Venue: Meeting Room 1, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services
01775 764838
No. |
Item |
12. |
Minutes PDF 70 KB
To sign as a correct record the
minutes of the meeting held on 1 Februrary 2022 (copy
Consideration was given to the minutes of the
meeting held on 1 February 2023.
That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a
correct record.
13. |
Declarations of Interest
Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary
Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting
and leave the room without participating in any discussion or
making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is
permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.
14. |
Sex Establishments and Sexual Entertainment Venues Policy PDF 193 KB
To review the Council’s
Policy Statement for Sex Establishments established under the Local
Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (As amended by
Section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009)(report of the Assistant Director - Regulatory
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Regulatory which sought approval of the
Sex Establishments and Sexual Entertainment Venues Policy as
required under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1982 (As amended by Section 27 of the Policing and Crime Act
The Head of Public Protection introduced the
policy, and highlighted the following points:
- The Council were not required by law
to have a consultation on the policy if only minor amendments were
required and the policy was on a 5-year review cycle.
- There were no recommended changes to
the Policy and the only update made were population figures.
- Currently there were no licensed
premises under this policy within the District.
- There was a strict application
process for this type of licence and any applications would go
before a Panel hearing before being granted.
- If Members were inclined to make any
major changes to the policy, it would be recommended to send the
policy out for consultation.
Members made the following comments:
- Support the policy as written, with
no changes.
- Where did the policy sit in
comparison with East Lindsey and Boston policies?
- The policies were very similar at
all 3 authorities as they were based in legislation. There were not
any licensed premises within the partnership area.
- What sort of training was undertaken
by staff at these premises?
- Training was not defined anywhere
but it would likely include safeguarding and first aid.
- Would any concerns around fake IDs
be reported to the Police?
- The Police were statutory consultees
for any applications so they would suggest conditions for a
- Were health checks part of the
licence conditions?
- These were not a licensing
- The opening hours within Section 10
of the policy didn’t seem to be well worded.
- Premises could only be open to the
public at the times listed within their licence conditions.
That the Sex Establishments and Sexual
Entertainment Venues Policy be approved.
15. |
Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy PDF 189 KB
To consider the draft taxi
licensing policy prior to it being published for consultation
(report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the
report of the Assistant Director – Regulatory which asked the
Committee to consider the draft taxi licensing policy prior to it
being published for consultation.
The Head of Public Protection
introduced the draft policy and highlighted the following
- It was not a
statutory requirement to have a policy, but the current policy was
out of date.
- The key differences
- Changes in
- Safeguarding and
training requirements
- Department for
Transport’s National Standards, introduced two years ago,
were now the statutory framework to build from.
The following parts of the
policy had been updated:
- CCTV - Recommended
best practice for vehicles be given as advice within the policy but
having CCTV in vehicles was not mandatory.
- Vehicle Testing
– a compliance test must have been carried out at an approved
garage no more than 2 months before an application was
- Fit and Proper person
definition – this had been lifted from the National Standards
and could be referred to at future hearings.
- English Language
– this section had been taken from the National Standards.
The policy included suggested acceptable qualifications to show
proficiency with the option to sit a test if they don’t meet
the criteria.
- Cautions, convictions
and related matters – this section had been updated to state
that drivers must notify the council of any warnings, cautions or
convictions received within 48 hours, in line with national
- DBS Service –
it was compulsory for drivers to subscribe to the DBS update
services as per National standards.
- Renewal of Drivers
Licences – There were now different requirements for renewal
licences and new licences regarding tax checks.
- Immediate
suspension/revocation in interests of public safety had been
adopted as a policy a few years ago but had now been written into
the formal policy.
- Operators –
there was now a new requirement for an annual DBS check for
operators on a 5-year renewal cycle.
- Booking and Dispatch
Staff – more stringent requirements for staff to have a basic
DBS check and for operators to have a policy on employing
- Appendix A – it
was recommended that the maximum vehicle age for wheelchair
accessible vehicles for renewal be changed from 10 years to 12
years but still subject to an annual condition compliance
certificate. Exceptional condition criteria were included within
the policy for any departures from the formal age policy for
vehicles. No particular detail was given for electric and low
emission vehicles as government advice was expected to come
forwards on this issue.
- Appendix B –
there was a suggested reduction from 75% to 60% for visibility of
rear windows on vehicles.
- Appendix E –
the national standards had introduced more onerous conditions for
details when recording private hire bookings. Additional conditions
had been included from the national standards for operators in
relation to DBS checks, Booking and Dispatch staff and policies on
employing ex-offenders.
- Appendix G –
formal convictions policy, previously adopted but now included in
the formal taxi policy.
- Appendix J
view the full minutes text for item 15.
16. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.
No other business is permitted unless by reason of special
circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the
Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as
a matter of urgency.