Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Democratic Services 01775 764838
No. | Item |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2023 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2023.
That the minutes be signed as a correct record. |
Declaration of Interests. Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain ad a result of a grant of dispensation. Minutes: There were none. |
Matters arising from the last minutes. PDF 63 KB To view actions arising from the meeting held on the 18 July 2023 Minutes: Consideration was given to the actions of the last meeting on 18 July 2023.
That the actions be noted. |
Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan The Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development to provide a presentation. Minutes: The Assistant Director for Strategic Growth and Development gave a presentation to update the Forum on the Spalding Town Centre Improvement Plan, which covered the following points:
· Diversify the Town Centre offer. · Laying foundations for long term impact, alongside with delivering immediate activity. · Focus on building partnerships, especially those that may support with securing access to future and additional funding Such partners include the Arts Council, National Heritage Fund and National Lottery, along with private funding. · That town centres generally have been hugely impacted by the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis and contraction in retail nationally. The Assistant Director for Strategic Growth and Development set out four key areas of note, in respect of the plan. · Under the theme of Supporting Local Business, that the authority was activity supporting local businesses in an exercise to develop a Business Improvement District for the town. This work was being led by the Spalding Business Board; a newly formed group with an aim to aid independent businesses. · The Spalding Business Board’s ambition would be to raise £1m over 5 years under a Business Improvement District model, with objectives to invest in;
To receive an update on the Spalding Traffic Restriction Order and to discuss the survey results. Minutes: The Chairman asked Michelle Gant from The Engaging People Company to provide a presentation on the Spalding Traffic Restriction Order Survey results.
The Chairman informed the STF, that the previous Chairman had requested that a small working party be formed to look at the Town Centre Traffic Restriction Order. Michelle Gant had been commissioned to raise a piece of work, which took 6 months to complete and presented the findings to the Forum.
The Members had been provided with the presentation prior to the meeting.
The overview stated that the survey took place between 3-24 July 2023, the survey was run by STF and was delivered under a new brand – Love Spalding and covered the following points:
The key findings from the survey relayed that a pedestrian only (no vehicles) access in the Town Centre was extremely important, along with a desire for a safer and more pleasant shopping environment for pedestrians:
The survey also asked for narrative feedback from the participants so their answers could be fully explained, and the key points raised were:
Responses came from all over the District and included local businesses and the overall findings indicated:
The Chairman informed the Forum that once the findings from the survey had been gathered, he, along with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Conservation and Heritage, presented the results to LCC Highways.
The Leader of SHDC, had been informed along with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Leisure Centre Delivery and Spalding Town Improvement, as this would fit in with the Town Centre Improvement Plan that was currently being conducted.
Everyone was on board to find out how the STF would move forward with these findings.
Members raised the following questions:
Any other business NOTE: To discuss any other business that the Chairman deems significant. Minutes: Items of additional business were raised in relation as follows.
The Chairman detailed that the new seating area would make a huge difference and feel to the Town Centre.
With regards to ASB, it was suggested to approach the Police to request that their priority would be to tackle the issue of ASB in the Town Centre. The Chairman would want to see the current circle of seating removed and lobbying for increased Police enforcement.
George Scott of the Spalding Transport Forum enquired if the Transport Forum could be added as an agenda item for the next STF meeting.
The Chairman noted in the Town Centre Improvement Plan Presentation, that it was stated Christmas in the Town Centre received funding for 2021/22 which left a gap for 2023. The Chairman asked to use the STF budget of £750 towards the cost of a Christmas Tree, with Councillors making up the remainder from their Designated Councillor Budget.
A question was raised to look at forward planning for Christmas 2024 and looking to extend the Christmas Market offering.
The Chairman thanked the Forum, Michelle Gant from the Engaging People Company and the Assistant Director for Strategic Growth and Development for their attendance at the meeting. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting At the meeting of Spalding Town Forum on 18 July 2023 it was agreed to hold meetings bi-monthly. Please note the dates of meetings of the remainder of 2023/24. Also detailed are the dates of any cancelled meetings.
17 October 2023 - Cancelled 29 November 2023 30 January 2024 27 March 2024
Minutes: 29 November 2023 at 6:30pm |