Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764838
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor P Redgate, Councillor A Tennant and Councillor A Woolf.
The Senior Planning Lawyer reported that notification had been received of the following substitutions for this meeting only:
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2023 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2023.
That the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Declaration of Interests. (Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.) Minutes: There were none.
Questions asked under the Council's Constitution (Standing Orders). Minutes: There were none.
Outline application for Erection of buildings to comprise up to 70,000 square metres (Gross Internal Area) of Class B8 (storage or distribution) floorspace to include ancillary Class E (g) (office) floorspace and provision of associated infrastructure including utilising existing vehicular access from B1173. Outline with means of access to be considered at Land North of B1173 Barrier Bank and West of A16 Spalding (Lincs Gateway) Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed). Minutes:
Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application as to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.
Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance. The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.
Councillor Ashby spoke as a ward member on this item and therefore did not vote.
That permission be granted subject to the conditions listed at Section 9.0 of the report and an additional condition recommended by the Lead Local Flood Authority.
The following planning obligations to be secured through a Unilateral Undertaking:
a) The highway authority’s legal and administrative costs in investigating and progressing a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for a reduced speed limit on this part of the network. i. The cost would be £4.500.
(Moved by Councillor Bingham, Seconded by Councillor Beal)
Condition Compliance application for Details of external materials, landscaping, boundary treatments & screening, existing & proposed site levels & floor levels, construction management, contamination & pollution, storage & disposal of refuse & recycling, estate road & footways finished surface levels, surface water drainage scheme, foul water drainage works & archaeological investigation (Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 9 (parts i-iii), 12, 15, 16, 17 & 20 of H13-1215-18) at Land North of Roman Road, Moulton Chapel, Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes:
Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application as to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.
Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance. The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.
Councillor Casson spoke as a ward member on this item and therefore did not vote.
That permission be granted subject to the conditions/notes listed at Section 9.0 of the report.
(Moved by Councillor Bingham, Seconded by Councillor Gibson)
Outline application for Erection of 13 dwellings and construction of internal roads with associated landscaping and areas of open space at Keston Nurseries (Former), Mill Green Road, Pinchbeck (report of Development Manager). Minutes:
Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application as to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.
Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance. The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.
That permission be granted subject to the conditions/notes listed at Section 9.0 of the report, with Condition 3 being modified remove the restriction on the storey height of the dwellings and an additional condition to secure the retention of the hedge that runs along the access, and the applicant entering into a s106 agreement for 3 affordable housing units, an education contribution of £87,740 and a healthcare contribution of £8,580.
(Moved by Councillor Ashby, Seconded by Councillor Beal)
Modified Agreement application for Modification of 106 agreement relating to affordable housing – planning approval H09-0521-14 at Holbeach Meadows, Hall Gate, Holbeach (report of Development Manager). Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application as to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.
Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance. The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.
That Committee approve the general approach to amending the S106 agreement based on the terms set out in the report and delegate to officers agreement to finalise the wording of a Deed of Variation and associated updated conditions, and report the final agreed wording to Chairman’s Panel prior to a decision being issued.
(Moved by Councillor Bingham, Seconded by Councillor Tyrrell)
S73A Continuation application for Access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for highways infrastructure (new link road, roundabout, junctions and modifications to Hall Gate and Fen Road (Phase 1A)), and two phases of residential development totalling 330 dwellings (Phases 1B & 2). Development Brief and Masterplan for phased development of remainder of site (Outline permission H09-0521-14) – approved under H09-0331-17. Modification of Condition 1 to allow amendments to previously approved plans at Holbeach Meadows, Hallgate, Holbeach (report of the Development Manager enclosed). Minutes:
Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application as to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.
Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance. The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.
That Committee approve the application based on the terms set out in the report and delegate to officers agreement to finalise the conditions and modified Section 106 agreement and report the final agreed wording to Chairman’s Panel prior to the decision being issued.
(Moved by Councillor Beal, Seconded by Councillor Gibson)
Planning Updates. Minutes: There were none. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.
Note: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were none. |