Venue: Meeting Room 1, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764693
No. | Item |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Performance Monitoring Panel meeting held on 15 November 2023 (enclosed). Minutes: AGREED:
That the minutes of the 15 November 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
An update on actions which arose at the 15 November 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting and the tracking of outstanding actions (enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the actions which arose at the 15 November 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting, and the tracking of outstanding actions.
That the responses to actions be noted. |
Declaration of Interests. Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation. Minutes: There were none. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 6 Minutes: There were none. |
Tracking of Recommendations To consider responses of the Cabinet to reports of the Panel. Minutes: There were none. |
Items referred from the Policy Development Panel. PDF 130 KB Sustainable Products Policy At the 12 December 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting, members agreed that performance review of the Sustainable Products Policy be indicated to the Performance Monitoring Panel (relevant minute from 12 December 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting enclosed).
Minutes: At their meeting held on 12 December 2023, Policy Development Panel members had indicated that future performance monitoring of the Sustainable Products Policy be referred to the Performance Monitoring Panel. The minutes of that meeting were included in the agenda pack of the current meeting.
The Performance Monitoring Panel Chairman referred to the Sustainable Products Policy Action Plan, which was agreed at the 14 March 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting, and of the progress summary which was presented to the Panel at the current meeting.
Members considered the information and agreed that a performance update report be presented to the Performance Monitoring Panel in six months’ time.
That a performance update in respect of the Sustainable Products Policy be presented to the Performance Monitoring Panel in six months’ time.
To note the current Key Decision Plan (enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan dated 22 December 2023.
That the Key Decision Plan be noted. |
Primary Health Care Provision PDF 669 KB Following a request by the Performance Monitoring Panel at its meeting held on 15 November 2023, a NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board contact, Sandra Williamson, will be in attendance to provide information relating to primary health care provision and patient strategy, and to answer members’ questions.
Minutes: Following a request by the Performance Monitoring Panel, Sarah-Jane Mills, Director of Primary Care and Community and Social Value for the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB); and Sandra Williamson, Director for Health Inequalities, Prevention and Regional Collaboration for the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, were in attendance to provide information relating to Primary Health Care provision and Patient Strategy, and to answer members’ questions.
The Chairman confirmed the background for the attendance request which had stemmed from the desire of members to obtain a better understanding of service level provision expectations, in order to be better equipped to answer residents’ questions. The following areas were stated as being of particular interest:
A presentation which detailed the following information was delivered to members at the meeting, and appended to the minutes: In respect of General Practice:
In respect of Dental Services:
Members considered the presentation and update from the ICB representatives and made the following comments:
Attendance by the Homelessness Reduction Manager Following a request by the Performance Monitoring Panel at its meeting held on 15 November 2023, the Homelessness Reduction Manager will be in attendance to answer members’ questions. Minutes: Following presentation of the 2023/2024 Q2 Performance Report to the Performance Monitoring Panel on 15 November 2023, the Homelessness Reduction Manager attended to answer members’ questions.
The Homelessness Reduction Manager gave the following overview of the role of the homelessness service:
An update on requested data trends was presented to the Panel, which included that:
Members thanked the Homelessness Reduction Manager for his attendance and the following comments were made:
Review of Implemented Planning Decisions PDF 228 KB To update the Performance Monitoring Panel on the conclusions of the Review of Implemented Planning Decisions Tour, subsequent to the report being presented to the Planning Committee (report of the Head of Planning enclosed).
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Planning which updated the Performance Monitoring Panel of the Review of Implemented Planning Decisions Tour, subsequent to being presented to the Planning Committee.
The Chairman introduced the report, on behalf of the Principal Planning Officer, and stated that the contents had been accepted by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 10 January 2024.
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
Following presentation of the report to the Performance Monitoring Panel subsequent to presentation of the report to the Planning Committee:
a) That the contents of the report be noted;
b) That the comments of the Panel be noted by Planning Officers;
c) That the Review of Implemented Planning Decisions occurred every two years, in place of the current process which occurred annually; and
d) That for future Review of Implemented Planning Decision Tours, invitations be extended to include members of the Planning Committee.
Performance Monitoring Panel Work Programme PDF 179 KB To set out the Work Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel (report of the Assistant Director – Governance enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistance Director – Governance which set out the Work Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel and requested items for consideration for inclusion.
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report, and the following main points were highlighted:
The Chairman stated that: · It was his understanding that a Business Plan had been produced for the South Holland Centre. Since members of the South Holland Centre Task Group had been drawn from both the Performance Monitoring Panel and the Policy Development Panel, it had been suggested that a Special joint meeting be arranged for scrutiny of the Business Plan; and · Arrangements for the Special joint meeting would be circulated to members of both panels in due course. As a result, the South Holland Centre Task Group update, scheduled for the 19 March 2024 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting, was to be removed from the Work Programme.
Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field Task Group (update on progress of recommendations) The Strategic Operational and Property Manager to provide a verbal update in relation to progress made towards completion of the Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field Task Group recommendations agreed by Full Council at its meeting held on 26 July 2023.
Minutes: Consideration was given to the verbal update of the Strategic Operational and Property Manager which updated the Panel on progress made towards the Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field Task Group recommendations.
The Strategic Operational and Property Manager presented the following verbal update to the Panel:
Members considered the update and made the following comments:
That the verbal update be noted.
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent
NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were none. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Minutes: Under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public were excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field Task Group (update on progress of recommendations) To consider any exempt information, if required. Minutes: The consideration of exempt information was not required. |
Restricted Minute To sign as a correct record the restricted minute of the Performance Monitoring Panel meeting held on 15 November 2023 (enclosed). Minutes: Members considered the exempt minute from the 15 November 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting.
No comments were made.
That the exempt minute from the 15 November 2023 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting be signed as a correct record.