Agenda and minutes

South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee - Friday, 24th July, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding

Contact: Amanda Taylor  01775 764837

No. Item


Declaration of Interests

(Councillors are reminded that under the Code of Conduct they are not to participate in the whole of an agenda item to which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. In the interests of transparency, councillors may also wish to declare any other interests that they have, in relation to an agenda item, that supports the Nolan principles detailed within the Code of Conduct.)


No interests were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To sign as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting held on 19 June 2015 (copy enclosed).


The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19 June 2015 were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a correct record.


South East Lincolnshire Local Plan: Spatial Strategy Background Paper pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To seek approval for the Spatial Strategy Background Paper to inform further work on the preparation of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan including future public consultation exercises.  (Report of the Joint Policy Unit Manager enclosed.)


Owing to the complexity of the committee papers the Joint Policy Unit Manager will be summarising the contents through a PowerPoint Presentation. 

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Manager which sought approval for the Spatial Strategy Background Paper to inform further work on the preparation of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan including future public consultation exercises. 


In addition to the report, members were provided with a brief presentation on the Draft Spatial Strategy Background paper which covered the following areas:


·         Committee Report

·         Background Paper: Section 1.0

·         Section 2.0 – Policy Context

·         Section 3.0 – The Preferred Options

·         Lincolnshire Coastal Study (LCS)

·         Exploring implications for development in ROY Zones

·         Key issues in planning for housing growth and flood risk

·         Preferred Approaches

·         Section 4.0 – Revised Approach to Housing

·         Section 5.0 – Evidence on Objectively Assessed Needs for Housing

·         Separate Boston SHMA

·         Links to other Economic Projections/Strategies

·         Section 6.0 – New methodology for assessing settlements and their role in meeting development needs

·         Revised Settlement Hierarchy Categories

·         Classifying settlements within the Hierarchy

·         Section 7.0 – The proposed settlement hierarchy


Members discussed the content of the report and presentation as follows:


·         Confirmation was sought on the 80% and 13% figures relating to the Preferred Options cap on the proportion of additional dwellings that were to be accommodated in ROY Zones in Boston Borough and South Holland District respectively.

·          The impact of the reduction in housing need in South Holland District signalled in the emerging update of the Peterborough Sub-Regional SHMA was noted, as it would make a significant difference to the amount of land that had to be allocated.

·         The Peterborough Sub-Regional SHMA covered the areas of Peterborough City, South Holland District, South Kesteven District and Rutland County.

·         The SHMAs were prepared in accordance with Planning Practice Guidance and formed the basis upon which housing need was determined.

·         The four partner authorities had agreed not to    offer-up part of their housing provision to, or seek further provision from, each other. 

·         The assessment of housing need had been informed by population and household forecasting.

·         The location of the consultants needed to be shared with members.

·         The settlement hierarchy provided flexibility in meeting the five-year housing land requirement.

·         Settlement boundaries would be considered at the next Joint Committee meeting.

·         Village plans would need to be taken into consideration.

·         The settlement hierarchy would be subject to consultation.

·         An additional recommendation was required to ensure that the Spatial Strategy Background Paper, once amended, be circulated to all Parish Clerks in South East Lincolnshire.

·         Concerns were raised regarding the coloured summary document within the report which did not align with comments that had previously been made.  An ‘aide memoire’ would be provided when the document was circulated more widely to parish councils.

·         The wording of the Spatial Strategy Background Paper would be agreed by local councillors prior to being finalised.

·         The Shoreline Management Plan would inform the consideration of measures to address  t the ‘worst- case flood scenarios’ , including   improvements  to the sea defences where appropriate. 




a)        That the content of the report and the Draft Spatial Strategy Background paper  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent.

Note:          No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency.


Councillor Austin submitted her apologies for the Local Plan Steering Group meeting on 14 August 2015.