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Minutes PDF 192 KB
To sign as a correct record the
minutes of the following meeting:
8 September 2021
Consideration was given to the minutes of the
Performance Monitoring Panel held on 8 September 2021.
That the minutes be signed as a correct
18. |
Declaration of Interests.
Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary
Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting
and leave the room without participating in any discussion or
making a statement on the item, except where a councillor is
permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.
19. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 6
20. |
Tracking of Recommendations
To consider responses of the
Cabinet to reports of the Panel.
21. |
Items referred from the Policy Development Panel.
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Key Decision Plan PDF 216 KB
To note the current Key
Decision Plan
Consideration was given to the Key Decision
Plan issued on 1 November 2021, and the following points were
- Members queried the approval sought
to purchase S106 rented dwellings and asked how many properties
this related to and where they had been located.
- The question would be referred to
the relevant officer and the information circulated to members of
the Committee.
- Members asked whether the Corporate
Enforcement Policy feedback related to a general policy or a
specific policy.
- The question would be referred to
the relevant officer and the information circulated to members of
the Committee.
- Members enquired about the location
of properties A,E and F which were to be acquired before January
2022. Where had the properties been located and had the acquisition
date been realistic?
- The question would be referred to
the relevant officer and the information circulated to members of
the Committee.
- Members noted progress had been made
regarding the appointment of an Employer’s Agent Services
consultant but questioned whether resources had existed within the
council’s current establishment. Members asked for further
clarification from relevant officers.
- Members asked which land assets had
been referred to regarding new potential housing sites. Had the
Holbeach Depot site been considered/offered for housing prior to
the disposal decision?
- The Chairman responded that sites
had been considered for both HRA and Welland Homes. A better
outcome had been anticipated through the sale of the Depot.
- Members requested more detailed and
descriptive information be included in the Key Decision Plan which
provided clarity for the meeting. The need for referrals to
officers outside of the meeting would be alleviated.
That the Key Decision Plan issued on 1
November 2021 be noted.
23. |
Q2 Performance Report 21/22 PDF 114 KB
To provide an update on how the
Council is performing for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 September
2021 (report of the Assistant Director - Corporate and Portfolio
Holder Corporate and Communications enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Corporate and Portfolio Holder Corporate
and Communications, which provided an update up how the Council was
performing for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 September 2021.
The officer stated that: no major changes had
been seen from Q1 to Q2; complaint response times had improved;
staff hours dealing with fly-tipping had reduced; call response
performance had reduced.
The Head of Customer Contact PSPS delivered a
presentation to the Panel which outlined the challenges that had
been experienced, mitigations that had been put in place, and the
future plans for the Contact Centre. This included:
- Causes of performance
- the Covid-19 response;
- customer contact behaviour had
changed: call times, email levels and administration had increased
due to front facing office closures and an unprecedented demand had
- increased calls compared to
pre-pandemic levels had been seen for Housing by 109%; Housing
repairs by 26%; and Waste and Recycling by 35%;
- ongoing Covid support which related to Grants, and Test and
- increased staff turnover;
- office closures, staff absences and
Covid isolations.
- Mitigations in place included:
- recruitment activity and training
programmes had taken place;
- remedial processes had been
- a triage call-back system had
- transformation processes had been
- office based delivery had returned
which had focussed on resolving customer queries upon the first
point of contact.
- Future plans included:
- the telephony and Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) system to be replaced which
would improve communications according
to customer demand and contact behaviour changes;
- a service alignment focus was needed
to provide greater resilience and consistency of customer
- digital opportunities to be
- the availability of the service for
those who could not engage digitally needed to be maintained. Front
facing customer service had been an expensive channel however a
consistent service needed to be provided for all residents:
digitally and in person/telephone.
The Head of Customer Contact (PSPS) concluded
that high performance and service delivery levels had been achieved
over the previous five years and the current pressures had not been
consistent with their usual high standards. Statutory services had
been maintained from the start of the pandemic which some other
authorities had not achieved. Customer Satisfaction and Quality had
maintained well above 90% target. Although the forecast for Q3 and
Q4 had shown a risk, which had been based on performance at the end
of Q2, aggressive measures had been put in place to overcome the
pressures that had been experienced.
The Panel considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members asked whether call handing
times comparisons had been made between those answered at SHDC
contact centre and those answered at the Manby contact centre.
- The Head of Customer Contact PSPS
confirmed that call duration times had been monitored and had been
- Members noted that call handling
times of 120 seconds had not been met and asked whether this had
been realistic. If calls had become more complex, should the target
be revised?
24. |
Refuse Collection From Private Drives Update
The Head of Environmental and
Operational Services will be in attendance to provide a verbal
The Panel received a verbal update from the
Head of Environmental and Operational Services on refuse collection
from private drives.
The Head of Environmental and Operational
Services stated the key points of the policy.
The purpose of the policy had been to:
- set out the official policy of
non-collection of waste from unadopted
- state exceptions where an indemnity
could have been considered.
- the policy had not been set up to
address existing issues but sought to limit the prevalence of new
ones. The policy sought to support both residents and developers
which clarified the council’s position on waste collections
from private drives.
- indemnities had been utilised for
appropriate exceptions:
- a new development in Holbeach had been facilitated by an indemnity which
had also supported SHDC to undertake safe waste collections;
- a further indemnity had unlocked a
development in Spalding;
- an increase in indemnity requests
had been received. Many requests had not included an appropriate
use of the indemnity and therefore had not progressed;
- further guidance of the appropriate
use of the indemnity was to be published in order to support both
residents and developers.
The officer concluded that the policy had
achieved its objectives and ensured SHDC had safely delivered the
waste collection service.
The Panel considered the update and made the
following comments:
- The Chairman commented that the
further guidance had still been in development.
- The Head of Environmental and
Operational Services confirmed this had been the case. Development
had included input from other council departments which ensured the
best outcome for residents, developers and SHDC as the waste
collection authority.
- Members questioned whether the
policy would lead to improvements. A different approach existed
when Planning applications had been considered which included
private drives.
- The Head of Environmental and
Operational Services confirmed that work had taken place with the
Planning department which addressed concerns ahead of the
publication of the further guidance.
- The Chairman commented that the
policy and further guidance from Environmental Services
strengthened the Planning system and curtailed the development of
private drives.
- Members referred to the guidance
which had stated that a limit of six houses be considered/built
where private drives had been unavoidable, however cases beyond
this had occurred. Members sought clarification whether the
guidance limited the collection of waste to a maximum of six
properties on private drives and had developers been informed.
- The Head of Environmental and
Operational Services clarified that the verbal update had related
to the policy which had been adopted a year ago. The point now
raised had related to draft additional guidance produced in
collaboration with Planners and had been in the process of
refinement prior to publication.
- Members asked whether the guidance
would be relevant to existing private drives where planning consent
had been obtained.
- The Head of Environmental and
Operational Services confirmed that indemnities which qualified for
consideration were to be listed in the further guidance document
which would assist applications prior to planning submission.
Indemnities for existing private drives would be considered where
stated ...
view the full minutes text for item 24.
25. |
Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field Task Group
Update on the current status of
recommendations, and an update on all the issues raised by the
original task group (as requested by PMP November 2020).
The Communities Manager will be
in attendance to provide a verbal update.
The Communities Manager attended to give an
annual verbal update regarding the Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field
Task Group.
The officer outlined the remit of the Task
The Task Group had been established in
December 2013 in response to concerns raised by the Charity
Commission over the perceived level of public benefit derived from
the Playing Field, a registered charity.
Detailed legal advice concluded that the
Council had been acting lawfully.
The Task Group scope had been “to
consider whether it is possible for the Council to extend and widen
public access to the Field within the terms of the Deeds and to
make recommendations back to the Council”
The Task Group had made 15 key recommendations
which had been addressed, which included:
- increased promotion and widening of
use which had met charitable aims;
- improved booking process which had
captured recommendations;
- that appropriate fees and charges
had been set; and
- that maintenance and compliance had
been managed.
Benefits had included:
- that access to the Playing Field had
been widely available for sporting purposes;
- the Council had remained compliant
with Charity Commission guidance; and
- that unreasonable costs had not been
A wide range of sporting and leisure users had
been attracted to the site prior to 2020, these had included:
Pinchbeck United; Aintree Football Club; ladies teams; Santa Fun
Runs; Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue; and Spalding Baptist Church,
amongst others.
The Communities team had organised and
delivered two annual events on the site which had:
- promoted sports clubs and groups
across the district;
- promoted the field for future
For 2020/21:
- Covid restrictions had led to
- the South Holland Outdoor Festival
ran by the Communities team in July 2021 had been well attended;
- football had returned, with
restrictions in place as required.
Future work included actions which related
- review of fees and charges which
included utility costs;
- review of digital bookings
- promotion of the site; and
- engagement of local clubs and
The Panel considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members stated that online booking
searches for the site had not delivered appropriate results and
welcomed an improved digital profile. Members questioned how people
could find the site online if they had not known it had been owned
by the council.
- The officer stated that booking
information had been evident at the site through signage. Direct
promotion to clubs had included specific booking details. Website
key words would be reviewed to improve internet search
- Members asked whether a long-term
strategy for the field had been considered. Had 3rd,
4th & 5th generation pitches been
- The officer confirmed that the field
had been left in trust to the people of South Holland and that the
council had been bound by the trust. Community minded partners had
been supportive in developing the use of the site which had
contributed to meeting these aims;
- the activities needed to be sports
and leisure based; and
- a district-wide piece of work was to
view the full minutes text for item 25.
26. |
Swimming Pool and Leisure Facilities Contract Task Group
Update to be received on
progress of recommendations.
The Communities Manager will be
in attendance to provide a verbal update.
The Panel received a verbal update regarding
the Swimming Pool and Leisure Facilities Contract Task Group from
the Communities Manager.
The officer introduced the verbal update with
an overview which included:
that recommendations from the final report of the Swimming Pool and
Leisure Facilities Contract Task Group had been in place since
approval by Cabinet in November 2016;
that six-monthly updates had been brought to the Performance
Monitoring Panel, which reported on:
monitoring of the Leisure Contract which had ensured improved
cleanliness and maintenance;
regular site inspections and monthly contract monitoring meetings
that had taken place; and
that a competitive tender process took place in 2018 and a new
leisure provider (Parkwood Leisure) and leisure contract had been
in place since March 2019. The contract included clear
specifications on cleanliness, maintenance and staffing levels and
had robust sanctions and penalties in place.
The officer outlined the journey the industry
had taken as a result of the pandemic. This had included:
- that all facilities had closed from
20 March 2020;
- gym and fitness facilities had
reopened on 25 July 2020;
- lane swimming had commenced on 1
September 2020;
- further restrictions had been
imposed in November 2020;
- the national Covid tiered system had been in place from 2
December 2020;
- a third national lockdown had been
in place from 30 December 2020;
- leisure facilities had reopened on
12 April 2021, some restrictions had still been in place;
- full reopening followed on 19 July
2021; and
- the Council had been supported to
sum of £203,045 through the National Leisure Recovery Fund
The officer updated the Panel on Q1 and Q2
- Q1 participation figures commenced
from reopening on 12 April 2021 and had shown an increase by 152%
to September 2021;
- memberships had increased by 43%
from May to September 2021. Targets had been met/exceeded but had
not yet reached pre-pandemic levels;
- gym classes and sports activities
had returned; participation in gym activities had reduced but this
had previously shown an increase whilst other activities had not
been available, and had since rebalanced;
- pool usage had increased and school
swimming sessions had returned;
- increased activity had occurred at
the Peele Leisure Centre since schools had returned in
- monitoring of health and safety
compliance had taken place;
- inspections had taken place and
observations had included:
- that staff had been welcoming,
friendly and knowledgeable;
- high standards of cleanliness had
been evident;
- a tidy and acceptable appearance had
been noted; and
- Customer feedback had been reviewed
and comments had been shared.
The next steps included:
- that the contract be monitored and
standards maintained;
- continued financial assistance to
the provision of leisure services. The NLRF funding had continued
to support recovery but pre-pandemic attendance levels had not yet
been achieved; and
- through the partnership and funding,
opportunities be sought to improve physical and mental health which
had been given greater prominence since the pandemic.
Members thanked the officer for the update and
made the following comments:
27. |
Corporate Enforcement Update PDF 167 KB
To provide Members with an
update on enforcement activity across the Council (report of the
Assistant Director Wellbeing & Community Leadership
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director Wellbeing and Community, which provided an
update on enforcement activity across the Council.
The Communities Manager introduced the report
with an overview which had included:
- that the policy had a wide range of
legislative powers and enforcement across council services which
included: Environmental Protection; Licensing; Food, Health and
Safety; Communities; Planning; Housing; and Building Control;
- confirmation of the incremental
enforcement approach which had been taken: compliance; advice and
warnings; appropriate and proportionate enforcement action;
- that a Corporate Enforcement Policy
update would be delivered to the next Policy Development Panel
- that enforcement activity for
2020/2021 had been included in the report; and
- recommendations of the report had
been to provide quarterly updates.
The Panel considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members stated that fly-tipping
reports had not been followed up. Known problem areas had existed
in the district, particularly near fast-food outlets on the A17,
where CCTV had been needed. Had there been a robust attempt to
- The Communities Manager requested
details of any specific incidents that had caused concern regarding
follow up. Evidence had been needed for action to have taken
place. There had been challenges around
the security of temporary cameras however advancements in
technology had provided a solution for their use in Q4. Proposals
had been developed which allowed specific fly-tipping incidents to
be dealt with through Fixed Penalty Notices rather than court
- Members stated that improved
detection and enforcement needed to be considered. Resources had
been needed and included within council budgets. Where new
fast-food sites had been proposed, it was suggested that planning
conditions needed to consider the disposal of branded waste.
- Various points were made by members
around the culture of littering and fly-tipping. Prevention
measures, which included signage, had been successful in
neighbouring districts. Enforcement responsibilities had been
within the remit of local authorities and needed to be utilised
where necessary. Members thanked the Spalding Wombles volunteers
for their work in the district.
- Members commented that the early
presentation of waste had caused problems in the district and that
increased resources had been needed to deal with the issue.
- The Communities Manager responded
that action had been difficult where waste had been presented early
at communal collection points where individual identities had not
been clear. Warning letters had been sent to residents in the
vicinity of communal areas where no individual perpetrator had been
- Members asked whether the 81 fixed
penalty notices and the court fines issued had been paid?
- The Communities Manager stated that
court fine cases had been followed from issue date through to
payment and that fixed penalty fines had been individually tracked
and payment pursued. Payment status updates for the 81 Fixed
Penalty Notices issued had not been available as cases had
straddled different financial years. Performance data for Fixed
Penalty Notices issued for specified financial years could be
interrogated if required.
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Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent
No other business is permitted unless by reason of special
circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the
Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as
a matter of urgency.