Policy PDF 207 KB
To review progress and ensure the new policy is achieving its intended aims (report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory which reviewed progress and ensured the new policy was achieving its intended aims.
The Climate Change and Environment Officer and the Assistant Director – Regulatory attended for this item.
The Climate Change and Environment Officer introduced the report which updated the committee on progress made since the implementation of the Sustainable Products Policy in November 2022.
An action plan of monitoring measures had been considered by the Performance Monitoring Panel in March 2023, which aimed to improve sustainability across all operations of the partnership by embedding the Sustainable Products Policy in the procurement framework and discontinuing the purchase of single use products where possible. Progress made towards achievement of the action plan was included within the report.
Members considered the update and made the following comments:
a) That the progress of the monitoring measures outlined in the action plan which supported the successful implementation of the Sustainable Products Policy, in line with the Council’s commitments to resource and waste management, and mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change, be noted; and
b) That an update be presented to the Panel in 12 months’ time.