Agenda and minutes

Please note Item 8 (H16-1093-23) has been withdrawn from this agenda, Planning Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding

Contact: Democratic Services  01775 764838

No. Item


Apologies for absence.


The Senior Planning Lawyer reported that notification had been received of the following substitution for this meeting only:


·       Councillor M Geaney was replacing Councillor G Taylor

·       Councillor I Sheard was replacing Councillor A Tennant


Minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2024 (copy enclosed). 


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2024.



That the minutes be signed as a correct record.


Declaration of Interests.

(Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.)


Councillor Bingham declared an interest in item 9 due to this falling within his portfolio and would therefore leave the room for the duration of that item.


Questions asked under the Council's Constitution (Standing Orders).


There were none.


H09-1044-23 pdf icon PDF 17 MB

Reserved Matters application for Erection of 285 dwellings including parking, public open space, drainage, infrastructure, landscaping, access, appearance, layout and scale (Phase 3) – outline approval H09-0521-14 and re-submission of H09-0845-22 and H09-1118-22 at Land off Hallgate and Fen Road, Holbeach, Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Planning No. and Applicant


H09-1044-23 Ashwood Homes Ltd

Reserved Matters application for Erection of 285 dwellings including parking, public open space, drainage, infrastructure, landscaping, access, appearance, layout and scale (Phase 3) – outline approval H09-0521-14 and re-submission of H09-0845-22 and H09-1118-22 at Land off Hallgate and Fen Road, Holbeach, Spalding.


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.


Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance.  The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.




That permission be deferred to allow negotiation with developers to make amendments in respect of a number of concerns raised by members of the committee - siting of the attenuation pond; clarity around maintenance of swales in front of houses; the quality volume and siting of open spaces; access issues; poor design.


(Moved by Councillor Avery, Seconded by Councillor Brewis).


H11-0960-23 pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Full application for Change of use of land to form residential curtilage at Seagate Farm, 184 Seagate Road, Long Sutton (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Planning No. and Applicant


H11-0960-23 Mrs A Hoey

Full application for Change of use of land to form residential curtilage at Seagate Farm, 184 Seagate Road, Long Sutton


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.


Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance.  The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.




That permission be refused due to concerns that the application would have on the harm to the character of the area, loss of agricultural land together with the domestication of the land.


(Moved by Councillor Avery, Seconded by Councillor Brewis).


Oral representations were received in respect of the above application in line with the Council’s scheme of public speaking at Planning Committee meetings:


Supporter:  Shanna Jackson (Applicant)


H09-0501-23 pdf icon PDF 11 MB

Full application for Erection of Agricultural Machinery Assembly Facility, Research and Training Facility, Ground Mounted Solar Array and Associated Infrastructure at Land off Holbeach Drove Gate, Holbeach Drove, Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Planning No. and Applicant


H09-0501-23 G Sly Holdings Ltd

Full application for Erection of Agricultural Machinery Assembly Facility, Research and Training Facility, Ground Mounted Solar Array and Associated Infrastructure at Land off Holbeach Drove Gate, Holbeach Drove, Spalding


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.


Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance.  The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.




That permission be granted subject to the conditions outlined at Section 9.0 of the report.


(Moved by Councillor Bingham, Seconded by Councillor T Sneath).


Oral representations were received in respect of the above application in line with the Council’s scheme of public speaking at Planning Committee meetings:


Supporter:  Richard Lewis (Applicant)


H16-1093-23 – withdrawn from agenda pdf icon PDF 7 MB

Full application for Change of use from retail (Class E (a) to mixed use, comprising of ancillary retail, café, play space, offices (Class E), Church (Class F1), a community meeting place (Class F2) and food bank (Sui Generis) at 18-19 Broad Street, Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Planning No. and Applicant


H16-1093-23 The Lighthouse Pentecostal Church

Full application for Change of use from retail (Class E (a) to mixed use, comprising of ancillary retail, café, play space, offices (Class E), Church (Class F1), a community meeting place (Class F2) and food bank (Sui Generis) at 18-19 Broad Street, Spalding


The Chairman advised that this item had been withdrawn.


H16-0335-24 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Listed Building Consent application for Cleaning, repointing and stone repair works to the Stone of Remembrance (War Stone) and steps at Ayscoughfee Hall Museum and Gardens, Church Gate, Spalding (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Planning No. and Applicant


H16-0335-24 South Holland District Council

Listed Building Consent application for Cleaning, repointing and stone repair works to the Stone of Remembrance (War Stone) and steps at Ayscoughfee Hall Museum and Gardens, Church Gate, Spalding


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager upon which the above application was to be determined, including his recommendations, copies of which had previously been circulated to all members.


Members debated the matter and fully explored the details of the application in light of prevailing policies and guidance.  The debate was not repeated here as Planning Committee meetings were webcast and could be viewed on South Holland District Council’s Facebook page for a limited period of time, in line with the Democratic Services Privacy Notice.


Councillor Bingham left the room for the duration of the discussion on this item.




That permission be granted subject to the conditions outlined at Section 9.0 of the report.


(Moved by Councillor Beal, Seconded by Councillor Redgate).


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To provide an update on recent Appeal Decisions (report of the Development Manager enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Development Manager which provided an update on recent appeals decisions.



That the report be noted.


Planning Updates.


There were none.


Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.



Note:         No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. 


There were none.