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63. |
Minutes PDF 166 KB
To sign as a correct record the
minutes of the following meetings:
Additional documents:
Members noted a discrepancy with the
attendance for the Performance Monitoring Panel meeting held on 23
January 2024
That the minutes of the 23 January 2024 Performance Monitoring
Panel meeting be signed by the Chairman as a correct record, with
amended attendance.
That the minutes of the 25 January 2024 Joint Performance
Monitoring Panel and Policy Development Panel meeting be signed by
the Chairman as a correct record.
64. |
Actions PDF 192 KB
An update on actions which
arose at the 23 January 2024 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting
and the tracking of outstanding actions (enclosed).
Consideration was given to the actions which
arose at the 23 January 2024 Performance Monitoring Panel meeting,
and the tracking of outstanding actions.
- Members referred to action 54.
23/24 in respect of the Primary Health Care Provision item
and expressed disappointment that responses to a number of member
queries, which arose at the 23 January 2024 meeting, had not been
- The Assistant Director –
Strategic Growth and Development would follow up the issue with the
Lincolnshire Integrated Health Board representatives.
That the responses to actions be noted.
65. |
Declaration of Interests.
Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary
Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting
and leave the room without participating in any discussion or
making a statement on the item, except where a councillor is
permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.
66. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 6
67. |
Tracking of Recommendations
To consider responses of the
Cabinet to reports of the Panel.
68. |
Items referred from the Policy Development Panel.
69. |
Key Decision Plan PDF 226 KB
To note the current Key
Decision Plan
Consideration was given to the Key Decision
Plan dated 8 March 2024.
That the Key Decision Plan be noted.
70. |
Q3 Performance Report 23-24 PDF 236 KB
To provide an update on how the
Council is performing for the period 1st October 2023 to
31st December 2023 (report of the Assistant Director
– Corporate enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Corporate which provided an update on
how the Council was performing for the period 1 October 2023 to 31
December 2023.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager
introduced the report and highlighted the following areas where
performance challenges had been identified:
- Homelessness at prevention stage:
- A decrease in performance in this
area was attributed to a surge in cases during quarter 3 which had
impacted the capacity to open cases at prevention stage; in total
120 cases had been recorded, of which 37 were at prevention;
- Work was taking place with partners,
such the Citizens Advice Bureau, to increase engagement around
prevention; and
- A detailed communication plan around
homelessness prevention was being put together which would be
shared with the Committee when available.
- Customer Contact:
- Performance remained stable and was
either on or slightly below target in most cases;
- A Customer Contact Board, akin to a
working group, had been established to scrutinise data and
performance in detail. Membership of the board included: the
Business Intelligence and Change Manager, the Head of Customer
Contact, the Assistant Director – Corporate, the Head of
PSPS, the Head of ICT, the Communications Manager, and the three
responsible Portfolio Holders at each Council. The following key
areas of focus had been identified:
- A review of the council website
which aimed to improve the customer digital experience and reduce
the volume of calls;
- A communication piece was required
to improve the signposting of specific queries to partners as
appropriate, such as Lincolnshire County Council for street
lighting, in order to reduce unnecessary calls to SHDC;
- The implementation of online forms
would be accelerated for high traffic areas; and
- A Housing Repairs self-serve tool
was currently in a test phase and was planned to be launched during
April 2024.
- Governance:
- Whilst both ‘Freedom of
Information requests responded to within statutory deadlines’
and ‘responses to Corporate Complaints within corporately set
timescales’ were below target for the quarter, a Section 113
arrangement from December 2023 had led to improvements, with 100
per cent response rates.
- Planning and Strategic
- The clearance of older cases had led
to an increase in the percentage of all Planning Decisions that
were subject to extensions of time (EOT). A strategy to implement a
stricter approach to application delays was indicated within the
- Financial Indicators:
- An underperformance of Car Parking
income received against budget for quarter 3 had prompted plans to
install new parking machines by the end of March 2024. In addition,
a new car parking fee structure from 8 April 2024 would include a
‘Commuter and Shopper pass’ with an aim to boost
revenue generation.
- Industrial Units:
- Two Industrial Units had become
vacant during quarter 3. Both had been advertised and one had
received interest, however, at the current time, the market for
office space was not deemed to be strong. All other units across
the district were let.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager
stated that positive performance ...
view the full minutes text for item 70.
71. |
Peer Challenge Action Tracker Update PDF 312 KB
To receive an update on the
implementation of the actions agreed following the Council’s
LGA Peer Challenge (a presentation will be provided to the Panel at
the meeting).
Consideration was given to the Peer Review
Action Tracker Update which provided members with an action plan
progress update in respect of the South Holland District Council
Peer Review.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager
relayed the update to members at the meeting by way of a
presentation (which was to be appended to the minutes), and a
verbal update which highlighted the following points:
- All recommendations from the SHDC
Peer Review were listed on the tracker, and colour-coded according
to their status, as follows: completed (grey), not started (not
applicable), on plan (green), off plan but mitigation in place to
get back on plan (amber), or off plan with no mitigation
- A number of recommendations had been
completed (grey) or were progressing according to the plan (green).
The following amber recommendations with mitigations were
- ‘Review SHDC’s
Constitution to consider greater delegations, and where
appropriate, consistency with other SELCP
authorities’: progress had been
made and this recommendation would be brought back on track in July
2024 when it was to be considered at the Full Council meeting;
- ‘Launch Equalities, Diversity
and Inclusion Training for members and officers’: training
would be launched in April 2025;
- ‘Develop and deliver a Place
Strategy for the Partnership and sub-region and communicate the
vision to stakeholders and communities’: adoption had been
re-scheduled for quarter 2 2024/2025; and
- ‘Develop and deliver an
Economic Strategy and Inward Investment Plan for the
sub-region’: consideration by Cabinet had been rescheduled
for quarter 1 2024/2025.
- A performance update would be
presented to the Performance Monitoring Panel on a six-monthly
Members welcomed the update and did not raise
any questions.
That the Peer Review Action Tracker Update be
noted by the Panel.
72. |
Performance Monitoring Panel Work Programme PDF 179 KB
To set out the Work Programme
of the Performance Monitoring Panel (report of the Assistant
Director – Governance enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Governance which set out the Work
Programme of the Performance Monitoring Panel.
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the
report and highlighted the following main points:
- Scheduled meetings of the Panel and
expected items would be populated at Appendix A upon confirmation
of SHDC’s schedule of meetings for 2024/2025;
- A Special meeting regarding the
South Holland Centre had been scheduled for 18 April 2024; and
- Appendix B detailed the Task Groups
of the Panel.
That the Work Programme be noted by the Panel.
73. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent
No other business is permitted unless by reason of special
circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the
Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as
a matter of urgency.