Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764693
No. | Item |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the 25 July 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting. Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the Policy Development Panel meeting held on 25 July 2023.
That the minutes be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
An update on actions which arose at the 25 July 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting and the tracking of previous outstanding actions. Minutes: Consideration was given to the update on actions which arose at the 25 July 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting.
That the update to the actions be noted. |
Declaration of Interests. Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation. Minutes: There were none. |
Questions asked under Standing Order 6 Minutes: There were none. |
Tracking of recommendations To consider responses of the Cabinet to reports of the Panel. Minutes: There were none. |
Items referred from the Performance Monitoring Panel Minutes: There were none. |
To note the current Key Decision Plan (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the Key Decision Plan dated 29 September 2023.
That the Key Decision Plan dated 29 September 2023 be noted.
SHDC Policy Register and S&ELCP Policy Register To note the SHDC Policy Register and the S&ELCP Policy Register (copies enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel gave consideration to the SHDC Policy Register and the S&ELCP Policy Register.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager introduced the report by giving an update on items that were due for review:
Members considered the update and made the following comments:
That the SHDC Policy Register and the S&ELCP Policy Register be noted.
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations Policy To present a draft updated Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations Policy for the Council and seek feedback from the Committee (report of the Assistant Director – Governance enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director - Governance (Monitoring Officer) which asked the Policy Development Panel to provide feedback on the draft updated Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Policy.
The Scrutiny and Policy Officer introduced the report and outlined the following main points:
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
Lincolnshire Discretionary Housing Financial Assistance Policy To consider adoption of the policy and enable eligible clients to be more consistently assisted across the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (report of the Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership enclosed).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership which asked the Policy Development Panel to consider adoption of the policy and enable eligible clients to be more consistently assisted across the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.
The Affordable and Accessible Homes Service Manager and the Healthy and Accessible Homes (Housing) Lead were in attendance for the item.
The Healthy and Accessible Homes (Housing) Lead introduced the report and highlighted the following main points:
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
That following consideration of the Lincolnshire Discretionary Housing Financial Assistance Policy by the Policy Development Panel, the comments of the Panel be noted prior to presentation of the policy at Cabinet.
Revision to Travel and Expenses Policy To propose changes to the policy (report of the Assistant Director – Corporate enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Corporate which proposed changes to the Travel and Expenses Policy.
The Insights and Transformation Group Manager introduced the report which detailed the proposed changes to the Travel and Expenses Policy for Officers of the Council. The following points were highlighted:
Members considered the report and made the following comments:
That after consideration of the proposed policy change, the comments of the Policy Development Panel be noted.
Review of Housing Allocations Policy To consider the adoption of changes following a review of the existing Housing Allocations policy (report of the Assistant Director – Housing enclosed).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the report of the Assistant Director – Housing which asked members to consider the adoption of changes following a review of the existing Housing Allocations Policy.
The Assistant Director - Housing introduced the report and raised the following main points:
Members considered the proposed changes to the Housing Allocations Policy and made the following comments:
Members referred to the ‘emergency’ band where one offer of accommodation in the district would be made to applicants, and queried the following:
§ The Housing Allocation Team were aware of all information regarding each application and therefore the priority need of cases was assessed according to individual circumstances; § One offer would be made in liaison with the applicant however this could be reviewed if any factors had been overlooked; and § A reasonable notice period, assessed on a case-by-case basis, was given to applicants – for example, those moving from a hotel could move more quickly than those moving from a property.
· Members referred to proposed changes to the ‘overcrowding priority’ noted at point 2.2 of the report and expressed concern regarding how ‘overcrowding’ was defined and assessed. In particular, it was important that the nature and severity of overcrowding was individually established during priority assessments. o The Assistant Director – Housing responded that: § A statutory overcrowding assessment would be undertaken to establish need. Where overcrowding was established, such cases were moved to band 1. This mechanism remained unchanged from the existing policy; § The overcrowding priority considered additional vulnerabilities such as welfare and medical needs, rather than being solely based on bedroom requirements, and aimed to balance the increased homelessness pressures faced by the authority whilst ensuring a fair allocation of accommodation; and § Members comments regarding the need for clarification and expansion of the ‘overcrowding’ definition was noted.
· Members asked the following questions regarding accessibility needs of residents and ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Policy Development Panel Work Programme To set out the Work Programme of the Policy Development Panel; to request items for consideration for inclusion; and to seek members’ input into the development of a Street Scene Task Group (report of the Assistant Director – Governance enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel considered a report by the Interim Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which set out the Work Programme of the Policy Development Panel.
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report and outlined the following main points:
Appendix A set out the dates of future Panel meetings along with proposed items for consideration. The programme included policies that were either due for review or were undertaking their first annual review, as discussed at agenda item 9 (SHDC Policy Register and S&ELCP Policy Register).
Appendix B set out the Task Groups that had been identified by the Panel.
Following discussions at the 25 July 2023 Policy Development Panel meeting, the report asked Panel members to consider whether they wished to set up a Street Scene Task Group.
The Chairman gave the following update to the Panel in respect of the breadth of a potential Street Scene Task Group:
a) That the Policy Development Panel Work Programme 2023/2024 be noted; and
b) That a Street Scene Task Group be formed with membership as stated.
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.
NOTE: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: The Chairman asked members’ opinion, by way of a vote, on the relocation of future Policy Development Panel meetings from the Council Chamber to Meeting Room 1.
That future Policy Development Panel meetings be held in Meeting Room 1.