Venue: Council Offices, West Street, Boston
Contact: Amanda Taylor 01775 764837
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The outgoing Chairman, Councillor R Gambba-Jones, opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
Election of Chairman. Minutes: The Joint Policy Unit Manager requested nominations for the election of the Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee for the ensuing year.
That Councillor P Bedford be elected Chairman for the ensuing year. |
Election of Vice-Chairman. (To be from a different authority to that of the Chairman.) Minutes: The Chairman invited nominations for the election of the Vice-Chairman of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee for the ensuing year (to be from a different authority to that of the Chairman).
That Councillor R Gambba-Jones be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year. |
Declaration of Interests. (Where a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest the Councillor must declare the interest to the meeting and leave the room without participating in any discussion or making a statement on the item, except where a Councillor is permitted to remain as a result of a grant of dispensation.) Minutes: Councillor B Alcock declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of land in Crowland and therefore would leave the meeting for the debate and vote at the appropriate time.
To sign as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting held on 27 May 2016 (enclosed).
Minutes: The Joint Policy Unit Manager asked for the Draft Minutes to be amended so as to include the following paragraph before the Chairman’s concluding remarks on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan as follows:
‘The Deputy Joint Policy Unit Manager added that there was no set methodology for undertaking objectively-assessed housing needs so the approach for South East Lincolnshire should not be compared in terms of being somehow deficient or inappropriate. Our approach seems justified when considered against past delivery and the circumstances of the Local Plan area.’
The amendment was agreed unanimously, and the minutes of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting held on 27 May 2016, as amended, were then signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
South East Lincolnshire Local Plan: Preferred Sites for Development PDF 118 KB To seek approval of Revised Policies Map Insets for the purpose of public consultation. (Report of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Manager enclosed.) Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Joint Policy Unit Manager which asked members to approve, for the purpose of public consultation, revisions to the January 2016 ‘Draft Local Plan’ Policy 2: Spatial Strategy (Policy 2) and Policy 12: Distribution of New Housing (Policy 12), and the Policies Map Insets (Insets) which now identified ‘preferred’ sites, instead of site options, for development.
Councillor Brewis requested, and it was agreed unanimously, that Gedney Church End and Gedney Black Lion End be separately identified within revised Policy 2.
Members of the Joint Policy Unit then briefly explained the background to the formulation of the revisions to Policies 2 and 12 and the Insets. This was undertaken by reference to the preparation of the ‘Housing Paper’ for each settlement identified in the settlement hierarchy as a Sub-Regional Centre, a Main Service Centre or a Minor Service Centre.
The Forward Planning Officer pointed out several drafting errors on the Boston Inset. He then explained that three tiers of preferred housing sites had been identified for the town: sustainable urban extensions (SUEs), large sites and small sites. The total capacity of these sites exceeded the target dwelling requirement for Boston, but this overprovision was justified on the grounds of providing choice and to compensate for the risk of some sites not coming forward.
The Senior Planning Policy Officer explained the reasoning behind the identification of employment sites to the south of Boston and the deletion of a previously-identified site because of unavailability.
The Senior Planning Policy Officer explained the current approach to a housing strategy for Spalding and its relationship with the proposed delivery of the Spalding Western Relief Road (SWRR) and the provision of a new integrated primary and secondary schools facility. She said that the purpose of the identified range of sites was to facilitate a mix of developers and to maximise the chances of delivery. The integrated school would be located in proximity to the proposed housing growth and, at the request of the County Council, as Local Education Authority, its design and layout should be well related to the proposed new housing development adjoining it.
In respect of the proposed SUE to the north of the Vernatt’s Drain, it was explained that the gas pipeline easements to the east of the railway line could form the basis of a network of open spaces throughout the housing development. The first phase of development would focus on the provision of a roundabout junction linking the Spalding Road with the eastern end of the SWRR and housing development between the railway and Spalding Road. The next phase would include the extension of the SWRR south-westwards via a bridge crossing of the railway and further residential development to the west of the railway. Significant further development of the SUE would take place beyond the period of the Local Plan.
Councillor Alcock expressed concern about the time it might take to deliver the bridge crossing of the railway, but accepted there was a ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent. Note: No other business is permitted unless by reason of special circumstances, which shall be specified in the minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item(s) should be considered as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There was none.