Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Priory Road, Spalding
Contact: Amanda Taylor 01775 764837
No. | Item |
Declaration of Interests (Councillors are reminded that under the Code of Conduct they are not to participate in the whole of an agenda item to which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. In the interests of transparency, councillors may also wish to declare any other interests that they have, in relation to an agenda item, that supports the Nolan principles detailed within the Code of Conduct.) Minutes: Councillor M Brookes declared a personal interest as a friend of his, whom had a landowning interest in Swineshead, was present at the meeting. He did not consider himself as having a prejudicial interest or a disclosable pecuniary interest and therefore would remain in the meeting for the debate and vote.
Councillor B Alcock declared a personal interest as he had promoted a site for development through the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment process. He did not consider himself as having a prejudicial interest or a disclosable pecuniary interest and therefore would remain in the meeting for the debate and vote.
Councillor D Brown declared a personal interest as he had a landowning interest in Sutterton. He did not consider himself as having a prejudicial interest or a disclosable pecuniary interest and therefore would remain in the meeting for the debate and vote.
Cllr A Austin declared a personal interest as a member of the Wyberton Church Parochial Church Council. She did not consider herself as having a prejudicial interest or a disclosable pecuniary interest and therefore would remain in the meeting for the debate and vote. |
To sign as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting held on 24 July 2015 (copy enclosed). Minutes: The minutes of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting held on 24 July 2015 were signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
To seek approval of the Draft Local Plan for the purpose of public consultation. (Report of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Manager enclosed.) Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Manager which sought approval of Policies Map elements of the Draft Local Plan and supporting background papers for the purpose of public consultation.
The Chairman introduced the proceedings by stating that the consideration of the draft Policies Map Insets was the start of a process and that there would probably be a number of changes to the contents of them as matters were progressed.
The Deputy Joint Policy Unit Manager then explained the purpose and contents of Appendices C and D and Revised Appendix A, as follows:
Appendix C
No concern about the approach was expressed.
Appendix D
Councillor Brookes expressed concern about the large amount of land in certain settlements that was the subject of consideration for housing development.
In response, the Joint Policy Unit Manager referred Councillor Brookes to para 1.5 of the covering report.
Councillor Brookes accepted the approach with a view to identifying possible options but noted that the emphasis needed to be placed on the word ‘options’. This point was reiterated by the Chairman.
Councillor Austin expressed concerns about the need to provide additional infrastructure in support of new housing and questioned how new schools - as opposed to school extensions - were to be provided.
The Chairman referred to the role of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and how difficult it was to produce. He noted that both Boston Borough and South Holland District were in the ‘same boat’ regarding the need for additional infrastructure to support development in these areas and the desire for new major relief roads in both Boston and Spalding. The conundrum was how the limited money available for funding infrastructure was to be divided up between competing needs. He explained that the possibility of introducing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was being investigated but, currently, the prospects for it were not good.
Revised Appendix A
The Joint Policy Unit Manager explained the basis for the preparation of Revised Appendix A (distributed to councillors in advance of the meeting), which included the new housing provision targets for South Holland District and its designated settlements following the recent completion of the 2015 update of the Peterborough Sub-Regional Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).
Councillor Biggadike enquired as to how the revised figures for Holbeach could be reconciled with the current and emerging proposals for residential development in the town, and the Strategic Planning Manager for Lincolnshire County Council reiterated this concern with particular reference to the current County Council-owned allocation in the South Holland Local Plan. The Joint Policy Unit Manager said that further consideration would be given to this matter.
Councillor Alcock noted that current circumstances could change and enquired about the approach of ‘over-allocating’ of sites for residential development to ensure delivery. The Joint Policy Unit Manager explained this approach and recalled the previous support for it indicated by councillors.
The Chairman confirmed his support for such an approach.
Councillor Coupland expressed concern about a reduction of ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent Note: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was none. |