Agenda and draft minutes

Spalding Town Forum - Wednesday, 27th March, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding

Contact: Democratic Services  01775 764838

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2024 (copy enclosed). 



Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2024


That the minutes be signed as a correct record.


Declaration of Interests.

Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.



There were none.


Actions pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To view actions arising from the meeting held on 30 January 2024.





The Chairman of the Spalding Town Forum discussed the actions from the previous Forum meeting and updated on each further development.


  • Action AN20To assemble a young adult’s group to present their views on the Town Centre.
  • The Chairman announced that a cohort of students from the Spalding Grammar School would provide a presentation on their views and ideas to the Spalding Town Forum.


  • Action AN21 – To contact the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing regarding film showings and comfortable seating at the South Holland Centre(SHC).
    • The Chairman confirmed that he would contact the aforementioned Portfolio Holder and would in addition present the views from the Grammar School students’ presentation, regarding film showings at the SHC.


  • Action AN22 – To provide a CCTV updated data report to the Forum.
  • The Chairman conceded that a comprehensive report had been provided to the forum at the previous meeting. The Chairman would add this as an agenda item when the next data report update was due.


  • Action AN23 – To inform the Forum of the proposed opening/closing times of the Sheep Markets toilets.
  • The Waste Services Department responded that they currently did not have definitive opening/closing times but would expect the times to be in line with other facilities in the Town Centre -  08.00-16.00 hrs.


  • Action AN24 – to look at different funding options for renewing Christmas Lights and Decorations, and report back to the Spalding Town Forum.
  • The Chairman confirmed that along with the Vice-Chairman of the Spalding Town Forum, Councillor Whitbourn, they would be scrutinising various funding options, enabling provisions for the Christmas lights and decorations for 2024.


  • The Chairman invited the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Leisure Centre Delivery and Spalding Town Improvement to provide a verbal update.


  • The Portfolio Holder confirmed that conversations were taking place between the Council’s  Economic Development Department and Communities Department, regarding extending and enhancing the Christmas offering in Spalding, particularly The Crescent area of the Town.
  • Due to an infrastructure electrical issue, the lights were unable to be erected in The Crescent for Christmas 2023.
  • Officers were working to resolve these issues, to enable lights and decorations to be visible for Christmas 2024.
  • Funding opportunities could be available through the Business Improvement District Board.
  • The Portfolio Holder added that an update would be provided at the next meeting.
  • The Chairman noted that The Crescent was a lovely area of the town providing a collection of bespoke shops.



Spalding Special Expenses Quarter 3 report 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To consider the Spalding Special Expenses and Quarter 3 forecast outturn 2023-24 (report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) (S151) enclosed)




Consideration was given to the report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development and S151) which considered the Spalding Special Expenses and Quarter 3 forecast outturn 2023-24.


The Strategic Finance Manager stated that the Quarter 3 report detailed forecast spend against the Quarter 3 2023-24 budget.

  • A budget of £241,375.00 had been approved this time last year by Council.
  • Up to September 2023, the forecast outturn was expected to be broadly in line with budget.
  • At Quarter 3 with three months additional transactions and analysis of trends, the Strategic Finance Manager had a much clearer picture of the spend for the current year and was forecasting an underspend of £16,000.00
  • Reduced premises costs were the largest driver for the variance at £6,000.00.
  • Maintenance costs were expected to be less than budget, with lower demand for maintenance due to reduced usage of certain sites.
  • Forecast savings on supplies and services was the second largest driver of the variance at £5,500.00. The majority of this underspend related to the previous year’s King’s Coronation Event, which had a budget of £10,000.00.
  • Table 3 in the report broke down the budget and forecast by cost centre, each area had some level of underspend but the most notable was a £4,900.00 underspend for the Monkhouse Ward due to reduced premises costs, together with savings on utilities.
  • The Halley Stewart Playing Field site produced a saving of £3,300.00 due to a reduction in premises costs with a new lease anticipated.
  • Christmas decorations revealed a saving of £3,000.00 for electricity costs, mainly due to the economic climate at the time of budget setting.
  • Section 4 of the Quarter 3 report detailed the reserve position, with an opening balance of £103,000.00, any underspend realised at the end of year 2023 would be transferred into the Spalding Special Reserves, essentially a ‘rainy-day’ pot for one-off expenses.


Councillor Taylor clarified that the Sir Halley Stewart Playing Field lease was for Spalding United Football Club, not Spalding Town Football Club as listed in the report.


The Chairman announced that he was pleased with the said underspends which filtered down to Spalding Special Reserves, for one off events.




That the Spalding Special Expenses and Quarter 3 Forecast 2023-24 be noted.


Spalding Grammar School Presentation

Students from Spalding Grammar School to provide a presentation on Spalding Town Centre and future events.



The Deputy Head of Spalding Grammar School Sixth Form, Head of Law Politics & Criminology, introduced the Spalding Grammar school students who had compiled a presentation to voice their opinions on Spalding Town Centre and events.


The students wished to share their views on transport links, social issues, and the South Holland Centre, along with lack of diversity in terms of shops, events, and social media.


  • Transport links – improved transport links would enhance the appeal of the town to the locals, along with tourists, which in turn would help businesses, food establishments, tourism, and recreation.
    • Efficient transport systems contributed to environmental sustainability along with economic growth, providing links for easier access to businesses and employment opportunities.
    • The students noted that the Boston to Spalding bus route, B3 and B9 Brylane was only available on weekdays at limited times, making it difficult for the working person, along with students, who would travel if bus services and timetables were improved.
    • West Pinchbeck only provided a school bus during term time, with no access to Spalding Town Centre at the weekends.


  • Social Issues – Incorporating - homelessness, unemployment, and addiction, and how this linked to the circle bench in Hall Place.
    • The circle bench radiated a negative sigma with numerous families avoiding that particular area. These issues could be addressed through additional community policing.
    • To create a more appealing area and encourage footfall, the addition of a new seating area with flower planters, additional bins to alleviate littering, improved lighting and replanting trees would create a cleaner more attractive environment.
    • Spalding was currently facing a large increase in homelessness and addiction, borne out in recent statistics showing 28 homeless individuals per officer. These numbers were high, putting Spalding in the top 20% of deprived areas.


  • South Holland Centre – the students agreed this was a great place for youngsters to socialise, however many of the films were scheduled either during school hours or on weekday nights.
    • A recent showing of the film Priscilla was only screened at 2pm on Friday, thus not enabling students to view the film. The Bob Marley film appealed to a younger audience but again was not screened at the weekend.


  • Lack of shop diversity – The diversity of shops within SpaldingTown Centre was limited, driving young adults to shop elsewhere.
    • The limited choices meant young adults visited competitors to purchase goods such as clothing and footwear outside of Spalding Town Centre, for example, Queensgate Shopping Centre in Peterborough and Springfields. This was inconvenient and frustrating for young people.
    • Spalding residents were not always getting value for money, as without competition, prices could become inflated.
    • The students advocated more shops and less empty shops , and improved brands, to entice younger shoppers into Spalding town centre.
    • Promotion of local businesses, with complimentary advertisement, such as an Instagram page that locals could view alongside national engagement was suggested.
    • It was suggested that additional sponsorship for local events, such as the Pumpkin Festival and Spalding Flower Parade,  would increase  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Any other business

To discuss any other business that the Chairman deems significant.



The following items were raised:




  • The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Leisure Centre Delivery and Spalding Town Improvement provided the Forum with an update on the issue of graffiti in the district.
    • The District Council Community Warden Officer had been very proactive engaging with businesses, to encourage the removal of graffiti from business properties.
    • The perpetrators  committing the offensive graffiti had to be held accountable for the ongoing damage.
    • This week, officers from Lincolnshire County Council were repairing and removing graffiti from various areas around Spalding, including Pinchbeck Road, Wygate Park and areas within the Monkhouse  ward.
    • Anglian Water had responded swiftly by removing graffiti on property that they owned.
    • The Portfolio Holder responded to Councillor Sheard, who at the previous Forum meeting was concerned about a broken, vandalised telephone box, which contained glass, graffiti, and was an unpleasant site. BT had been contacted, however, to date no confirmed date for when the telephone box would be removed had been received.


The Chairman asked the Portfolio Holder how residents could report graffiti?


  • The Portfolio Holder explained that offensive graffiti should be reported through the SHDC website, thus enabling the Community Wardens to gather evidence to apprehend the culprits.


  • Cllr Sheard asked whether CCTV evidence  of the individuals responsible for the graffiti was available and had the cameras been viewed to permit the authorities to pursue an arrest.
    • The Portfolio Holder was unaware  whether the owners of the camera had contacted the police and if any criminal activity had been captured. 
    • Prosecuting any lawbreaking culprits had been proven to reduce crime.


The River Welland


Councillor James Le Sage updated the Forum on an issue he had raised at a previous meeting with his suggestion on the potential of  the “opening up” of the Welland River.

  • Councillor J Le Sage informed the Forum that the river could potentially be opened up for punting, kayaking, and small water craft. This would be a huge draw for tourists, beneficial for local businesses and increase Spalding Town Centre footfall, coupled with providing outdoor activities that would appeal to all age demographics.
  • Councillor J Le Sage would shortly be attending meetings with interested parties/relevant authorities to formulate a way forward.


Councillor Le Sage would keep the forum updated and asked the Chairman of the Forum to add this as an agenda item for the next meeting.



Johnson Hospital League of Friends


Christine Lawton, representative for the Johnson Hospital League of Friends informed the Forum that SHDC Councillors had recently provided donations to purchase 23 televisions for the patients at the hospital. The hospital had also recently updated the café area providing outside seating for patients, and she thanked the Forum for their continued support.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Spalding Town Forum to be confirmed. 



11 June 2024 – 6.30pm


Spalding Town Forum Summer Event

The Chairman of the Forum to provide a progress update on the Spalding Town Forum Summer Event 2024.



The Chairman informed the group that  an update  was not available at present, however the Forum would be advised in more detail of the upcoming Ayscough-Fest event at the next Spalding Town Forum meeting.