No. |
Item |
1. |
Chairman's Announcement
The Chairman opened the meeting
with the following announcement regarding the purpose of the
‘The purpose of the
Governance and Audit Committee is to monitor and if necessary make
recommendations to review the Corporate Governance and Audit
arrangements for the Council. The Committee’s role is not to
pass judgement on the decisions made by other people, and also
according to the Local Government Association and other
authoritative bodies, members should not make any political
comment, either by this Council or any Government past or present.
We are apolitical whilst we are here’.
The Chairman also asked that
guidance be circulated to members that an
apology for absence at a meeting needed to be formally submitted to
Democratic Services and that a meeting
decline did not constitute an apology.
2. |
Declaration of Interests
(Where a Councillor has a Disclosable
Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the
meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion
or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is
permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation).
3. |
Minutes PDF 240 KB
To sign as a correct record the
minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2024 (enclosed).
That the minutes of the Governance and Audit
Committee meeting held on 14 March 2024 (at agenda item 3) and the
restricted minute of the same meeting (at agenda item 14) be signed
by the Chairman as a correct record.
4. |
Actions PDF 180 KB
An update on actions which
arose at the 14 March 2024 Governance and Audit Committee meeting
and the tracking of outstanding actions (enclosed).
Updated responses to actions which arose at
the 14 March 2024 Governance and Audit Committee meeting and the
tracking of outstanding actions were presented to the
Members considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members referred to action 43.
23/24, and queried whether members of the Governance and
Audit Committee were permitted to view the information which was
available to budget managers.
- The Deputy Chief Executive –
Corporate Development (S151) responded that:
- The Finance Portfolio Holder engaged
with the budgets to a degree of detail;
- It was expected that developments to
the Unit 4 system in 2024/2025 would enable budget reports to be
produced for Portfolio Holders;
- Finance updates were made available
to members through the regular quarterly reports;
- Informal Cabinet received a progress
update at each meeting in respect of the savings embedded within
the budget; and
- It was expected that when produced,
the Budget Book would be available for members to review.
- Members referred to action 51b.
23/24 regarding Pensions training and suggested that the
depth of the subject necessitated more than one training session.
Members agreed that the Pensions training awaited the recruitment
of the Co-opted Independent Member(s).
- The Assistant Director –
Governance (Monitoring Officer) updated the Committee on the
recruitment process for the Co-opted Independent Member. A draft
joint recruitment pack for vacancies across the three authorities
of the partnership had been produced and would shortly be
circulated to the Chairman of each respective committee for
comment. There were multiple opportunities for an individual(s) to
support either one, two or three sovereign council(s) in the
That the actions from the 14 March 2024
Governance and Audit Committee meeting and the tracking of previous
outstanding actions be noted.
5. |
External Audit Progress Report
The External Audit Director (KPMG) to provide
the Governance and Audit Committee with a verbal update regarding
External Audit activity.
The External Audit Engagement
Manager – KPMG attended virtually to give a verbal update in
respect of the External Audit Progress Report.
The following points were
- The External Audit
Plan had been drafted alongside the Value For Money commentary and
sent to SHDC management in May 2024;
- Whilst the upcoming
election had affected the approval of relevant legislation
regarding the Local Government Audit process, KPMG planned to
proceed as communicated; and
- The 2023/2024
Financial Statements had not yet been published and KPMG awaited
confirmation that the 2022/2023 audit would be disclaimed.
- The Deputy Chief
Executive – Corporate Development (S151) responded that it
was the intention for the outstanding Unaudited Financial
Statements to come forward to the Special Governance and Audit
Meeting scheduled for 18 July 2024.
That the External Audit
Progress Report update be noted.
6. |
Q4 Risk Report 2023/2024 PDF 258 KB
To provide an update on the
Council’s current strategic risks (report of the Assistant
Director – Governance enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director - Governance which provided an update on the
Council’s current strategic risks across three registers for
the Q4 period.
The Business Intelligence and Change Manager
introduced the report and highlighted the following points:
- The report did not show any changes
to the risk scoring from Q2 to Q4;
- A breakdown of the following risks
was relayed:
- For the Council’s Strategic
Risks: 1 was in the Low category, 12 in the Medium and 9 in the
- For the Partnership Risk Register: 5
were Medium and 3 High; and
- For the Housing Revenue Account
(HRA) Register: 3 were Medium and 10 High.
- There were no Critical Risk Levels
reported for the period;
- The following context for the
introduction of the HRA Risk Register was relayed to the Committee:
- Since the introduction of
legislation in 2024, the council’s Housing Landlord Service
was required to meet the Regulator of Social Housing Consumer
- To achieve this, a Housing Landlord
Strategy and service improvement programme had been
- As part of the governance review of
this area, a new HRA Risk Register had been integrated into the
Risk Reporting Framework; and
- When inspected by the Regulator, the
Council would need to demonstrate that the risks were being managed
pro-actively and that Councillors had been made aware of the
Members considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members asked how quickly it was
anticipated that high risk areas would achieve lower risk scores.
- The Business Intelligence and Change
Manager responded that each risk had been assessed against
principal options and stated that:
- Some risks, such as an IT risk, were
deemed to be in the ‘Tolerate’ category as despite
adequate mitigations being in place, any impact would usually be
great; most high risk areas were graded within this category;
- A number of risks were in the
‘Treat’ category which indicated that risk mitigation
work was in progress; although ‘Treat’ risks were not
shown in the report, a breakdown would be provided to the
That the report and appendices be noted by the
Governance and Audit Committee.
7. |
Combined Assurance Status Report 2023/2024 PDF 164 KB
To present to the Committee the
Council’s Combined Assurance Status Report 2023/2024 (report
of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer)
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) which
presented the Council’s Combined Assurance Status Report
2023/24 to the Committee.
The Assistant Director – Governance
(Monitoring Officer) introduced the report and stated that:
- The report was produced with the
support of Internal Audit in conjunction with managers across the
organisation to detail assurance levels provided by the
- The Combined Assurance Status Report
2023/24 at Appendix A included the following information:
- Overview of Assurance;
- Chief Executive’s
- Deputy Chief Executives’ Key
- Strategic Partnership Working (PSPS
delivered services);
- Key projects;
- Key partnerships; and
- Emerging Risks.
Members considered the report and made the
following comments:
- Members welcomed the level of detail
contained within the report.
- Members acknowledged the importance
of the awareness of emerging risks.
- The Assistant Director –
Governance (Monitoring Officer) responded that risks identified
through the Risk Management Framework were relayed to the Internal
Audit team who supported the Council in this area.
That after review of the Combined Assurance
Status Report 2023/24, the Committee were assured that the findings
illustrated that the assurance framework operated effectively as
part of the Council’s corporate governance arrangements.
8. |
Governance and Audit Committee Self-Assessment Action Plan PDF 167 KB
To evaluate the impact and
effectiveness of the Governance and Audit Committee (report of
Governance and Audit Committee members enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Governance and Audit Committee members which asked members to
evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the Committee.
- The Scrutiny and Policy Officer
introduced the report with the following points:
- The purpose of the Action Plan was
to support the Committee in ensuring continuous audited governance
practice from the Committee and across the Council;
- The self-assessment exercise was
reintroduced to the Committee in 2024 and followed CIPFA best
practice that the Committee should evaluate its impact and identify
areas for improvement;
- During the exercise, members had
completed an anonymous questionnaire which had been designed to
encourage reflection on the operation of the Committee and draw
conclusions on its effectiveness. The conclusions had informed the
Action Plan;
- Four actions had been included in
the Action Plan, detailed at Appendix A;
- The self-assessment questionnaire
results were at Appendix B; and
- The CIPFA audit committee position
statement was at Appendix C.
Members reflected on the exercise and the
Action Plan and made the following comments:
- Members valued the self-assessment
exercise and stressed the importance of regular training to further
develop scrutiny skills; and
- Members noted the results on page 83
of the agenda which stated that 5 (out of 7) members had completed
the questionnaire. Now that the current Committee was more
established, it was suggested that the survey be repeated in order
to capture the greater experience of the Committee and to receive
responses from all members.
- The Scrutiny and Policy Officer
would arrange for the survey to be re-circulated to members of the
After consideration of the Governance and
Audit Committee Self-Assessment Action Plan, that members work
towards the actions during 2024/25.
9. |
Annual Governance Statement Action Plan Update PDF 104 KB
To note the 6-monthly review of
the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan.
Members considered the Annual Governance
Statement (AGS) Action Plan.
The Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate
Development (S151) presented the update and outlined the following
progress achieved in respect of the two stated actions:
- Regarding the action ‘to
address financial capacity and capability’, a CIPFA supported
review of PSPS had taken place which had resulted in the production
of a detailed action plan. Steady improvements had been made over
the previous 6 months, which included:
- The successful recruitment of the
Senior Finance Manager for South Holland;
- The recommencement of the production
of good quality quarterly finance reports;
- That the AGS and year-end report had
been prepared and completed and the team had successfully pulled
forward the accounts closure programme to the end of June
- Positive progress had been seen in
Capital accounting, Revenue Accounting, Reserve and
- As a result, the focus was now able
to be placed on challenging budget management areas rather than a
variety of issues; and 2024/2025 would be seen as a year for
further improvements with added value, increased transparency and
- Regarding the action
‘significant governance issues monitored and progress
regularly reported’:
- Fulsome agendas on a range of topics
were discussed at monthly Senior Leadership Team meetings which
were also attended by the Head of Internal Audit; and
- Agenda items were regularly reviewed
to ensure relevance.
Members considered the update and made the
following comments:
- Members welcomed the update, in
particular the recruitment and retention of finance personnel.
- Members requested details of any
challenging budget management areas.
- The Deputy Chief Executive –
Corporate Development (S151) responded
that themes could be drawn from the financial outturn, stating
- Challenging areas included Planning
Income and Car Parking income;and
- Positive areas included
‘Homelessness’ where previous challenges had been
addressed as a result of good financial management.
That the Annual Governance Statement –
Action Plan Update be noted.
10. |
Governance and Audit Committee Work Programme PDF 176 KB
To set out the Work Programme
of the Governance and Audit Committee (report of the Democratic
Services Manager enclosed).
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the report of the
Democratic Services Manager which set out the Work Programme of the
Governance and Audit Committee.
The Democratic Services Officer introduced the
report and updated the Committee on the following points:
- Appendix A had been updated with
2024/2025 meeting dates and scheduled items;
- Members had been advised that a
Special meeting of the Governance and Audit Committee had been
called for 18 July 2024;
- The training record at Appendix B
would be updated when further training had been identified and
- The Deputy Chief Executive –
Corporate Development (S151) outlined the purpose and importance of
the Special meeting arranged for 18 July 2024, to approve the
2023/2024 unaudited financial statements and to close down the
2022/2023 statements, subject to a backstop. Members were to be
mindful that any changes to the backstop guidance as a result of
the election, may impact the backstop process.
That the Work Programme of the Governance and
Audit Committee be noted.
11. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.
No other business is permitted unless by reason of special
circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the
Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as
a matter of urgency.