Agenda and minutes

South Holland District Council - Thursday, 2nd March, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding

Contact: Democratic Services  01775 764454

No. Item


Minute Silence


The Council observed a minute silence to mark the recent death of former Councillor Wayne Seabourn.


Councillor Porter spoke, remembering former Councillor Seabourn as a Councillor and many years previously, as a member of staff.  He had always had a strong passion for social housing related matters.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2023 (copy enclosed).



Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 18 January 2023.



That the minutes of the meeting of Full Council on 18 January 2023 be signed as a correct record.


Declaration of Interests.

(Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.)


Councillor Biggadike did not have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, but in the interest of transparency declared that, in relation to agenda item 13, he was a private landlord.


Chairman's Announcements.


The Chairman advised that he had no announcements to make at this point, but would make a statement at the end of the meeting.


Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet.


The Leader commented that this was the last meeting of the Council before the District Elections in May.  Some Councillors would be standing down after many years of service, and some members would not be re-elected.  He commented that whatever the future held, all members should be proud of what had been achieved during their time as councillors.  It was his opinion that SHDC was one of the best authorities in the country due to the work of all members, whichever group they belonged to, and the willingness to work together on issues that made the lives of local people better.  Much of this term had been dominated by the Covid pandemic and members and officers had stepped up to the challenge.  Sadly, the passing last year of Councillor Newton had left a huge hole – she had been a formidable leader of the opposition group and for her service and the service of all members, the community should be grateful.  The Leader also thanked all staff on behalf of members for their service.


Councillor Worth provided an update on the UKSPF.  Over 70 expressions of interest had so far been received across the partnership.  In addition, some training/a briefing had been provided to Parish Councils from LALC, which had generated some extra expressions of interest which was encouraging. 


Councillor Lawton confirmed that she would not be standing again at the District Elections.  She had thoroughly enjoyed her work, but it had been made possible by the hard work of Housing officers.  They were a splendid team and she wished to thank them publicly.


Questions asked on notice under Standing Order 6


There were none.


Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7


There were no questions without notice under Standing Order 7 asked by the leader of the main opposition group.


Question to:  Councillor Astill

Question from: Councillor Beal

Subject:  Customer Services


Councillor Beal commented that the partnership with Boston and East Lindsey District Council was becoming established – how was the Customer Services department responding to the various areas being dealt with jointly.  Councillor Astill responded that Boston Council were not yet fully integrated however, SHDC and ELDC continued to work in the same way.  There had been some added pressures, particularly with call volumes, emails and physical contact as a result of implementation of a number of Government grants – ways of improving the service were constantly being looked at.


Committee Minutes


The minutes of the following Committees and Panels were noted:


·       Planning Committee – 11 January 2023

·       Performance Monitoring Panel – 24 January 2023

·       Planning Committee – 8 February 2023


Report from Cabinet meeting on 14 February 2023 pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect of:


·       Housing Comments, Compliments, Complaints and Compensation Policy, Tenant Engagement Framework and Housing Estate Management Policy – To adopt the Housing Comments, Complaints and Compensation Policy, Tenant Engagement Framework and the Housing Estate Management Policy (Cabinet minute 73) (Cabinet agenda item 11 and exempt agenda item 14).


(report of the Cabinet enclosed)

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Cabinet which sought approval for the Cabinet’s recommendations.


Housing Comments, Compliments, Complaints and Compensation Policy, Tenant Engagement Framework and Housing Estate Management Policy


The Portfolio Holder HRA and Private Sector Housing presented the report.


No discussion was required on the exempt appendix to the report included later in the agenda.




That in relation to the Housing Comments, Compliments, Complaints and Compensation Policy, the following delegation amendments be made:


a)    All Chief Officers have authority to authorise payment of compensation in connection with complaints of up to £1,000 subject to the agreement of the Monitoring Officer and appropriate Portfolio Holder or Committee Chairman, and to informing the Performance Monitoring Panel


b)    The Assistant Director – Housing (and in their absence the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and Joint S151 Officer) to authorise payment of compensation in connection with complaints regarding the Council’s function as a social landlord of up to £1,000 in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for HRA & Private Sector Housing.


Key Decision Plan pdf icon PDF 249 KB

To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed).


Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan.


·       Councillor Alcock commented that there were a number of items on the Key Decision Plan with decisions due before 28 February 2023 and 1 March 2023.  He asked if any of these decisions had been taken, particularly ‘Procurement of Fuel Supplier’ – had a supplier been agreed, who was it, and was the price fixed for the year.

o   The Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services advised that this decision was still pending, and that he would be making a decision on this in the very near future.

·       Councillor Alcock asked that all members be informed when this decision was taken.



That the Key Decision Plan be noted.


Annual Budget Report 2023/24, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme and Capital Strategy, Treasury Management Policy/Strategy and Annual Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To approve: the General Fund and HRA budgets for 2023/24 including the use of reserves, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme and Strategy, Treasury Management Policy/Strategy, MRP Policy and Annual Investment Strategy, Fees & Charges, Pay Policy Statement and the Annual Delivery Plan.


(Please note that in accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote will be taken on Budget recommendations).


(Members are reminded that if they are two months or more in arrears, they must disclose the fact and not vote on any item to set tax or any decision which may affect its calculation).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) which requested approval of the General Fund and HRA budgets for 2023/24 including the use of reserves, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Capital Programme and Strategy, Treasury Management Policy/Strategy, MRP Policy and Annual Investment Strategy, Fees and Charges, Pay Policy Statement and the Annual Delivery Plan.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships introduced the report and outlined the main details of the Budget. 


·       The Covid pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine had had a huge global impact and consequently had impacted on the Council’s finances.  Very high inflation, high interest rates, workforce shortages and industrial action was impacting individuals and businesses.  The Council was not exempt from these pressures.

·       A huge amount of additional work had been required in order to produce a balanced budget, and the Portfolio Holder requested that his thanks be passed on to all involved.

·       Over the years, the Council had managed its finances well, building up small reserves year on year while still maintaining good levels of service to its residents.  These reserves would now need to be called upon.  Going forward, strict budgets and careful budget scrutiny would be required, while still maintained good levels of service.

·       There would be continued weekly collections of waste and recycling, and  continued investment in affordable and market rental homes, commercial lets for small businesses, community heritage and general assets, and the successful garden waste service.  In addition, there was improved CCTV in Spalding town centre, and land for a community woodland had been secured.  The Council would continue with its partnership with Boston Council and ELDC, and also PSPS, continuing to drive out efficiencies, keeping costs down, and providing a strong voice in Government for the sub-region.


The summary headlines of the Budget were as follows:

·       The General Fund budget of £16million would be balanced, with the use of reserves and an efficiency savings programme of £885,000;

·       Drainage Board levy increases of around £540,000 over the last 2 years would be eased by a District Council Tax increase of 3%, creating an additional £257,000 towards the drainage boards costs of £3.1million for the year;

·       Government funding would remain static at around £2million;

·       Interest earned on cash investments would increase to around £1.8million, due to rises in interest rates;

·       Business Rate income was set to increase by around £1million;

·       General running costs of Council services in 2023/24 would increase by around £3.5million through increased staff pension costs, general overheads, contracts, supplies and services;

·       Increased homeless costs had been included for 2023/24;



·       The HRA was set to show a surplus of £2.2m to be invested in new affordable Council homes;

·       Around 3,750 Council home rents were due to increase by 7% as Government capping allowed.  However, SHDC would be introducing a 2% cost of living credit on this rent increase to assist tenants;

·       Investment in Council homes continued with maintenance and improvement works of over £6.5million to keep them at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102.


Council Tax Setting 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To set the amounts of Council Tax applicable for 2023/24 for each valuation band and in each part of the district.


(Please note that in accordance with The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote will be taken on Budget recommendations).


(Members are reminded that if they are two months or more in arrears, they must disclose the fact and not vote on any item to set tax or any decision which may affect its calculation).


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) which sought Council approval for the setting of the amounts of Council Tax applicable for 2023/24 for each valuation band and in each part of the district.


The Portfolio for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships introduced the report which set out statutory resolutions that the Council needed to approve in accordance with the Budget as set out at agenda item 11.


As detailed in the previous minute, at Appendix B, the header to the sixth column should read ‘Precept 2022/23’ and not ‘Band D 2022/23’.




a)    That the formal Council Tax resolutions for 2023/24 as set out in Appendix A and summarised at 4.1 of the report (and detailed below) be approved; and


b)    That the charge to be levied on the Council Taxpayers of Spalding for services provided in their town (Spalding Special Estimates) (£241,124 for 2023/24) be approved. This equates to a Band D equivalent charge of £25.47 (£24.57 for 2022/23).


4.       Council Tax Resolutions


4.1    The required resolutions for the approval of the levels of Council Tax are set out at Appendix A. The figures relating to the District Council and the average of the parishes are summarised in the following table:


Resolution Ref



Parish Precept (incl Spalding Special)








Gross expenditure





Gross Income










Tax base




3d 3f

Band D Council Tax





Council is recommended to approve the following resolutions:


1    It is to be noted that on 14 December 2022 the Council calculated: -


(a)    the Council Tax Base 2023/24 for the District as 29,841 (item T in the formula in section 31B(3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended) and;


(b)    Dwellings in those parts of the district to which a Parish precept relates as shown in Appendix B


2.  Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2023/24 (excluding Parish precepts) is £ 5,830,633


3   That the following amounts be calculated by the Council for the year 2023/24 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as amended (the Act): -




being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act;








being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act;








being the amount by which the aggregate at 3(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 3(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its Council Tax requirement for the year (item R in the formula in Section 31a (4) of the Act);








being the amount at 3(c) divided by the amount at 1(a) (item T), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Rent setting 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To seek Council approval for the proposed applicable rent increase allowable under The Direction on the Rent Standard 2023 for Council tenants and other housing tenures (report of the Assistant Director – Housing enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director Housing which sought Council approval for the proposed applicable rent increase allowable under The Direction on the Rent Standard 2023 for Council tenants and other housing tenures.


The Portfolio Holder for HRA and Private Sector Housing presented the report and highlighted the proposed Cost of Living support package referred to earlier in the meeting by the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation and Partnerships as part of the Annual Budget Report 2023/24.


Councillor Biggadike requested that it be noted that he had voted against the recommendations.




That the following rent increases be approved:


Social tenants of South Holland District Council, South Holland Homes and S106 units managed by the Council


Shared ownership rents. (Leaseholders)


Guest rooms and community centres for Council tenants



Alarm monitoring charges


Guest rooms and community centres for private hire


Homeless accommodation for individuals and families


Garages and garage plots



That the following support measures be approved:


Existing social tenants as of Monday 3 April 2023 until Sunday 31 March 2024 with the following tenures:

·       Introductory

·       Secure

·       Assured shorthold

·       Assured (non-shorthold)

Weekly support, equivalent to 2% of the gross weekly rent charged for the property




The South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership performance report pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Six monthly update on Partnership performance (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which provided a six-monthly update on Partnership performance.


The Leader of the Council presented the report.




That the following be approved:

·       The Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) 2022/23 update (Section 2)

·       The Performance Framework 2023/24 (Section 3; Appendix A)


That the following be noted:

·       The Peer Review Action Plan delivery progress (Section 4)

·       The updates from the Priority Partnerships (Section 5)

·       The Partnership Scrutiny Action Plan delivery progress (Section 6)


Spalding Reconnected: Historic Town and Riverside – National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant Acceptance pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To secure Council approval for acceptance of a National Lottery Heritage Fund award of £233,163 that will provide funding in support of the Spalding Reconnected: Historic Town & Riverside scheme, and to agree the creation of the budget to fund the scheme (report of the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development which requested approval for acceptance of a National Lottery Heritage Fund award of £233,163 which would provide funding in support of the Spalding Reconnected: Historic Town and Riverside scheme, and agreement to the creation of the budget to fund the scheme.


The Portfolio Holder for Assets and Planning (and Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan lead member) presented the report.


Members commented that the funding was extremely welcome, as the river was a real asset to the town, and thanked officers for their work in securing the grant.  It was hoped that other towns and villages in the South Holland area would be able to secure their own funding.




1)    That the National Lottery Heritage Fund grant award of £233,163 for the Spalding Reconnected: Historic Town and Riverside project be formally accepted;


2)    That delegated authority be approved for the Assistant Director for Strategic Growth and Development to enter into grant agreement with the National Lotter Heritage Fund in conjunction with the lead Portfolio Holder (Councillor Grocock); and


3)    That the necessary budgetary amendments be made in respect of the grant award and the associated funding arrangements.


Nominations for Committees and other Seats and Proposed Changes to the Constitution.

To receive, from political groups, nominations for any changes to Committees and other seats and to consider any proposed changes to the Constitution.


There were none.


Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire Report pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To provide South Holland District Council with an update following the latest meeting of the Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire Committee (report of Councillor G P Scalese enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of Councillor Scalese in respect of Health Scrutiny for Lincolnshire.



That the report be noted.


Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent



NOTE:            No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.


The Chairman used this opportunity to thank all members for the respect and courtesy that they had shown him as Chairman during the last two years, and that working together, great things had been achieved.  He also thanked all officers for their duty and due diligence.


He wished good luck to all members seeking re-election and wished farewell to all those standing down.


He thanked all those that had supported him in his charity work – just over £10,000 had been raised.


He finished by stating that being Chairman has been a great experience and stated that this office was something to be cherished.


Members responded by thanking the Chairman for the inclusive and excellent way he had chaired meetings, and for his work towards good causes.


The Leader of the South Holland Independents and Independent Group also echoed the words of the Chairman, and the Leader earlier in the meeting.  He thanked officers for their assistance during the term, especially the staff within Democratic Services who had provided guidance to himself and the Group over the last six months.  He wished those members who were not standing for re-election well. He finished by thanking the Chairman for his Chairmanship, for his inclusivity and fairness, and for his excellent community work.