Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764693
No. | Item |
Minutes Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the Performance Monitoring Panel meeting held on 19 October 2022.
That the minutes be signed as a correct record. |
Actions |
Actions: updated responses Minutes: Consideration was given to the actions which arose at the 15 June 2022 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting, and the tracking of previous outstanding actions.
Members requested further responses for the following actions: · Action 8c: a formal response was requested regarding Housing Repairs Team resources; · Action 10a: members asked for clarification of current ownership of the public toilets situated near the Crowland water tower; o The Democratic Services Officer would approach officers for further updates. · Action 10c: the results of the heavy duty timer lock trial were requested. o The Holbeach ward member confirmed that the trial had been successful and there were no issues with the heavy duty locks · Action 13a: Members asked whether the planned recruitment had taken place. o The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture confirmed that the positions had been filled.
That the actions be noted. |
Actions: Spalding Recycling Centre Minutes: During the Performance Monitoring Panel meeting held on 15 June 2022, members had requested that the responsible Lincolnshire County Council (L.C.C.) Portfolio Holder attend a future meeting to answer questions regarding performance of Spalding Recycling Centre. The L.C.C Portfolio Holder was unable to attend the current meeting but had requested that questions be forwarded for a response after the meeting.
Members were disappointed that the Lincolnshire County Council Portfolio Holder had not been able to attend. There were no further questions from the Panel at this stage. |
Declaration of Interests. Minutes: There were none. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 6 Minutes: There were none. |
Tracking of Recommendations |
South Holland Centre Task Group Tracking of Recommendations Minutes: Members considered responses of the Cabinet to reports of the Panel, relating to the recommendations of the South Holland Centre Task Group.
The Chairman introduced the item which at Appendix A laid out the Task Group’s recommendations, and the Cabinet’s response to them at meetings held on 7 June 2022 and 19 July 2022. The Chairman commented that he was unhappy with the amendment to the original Cabinet recommendations on 7 June 2022 as he felt that this had altered the emphasis of the report. He also commented that he did not believe that the recommendations of the South Holland Centre Task Group had been followed and also stated that the Chairman of the Task Group had not received a progress report. A written progress report had therefore been requested to come forward to the current meeting, at agenda item 6b, however the report had not been available for the adjourned meeting on 14 September 2022 and would come forward to a future meeting.
Members considered the Chairman’s comments and made the following comments:
That the update of the South Holland Task Group Tracking of Recommendations be noted.
South Holland Centre Task Group progress report on recommendations Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Facilities attended the meeting to update the Panel on progress of the South Holland Centre Task Group recommendations:
The Chairman welcomed the verbal update by the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Facilities but reiterated that a written report would need to come forward.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Facilities introduced the update by giving a brief timeline of events:
The following outcomes had resulted from the investigations of the Cabinet sub-group and the upcoming report included:
Progress had included:
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Facilities completed the update by thanking all members and interviewees of the South Holland Centre Task Group for their input.
Members referred to recommendation 1b on the South Holland Centre Task Group Tracking document, and asked whether the Business Plan going forward to Cabinet had been extended through to September 2023.
Items referred from the Policy Development Panel. Minutes: There were none. |
Key Decision Plan Minutes: Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan dated 30 May 2022.
· Members referred to the ‘Acquisition of S106 affordable homes in Gosberton, from a developer’ and requested that all three ward members be consulted individually.
That the Key Decision Plan be noted.
Performance Report Q1 2022/2023 Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which provided an update on how the Council had performed from the period 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022.
The Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership introduced the report on behalf of the Senior Change and Performance Business Partner, by stating that the following items were below target:
Both areas had been impacted by complex cases. Q2 data, to be reported to the Panel at the next meeting, would show that progress had been made however further improvements were required. The Head of Customer Contact (PSPS) and the Homelessness Reduction and Private Sector Improvement Manager were in attendance to update the Panel on progress and to answer member questions.
The Head of Customer Contact (PSPS) gave the following update:
A general update on the service had included the following points:
Animal Welfare Inspections Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Public Protection to update the Panel on the current position as regards the inspection of animal activities licenced under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.
The Public Protection Manager introduced the report by stating that the update had been requested at the Licensing Committee held on 29 June 2022. The report detailed the inspection regime under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.
The Public Protection Manager referred to the figures at point 2.12 of the report and stated that the 15 renewal inspections were due up until the end of July: this was the figure at the time the report was written, with 24 being due in total in 2022. Inspections due to date had now been undertaken. Regarding point 2.15, the number of applications processed by the team had further increased in 2021/2022, and a greater complexity of cases had been presented. A new member of staff had been recruited and was developing well into the role. Any fluctuations in volume impacted on workflow and a growth bid for extra resources was being considered.
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
· Members asked if any potential risks to the Council, and individuals, had been considered where inspections were not undertaken. o The Public Protection Manager stated that delayed re-inspections for licence renewals could render the published inspection star rating inaccurate – reductions and improvements in performance would not be recognised. o Delays in the processing of new licences could impact business activities leading to complaints and reputational damage.
Members were grateful for the update which had assisted their understanding of the underlying issues.
That the contents of ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Swimming Pool and Leisure Facilities Task Group update Q1 2022/2023 Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture to provide the Panel with an update on leisure provision.
The report provided the Panel with an update on the 2022/23 Quarter 1 position for the provision of leisure and the development of the future options and opportunities for leisure provision in South Holland.
Members considered the update and made the following comments:
a) That members noted the 2022/23 Quarter 1 performance outcomes detailed within the report; and
b) That members noted the approach being taken to develop the future options and opportunities for leisure provision in South Holland. |
Performance Monitoring Panel Work Programme Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Interim Assistant Director – Governance which set out the Work Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel. The work programme consisted of two separate sections, the first setting out the date of the future Panel meetings along with proposed items for consideration, and the second setting out the Task Groups that had been identified by the Panel.
The Democratic Services Officer outlined the following updates to the Work Programme.
Regarding Appendix A:
Regarding Appendix B:
That the Work Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel be noted. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent Minutes: There were none. |