Agenda and minutes

This informal meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and streamed live. The link for this can be found by clicking on the meeting date., Policy Development Panel - Tuesday, 18th January, 2022 6.30 pm

Venue: The informal meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and streamed live, via the following link:

Contact: Democratic Services  01775 764454

Link: View Facebook Livestream of the meeting

No. Item


Policy Development Panel pdf icon PDF 216 KB

16 November 2021 (enclosed).


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Policy Development Panel meeting held on 16 November 2021.


The following points were raised:

  • In relation to minute number 28: an amendment had been made to the Industrial Units Letting Policy timeframe; an incorrect date had been noted in the 18 January 2022 published agenda but had since been corrected in the 16 November 2021 minutes.
  • In relation to minute number 30: it was noted that The Untidy Sites Policy Document Handbook item had been planned to present at the 18 January 2022 meeting but by agreement with the Chairman this had been postponed to the March 2022 meeting.




That the minutes be signed as a correct record as soon as practicable after the meeting.


Special Policy Development Panel pdf icon PDF 111 KB

14 December 2021 (enclosed).


Consideration was given to the minutes of the Special Policy Development Panel meeting held on 14 December 2021.




That the minutes be signed as a correct record as soon as practicable after the meeting.


Declaration of Interests.

Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.


There were none.


Questions asked under Standing Order 6


There were none.


Tracking of recommendations

To consider responses of the Cabinet reports of the Panel. 


There were none.


Items referred from the Performance Monitoring Panel


There were none.


Key Decision Plan pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To note the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed).  


Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan dated 10 January 2022.




That the Key Decision Plan be noted.


Policy Register pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To note the current Policy Register (SHDC Policy Register and Partnership Summary attached).

Additional documents:


The Panel gave consideration to the Policy Register.


The Chairman explained that the latest version of the register was presented as two documents: the South Holland District Council Policy Register, which had been amended to identify policy alignments across the Strategic Partnership; and the new Partnership Policy Register.


Members considered the South Holland District Council Policy Register and no issues were raised.


The Senior Change and Performance Business Partner introduced the Partnership Policy Register and stated the following key points:

  • The Partnership Policy Register detailed all policies across the Strategic Partnership; 
  • the Register assisted with the identification of policy gaps and areas of interest across the three authorities as well as highlighting policies which could be implemented jointly; and
  • that an approach had been agreed across the Strategic Partnership to review corresponding policies jointly at the earliest due date.


Members considered the Partnership Policy Register and made the following comments:


  • The Partnership Policy Register was welcomed as a regular addition to the South Holland District Council Policy Register;
  • That recognition was given to the time and effort required to achieve policy alignment across the Strategic Partnership but that the Panel looked forward to seeing future benefits which arose from this process.




a)    That the South Holland District Council Policy Register and the Partnership Policy Register be noted; and


b)    That both registers be presented at each meeting.




Fuel Card Policy pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To note the new Fuel Card Policy (report of Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods enclosed).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods which asked the Panel to note the new Fuel Card Policy prior to submission and proposed adoption by Cabinet.


The Head of Environmental and Operational Services introduced the report and highlighted the following key points:

  • the purchase of fuel was essential for delivery of frontline services and South Holland District Council used Fuel Cards to purchase fuel from outlets rather than maintaining fuel tanks in its depots;
  • the Policy was introduced for the benefit of South Holland District Council and staff to ensure correct controls were in place and roles and responsibilities were clear;
  • the Policy was accompanied by a thorough procedure for Users, Administrators and Supervisors;
  • the Policy, its procedures, accompanying documentation and training had been written in collaboration with staff working in Environmental Services and Housing Repairs;
  • a fully supportive training programme would engage staff in the new process; and
  • feedback from an audit in late 2021 had stated that ‘the Policy was comprehensive and the planned training was exactly what was needed to reduce any potential risk’.


The Panel considered the report and made the following comments:


  • Members praised the Head of Environmental and Operational Services for the work on this new policy;
  • Members asked if it had been made clear to staff which sites accepted the card.
    • The Head of Environmental and Operational Services replied that the current Fuel Cards had been in operation for a while and that staff were aware of approved sites where the card could be used. The procurement of Fuel Cards was to be reviewed and any resulting change in supplier, and therefore potentially approved sites, would result in staff training.




That the new Fuel Card Policy be noted.


Policy Development Panel Work Programme pdf icon PDF 185 KB

To set out the Work Programme of the Policy Development Panel (report of the Assistant Director- Governance and Monitoring Officer enclosed)


Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report by the Assistant Director Governance and Monitoring Officer, which set out the Work Programme of the Panel.  The work programme consisted of two sections, the first setting out the dates of future Panel meetings along with proposed items for consideration, and the second setting out Task Groups that had been identified by the Panel.


Regarding Appendix A:

  • by agreement of the Chairman, the Untidy Sites Policy Document Handbook item had been moved from January 2022 to March 2022; and
  • the Lincolnshire Discretionary Housing Assistance Policy item due in March 2022 had been postponed to allow further essential work to take place.


Regarding Appendix B:

  • The South Holland Centre Task Group was ongoing;
  • The first meeting of the Street Art Wall Task Group was due to take place on Thursday 20 January 2022; and
  • The Planning Design Task Group and the Community Infrastructure Levy Task Group had been moved to the Pending section of the table – no decision on the way forward with these Task Groups could be made until the Government White Paper on Planning had been published.



That the Policy Development Panel Work Programme be noted.




Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.

NOTE:            No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. 


There were none.