No. |
Item |
22. |
Declaration of Interests
(Where a Councillor has a Disclosable
Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the
meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion
or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is
permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation).
23. |
Minutes PDF 204 KB
To sign as a correct record the
minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on 19
September 2023 (copy enclosed).
Members considered the minutes from the 19
September 2023 Governance and Audit Committee meeting and made the
following comments:
- Members referred to the minutes of
the ‘2021/2022 Audit Results Report – Updated’
item regarding the ‘Other Reporting Issues –
Recommendation to Council’ and asked whether all Related
Party Disclosures had been returned to the Finance Team.
- The Chief Finance Officer (PSPS)
responded that the audit commentary had applied to the 2021/2022
accounts and that action had been taken to ensure as full returns
as possible for 2022/23.
- Members noted that the post titles
of officers were included in the attendance section of the minutes.
It was agreed that the names of attending officers would be emailed
to members alongside the minutes.
That the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held
on 19 September be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
24. |
Actions PDF 188 KB
An update on actions which
arose at the 19 September 2023 Governance and Audit Committee
meeting and the tracking of previous outstanding actions
Updated responses to actions which arose at
the 19 September 2023 Governance and Audit Committee meeting and
the tracking of previous outstanding actions were presented to the
Members considered the update and made the
following comment:
- Members were satisfied with the
responses and were pleased that progress was being monitored and
documented and that actions were being completed.
That the actions from the Governance and Audit
Committee meeting held on 19 September 2023 and the tracking of
previous outstanding actions be noted.
25. |
Q2 Risk Report 2023/2024 PDF 252 KB
To provide an update on the
Council’s current strategic risks (report of the Assistant
Director – Governance enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Governance which provided an update on
the Council’s current strategic risks.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager
introduced the report by giving the following overview of the
current status of the Council’s strategic risks:
- All of the risks had been reviewed
however there had not been any changes to risk scores for Q2;
- Two new risks had been identified,
as follows:
- The delivery of the Council’s
work programme and corporate objectives; this risk highlighted
capacity issues with increased workloads within existing resources;
- The resilience and quality of
service delivery arrangements with third parties, specifically the
potential for failure of a major supplier of Council services or
partners with whom the Council co-delivered/enabled provision of
services and operations.
- Full details of identified risks
were outlined in the SHDC Strategic Risk Register at Appendix
Members considered the Q2 Risk Report
2023/2024 and made the following comments:
- Members were pleased that the two
new stated risks had been acknowledged as these had been identified
during the investigations of the Joint Scrutiny of the S&ELCP
Task Group.
That after consideration of the Q2 Risk Report
2023/2024 and Appendix A, which detailed the latest assessment of
the Council’s strategic risks, the report be noted by the
26. |
Progress Report on Internal Audit Activity PDF 504 KB
To provide the Committee with
details of audit work carried out from 01/03/23 to 31/10/2023
(report of the Internal Audit Team Manager – Assurance
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Internal Audit Team Manager – Assurance Lincolnshire which
provided the Governance and Audit Committee with details of audit
work carried out from 1 March 2023 to 31 October 2023.
In addition to the published papers within the
agenda and agenda supplement, a further updated Internal Audit
Progress Report for November 2023 was circulated to members at the
meeting (and appended to the minutes).
The Internal Audit Team Manager –
Assurance Lincolnshire introduced the Progress Report on Internal
Audit Activity report and gave an overview of the following main
areas of the report:
- The role of internal audit;
- The purpose of the report; it was
noted that there had been a change to the assurance categorisation
used since 2022/2023;
- Performance dashboard; delivery of
the audit plan was on track and whilst engagement from officers had
been forthcoming, auditors were aware that officers across the
partnership and PSPS had heavy workloads;
- An update on Internal Audit
- Two Limited Assurance ratings had
been identified which applied to Housing Compliance; and Control
Account Reconciliation (payroll). Both
the Assistant Director – Housing and the Chief Finance
Officer (PSPS) were in attendance to respond to the audit
assessment and to answer member questions; and
- Assurance levels had been granted
for a further 12 audits which were summarised from page 93 of the
agenda supplement.
- Executive summaries of the two
Limited Assurance opinions (the full audits were appended to the
agenda supplement from page 113); and
- Responses to overdue high priority
actions; and overdue medium and low priority actions. The responses
had evidenced that Managers had reacted to the findings of
The Assistant Director – Housing was in
attendance to present a briefing note to the committee regarding
the Limited Assurance audit rating given by TIAA in respect of
Housing Compliance. The briefing note had been included within the
published agenda supplement and outlined the following
- Background/contextual information
which included an explanation for the service’s disagreement
with the Limited Assurance rating;
- Inspection performance relating to
gas safety; electrical safety; fire safety; asbestos management;
and water safety; and
- Key considerations and next steps
which included action relating to electrical safety and
procurement; and governance in respect of policies and procedures,
system improvements and compliance reporting.
The Assistant Director – Housing stated
that a range of responsibilities endured in respect of electrical
safety. SHDC had a legal requirement to:
- Maintain electrical installations
‘in repair’, which was carried out by the Housing
Repairs Team; and
- Inspect electrical installations as
part of tenancy changes, for example, due to a re-letting or mutual
These areas were not tested as part of the
The Assistant Director – Housing
acknowledged the view of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing
and Communities (DLUHC) that a ‘patchwork of
legislation’ governed electrical safety, the corollary of
which meant that adherence to such legislation was open to
interpretation. Whilst it was considered best practice to conduct
electrical safety inspections every five years, this was not
view the full minutes text for item 26.
27. |
Mid Term Treasury Report 2023/2024 PDF 237 KB
To provide members with an
update on Treasury Management performance and activity to ensure
best practice is maintained (report of the Deputy Chief Executive -
Corporate Development (S151) enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Deputy Chief Executive - Corporate Development (S151) which
provided members with an update on Treasury Management performance
and activity to ensure best practice was maintained.
The Chief Finance Officer (PSPS) introduced
the report on behalf of the Interim Treasury and Investment Manager
(PSPS) and the following main points were raised:
- The report detailed the treasury
position as at 30 September 2023 and had been written in accordance
with the requirements of the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury
- The Treasury Management function was
administered by PSPS on behalf of the Council;
- The regulatory environment placed
responsibility on members for the review and scrutiny of treasury
management policy and activities on a quarterly basis and the
Council had delegated these duties to the Governance and Audit
- The Mid Term Report 2023/2024 at
Appendix A included updates on the following areas:
- Economics and Interest Rate
- Treasury Management Strategy
Statement (TMSS);
- The Council’s capital
- Borrowing;
- Debt rescheduling;
- Compliance with Treasury and
Prudential Limits;
- Annual Investment Strategy; and
- Changes in Risk Appetite; and
- Appendix A1 detailed the following:
- General Fund Capital Expenditure
- Financing of General Fund Capital
Expenditure 2023/2024; and
- Housing Revenue Account Capital
Expenditure 2023/2024.
Members considered the report and made the
following comments:
- Members thanked the Finance team for
their work.
- Members queried the
£67.456million HRA debt:
- Was the interest rate of the loan
fixed for the whole period; and
- Had authorities with HRA loans
collectively appealed to central government to cancel the debt;
- The Chief Finance Officer (PSPS)
confirmed that the rate was fixed until expiry of the loan period.
Enquiries with external advisers were being made to ascertain
whether a discount could be obtained if the debt was repaid early;
- No appeal had taken place to central
government regarding the HRA debt.
That after consideration by the Governance and Audit Committee, the
report and treasury activity detailed at Appendix A be noted;
That the comments of the Governance and Audit Committee be noted
and considered by Council at their meeting on 22 November 2023.
28. |
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 Update PDF 224 KB
advise members of any RIPA regulatory activity in the last 12
months and any work needed to ensure arrangements remain up to date
and provide assurance that our legal obligations are effectively
managed (report of the Assistant Director - Regulatory and Senior
Responsible Officer (SRO) for RIPA enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Regulatory and Senior Responsible
Officer (SRO) for RIPA which advised members of any RIPA regulatory
activity in the last 12 months and any work needed to ensure
arrangements remained up to date and provided assurance that our
legal requirements were effectively managed.
The Assistant Director – Regulatory
(SRO) presented a verbal summary of the context and main points of
the report, which included that:
- RIPA governed the use of covert and
directed surveillance by public authorities;
- RIPA also governed how surveillance
was used to gather evidence that could be utilised in pursuit of
enforcement action;
- No RIPA related
activity had taken place in the last 12 months or since the last
audit by the Investigatory Powers Commissioners Office (IPCO) in
- The last audit was
undertaken when SHDC had a shared management arrangement with
Breckland Council and with whom RIPA
related policy and practice was also shared;
- A review of the SHDC
RIPA Policy 2017 was now required and this presented an opportunity
for the development of a single RIPA policy and the sharing of
responsible named officers with designated policy roles across the
S&ELCP; and
- The Commissioner’s Office had
been due to conduct a RIPA audit for SHDC in 2023 however this had
been postponed to 2024 when a combined audit of all three Councils
in the S&ELCP would be undertaken.
Members considered the report and made the
following comments:
- Members asked when BBC and ELDC had
most recently been audited in respect of RIPA and would any changes
to sovereign constitutions be required for the creation of an
aligned RIPA policy.
- The Assistant Director –
Regulatory (SRO) stated that a combined audit for BBC and ELDC had
taken place in 2020;
- Alignment of the policy across the
partnership would not necessitate amendment to SHDC’s
constitution; and
- The revision of the policy sought to
ensure common and consistent practices across the partnership which
fulfilled the councils’ legal obligations and complied with
Home Office guidance.
- Members queried the approval
timescale should SHDC need to apply to the courts in order to
conduct covert surveillance.
- The Assistant Director –
Regulatory (SRO) responded that the approval timescale was subject
to an application process which included assessment by a designated
officer and approval by the Magistrates Court. As such, the
timescale could not be defined; and
- Non-RIPA surveillance routes would
be exhausted prior to any court application however the use of
covert surveillance had largely diminished due to the high
evidential burden necessary to satisfy judicial approval and the
alternative overt surveillance technologies that had become
- Members asked for examples of when
covert surveillance could/would be used.
- The Assistant Director –
Regulatory (SRO) gave the following examples:
- Investigations related to fraud such
as benefit claims whilst working or single property occupancy
- Investigation of early presentation
of waste; and
- Councils also used non-RIPA governed
‘overt’ surveillance techniques to encourage changes in
behaviours, for example the use of visible CCTV ...
view the full minutes text for item 28.
29. |
Governance and Audit Annual Report 2022/2023 PDF 232 KB
To note the Governance and
Audit Annual Report 2022/2023 prior to its presentation at Council
(report of the Assistant Director - Governance (Monitoring Officer)
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Governance which asked the committee to
note the Governance and Audit Annual Report 2022/2023 prior to its
presentation at Council.
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the
report and highlighted the following points:
- The Governance and Audit Committee
was required to report annually to Council on its work activities
undertaken during the previous municipal year;
- The Governance and Audit Annual
Report 2022/2023 was at Appendix A and included the following
- The role and function of the
Governance and Audit Committee;
- Committee membership for
- Meeting dates and summary of work
- Internal and external audit;
- Governance;
- Treasury and Accounts;
- Risk Management; and
- Training and Development;
- The emergence of the Covid-19
pandemic had seen a pause in the creation of the report over the
last few years however this had been reinstated and would be
produced annually.
The Assistant Director – Governance made
the following comments:
- Thanks were expressed to the
Democratic Services Officer who had led on the production of the
revised report format. The report format had been rolled-out across
the partnership and would be a template for the production of the
report in future years; and
- The presentation of the Governance
and Audit Annual Report 2022/2023 to Full Council sought to raise
the profile of the committee’s work with all members and
enabled observations to be made.
Members considered
the report and made the following comment:
- A member was keen to know whether
the sign-off date for completed audited accounts had been fixed as
this had slipped in the past. The member would seek assurance
directly with the Deputy Leader.
That after consideration by the Governance and
Audit Committee, the Governance and Audit Annual Report 2022/2023
be noted and recommended to Council.
30. |
Governance and Audit Committee Work Programme PDF 176 KB
To set out the Work Programme
of the Governance and Audit Committee (report of the Democratic
Services Manager enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the
report of the Democratic Services Manager which set out the Work
Programme of the Governance and Audit Committee.
The Democratic Services Officer
introduced the report and updated the committee on the following
changes to the Work Programme:
- The ‘Audited
Financial Statements including Annual Governance Statement
2022/23’ and the ‘Information Governance Annual
Report’ had been moved from the 9 November 2023 meeting to
the 18 January 2024 meeting; and
The ‘External Audit Plan 2023/2024’ item
had been moved from the 9 November 2023 meeting to the 14 March
2024 meeting.
Members considered the report and made the following
Members requested to see advanced copies of draft
reports as soon as these could be made available.
The Assistant Director – Governance advised
the committee that the Risk Management Framework would be
informally shared with members in advance of the 18 January 2024
Governance and Audit Committee meeting.
That the Work Programme of the
Governance and Audit Committee be noted.
31. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.
No other business is permitted unless by reason of special
circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the
Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as
a matter of urgency.