Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764454
No. | Item |
Minute silence Minutes: The Council observed a minute silence to mark the recent death of Graham Scorthorne who had sadly passed away after a short illness.
The Chairman stated that Graham had previously held the post of Strategic Partnership Manager at South Holland District Council. After Graham left the council, he continued to support with elections and worked as a Presiding Officer. He was also involved in community initiatives, having been a former director of Long Sutton Sports Association, and more recently he had been involved with the Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service. Thoughts were with Graham’s family at this sad time. |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2023 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of Full Council held on 26 July 2023.
That the minutes of the meeting of Full Council on 26 July 2023 be signed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests. (Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.) Minutes: There were none |
Chairman's Announcements. Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
· The Chairman thanked everyone who had supported his charity events which had included: o A Tug of War; o An Open Air Cinema event – gratitude was extended to Spalding Round Table for their support; and o The Civic Service. · A Chairman’s Quiz Night at the Elizabethan Centre, Whaplode Drove would be taking place in November (actual date to be confirmed). Attendance was encouraged in order to support the Chairman’s charities; and · Further events would be announced in due course. |
Announcements by Leader and Members of the Cabinet. Minutes: Old White Horse Public House The Leader updated the Council on a ‘Question asked without notice’ posed at the 26 July 2023 Council meeting regarding privately owned untidy sites. The Leader had sent an official letter to Samuel Smith’s Brewery in connection with the Old White Horse public house regarding its state of disrepair and the ensuing hazards. The brewery had been given a final opportunity to engage with the Council and tidy the site voluntarily, but if this was not forthcoming, the serving of a section 215 notice to tidy the premises would be considered. It was noted that the brewery had attempted to recruit personnel to run the public house. The letter sent to the brewery would be circulated to members.
Live streaming of Council Meetings Councillor Taylor made an announcement on behalf of Councillor Astill in response to a question posed at the last Council meeting. It was stated that the streaming of Council meetings would be effective from the next Council meeting, scheduled for 22 November 2023.
Consultation on the new Leisure Centre Councillor Taylor responded to a question posed at the 26 July 2023 Council meeting regarding the new Leisure Centre. This matter would be brought to the next Full Council meeting on 22 November 2023 however responses would be given to any questions or concerns raised by Councillors in the interim period. |
Questions asked on notice under Standing Order 6 Minutes: There were none. |
Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7 Minutes: Question to: Councillor Tyrrell Question from: Councillor Gibson Subject: Wheelie Bins
Councillor Gibson welcomed the untidy sites and live streaming updates. Councillor Gibson stated that a debate regarding the implementation of wheelie bins was needed. Could the Portfolio Holder confirm whether he supported wheelie bins for South Holland? Councillor Tyrell responded that the current priority was the re-routing of waste collections and the depot. Wheelie bins were not being considered at the current time.
Question to: Councillor Casson Question from: Councillor Reynolds Subject: XL Bully Dogs
Councillor Reynolds asked Councillor Casson for views on XL Bully Dogs and whether any breeder licences for such dogs had been granted in South Holland. Councillor Casson responded that SHDC had not granted any breeder licences for XL Bully Dogs. It was noted that the Prime Minister had made a public comment to ban breeders of XL Bully Dogs by the end of the year and that the Council had awaited sight of draft legislation, guidance, or any consultation paper with interest. As developments occurred, members would be consulted regarding the approach taken in South Holland. How XL Bully Dog breeders were recognised and defined in law would be key. Unless the breed was banned by status, the council did not have a lawful reason to reject or refuse to grant any application for the breed.
Question to: Councillor Worth Question from: Councillor M Le Sage Subject: Devolution
Councillor M Le Sage requested an update on the current situation regarding devolution. Residents he had spoken to had not supported it. Had his suggested legal challenge progressed? Councillor Worth responded that all district councils had agreed that a better representation was required on any proposed combined authority and the deal was poor. There had not been any movement since the last update however a meeting with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities was planned for the following day which may lead to an update.
Question to: Councillor Tyrrell Question from: Councillor Brewis Subject: Re-routing of Waste communication to residents.
Councillor Brewis asked when correspondence would be received by residents regarding the re-routing of waste collections and impact on changes to collection days which was due to be implemented in 5 days. An error on the website regarding collection dates had been corrected however the website did not indicate any changes to collections in respect of Bank Holidays. Would a further letter need to be sent to clarify the matter to residents? Councillor Tyrrell responded that 45,000 letters had been sent which were in the process of being delivered. The information was available on the website. Bank Holiday collection arrangements remained the same as the current system and would take place on the following day. Councillor Brewis asked again whether a further letter would need to be sent to every household regarding Bank Holiday collections as not everyone used the internet. Councillor Tyrrell responded that people would be aware through their usual channels of information and that letters had not previously been circulated regarding ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Committee Minutes To receive the minutes of the following Committees and Panels:-
Planning Committee - 19 July 2023
Joint Performance Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel - 25 July 2023
Policy Development Panel - 25 July 2023
Minutes: The minutes of the following Committees and Panels were noted:
· Planning Committee – 19 July 2023 · Joint Performance Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel – 25 July 2023 · Policy Development Panel – 25 July 2023 · Planning Committee – 6 September 2023 |
To receive the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan.
That the Key Decision Plan be noted. |
To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect of: a) Review of HRA Capital Programme and purchase of S106 homes in Weston – To review the HRA Capital Programme relating to housing delivery and to present a business case for the acquisition of 17 S106 Affordable Homes. b) Local Authority Housing Fund – to seek agreement for the Council to take part in the Local Authority Housing Fund programme Round 2 with a view to accepting government funding to support the delivery of eight new homes in the district to meet short, medium and long term housing need. c) 2023/24 Quarter One Finance update - To set out the current financial position for the Council at the end of the first quarter of 2023/24 (report of the Cabinet enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Cabinet which sought approval for the Cabinet’s recommendations
a) Review of HRA Capital Programme and purchase of S106 homes in Weston – to review the HRA Capital Programme relating to housing delivery and to present a business case for the acquisition of 17 S106 Affordable Homes
The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Leisure Centre Delivery and Spalding Town Improvement presented the report.
i. That the business case and acquisition of 17 affordable homes within Weston, for the HRA be approved;
ii. That the revised HRA capital programme as shown at Appendix B, including that scheme and the reprofiling of future years schemes be approved;
iii. That the reprofiling of funding for the HRA capital programme be approved;
iv. That delegation be given to the Assistant Director Strategic Growth and Development in consultation with Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and S151, to agree the contractual matters (including the terms and conditions which may represent a minor variation to the scheme approved in the business case) such as signing the contract/transfer document and other incidental actions that may be required, and to approve the associated due diligence and valuation required to purchase the properties; and
v. That the recommendations, as detailed within the exempt appendix be agreed.
b) Local Authority Housing Fund – to seek agreement for the Council to take part in the Local Authority Housing Fund Programme Round 2 with a view to accepting government funding to support the delivery of eight new homes in the district to meet short, medium and long term housing need.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing presented the report.
An error noted on page 50 of the agenda would be corrected relating to the ‘Addition to the Capital Programme’ of the ‘LAHF Round 2 – General Fund’. The total revised budget for ‘3 properties for general need’ 2023/24 would be amended from £788k to £738k.
That it be agreed that the 2023/24 capital programme be amended to reflect the LAHF project.
c) 2023/2024 Quarter One Finance Update
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up presented the report.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up would give a formal response in respect of the following questions raised regarding the 2023/24 Quarter One Finance Update:
That following agreement at Special Cabinet on 26 September 2023, the Council amends the Capital Programme to take into account the changes set out in the Cabinet report at Appendix A – Table 4 (General Fund) and Table 7 (HRA). |
Annual Treasury Management Review 2022/2023 PDF 241 KB To provide Members with a review of Treasury Management performance and activity during 2022/23 to ensure best practice is maintained (report of the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive -Corporate Development (S151) which provided members with a review of Treasury Management performance and activity during 2022/23 to ensure best practice was maintained.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up introduced the report which set out the Annual Treasury Management Review of the Council’s activities and actual prudential and treasury indicators for 2022/23 at Appendix A.
That the Council received and approved the Annual Treasury Management Review 2022/23 at Appendix A as required by the Local Government Act 2003 following scrutiny by the Governance and Audit Committee at their meeting on 19 September 2023. |
South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership Performance PDF 363 KB Six monthly update on Partnership performance (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which presented a six-monthly update on Partnership performance.
The Leader of the Council presented the report which set out the progress of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership since the last update on 2 March 2023.
Members commented that although the missions relating to ‘Transport Infrastructure’ and ‘Digital Connectivity’, as stated on page 87 of the agenda, were ambitious, they also needed to be realistic. Improvements were required. The Leader responded that should a Mayoral combined authority come to fruition, there would be access to a specific group and funding to focus on transport infrastructure. It was acknowledged that digital connectively in rural areas was an issue and this would continue to be communicated to Lincolnshire County Council.
That the following be noted by Council: a) The progress of the Annual Delivery Plan 2023/24 (section 2); b) The Peer Review Action Plan and Business Case delivery progress (section 3); c) The updates from the Priority Partnerships (section 4); and d) The Partnership Scrutiny Action Plan delivery progress (section 5). |
To seek approval for the appointment of a Council representative to the Special Interest Group (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which sought approval for the appointment of a Council representative to the Special Interest Group.
The Leader of the Council presented the report which outlined the Partnership Councils’ ambition to form a Special Interest Group which would work with government to seek a new funding mechanism for Internal Drainage Boards. Working with other Councils which encountered the same issue, an application had been submitted to the Local Government Association (LGA) to form a Special Interest Group which would lobby government on the matter. The report sought to appoint the Council’s representative to the Special Interest Group (should the LGA confirm it was supported).
That the appointment of Councillor Paul Redgate, Portfolio Holder for Finance, as South Holland District Council’s representative on the Local Government Association Internal Drainage Board Special Interest Group (if formed) be agreed. |
Nominations for Committees and other Seats and Proposed Changes to the Constitution. To receive, from political groups, nominations for any changes to Committees and other seats and to consider any proposed changes to the Constitution. Minutes: The Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) announced the following Outside Body appointments to Council:
· Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel – Councillor Jim Astill had stood down; and Councillor Allan Beal was nominated to represent as a member of this outside body; · South Holland Internal Drainage Board – Councillor Henry Bingham had stood down; and Councillor Nanette Chapman nominated to represent as a member of this outside body.
That the following appointments be approved:
a) Councillor A Beal to be appointment to represent on the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel; and b) Councillor Nanette Chapman to be appointed to represent on the South Holland Internal Drainage Board. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent
NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the items(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were none |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: DECISION:
Under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public were excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Restricted minute To sign as a correct record the restricted minute for the meeting of Council held on 26 July 2023.
Minutes: Consideration was given to the restricted minute from the meeting of Council held on 26 July 2023
The open minute had been approved at agenda item 2, however members were given the opportunity to ask questions on the restricted minute in closed session. No questions were raised.
That the restricted minute of the meeting of Full Council held on 26 July 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Report from Cabinet Meeting on 12 September 2023 and Special Cabinet meeting on 26 September 2023 Exempt appendices to the report at agenda item 10. Minutes: The recommendations from the Report from Cabinet Meeting on 12 September 2023 and Special Cabinet meeting on 26 September 2023 had been approved at agenda item 10. Members were given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the Review of HRA Capital Programme and purchase of S106 homes in Weston item in closed session.
That the exempt information be noted. |