Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

Portfolio Holder (Cabinet) responsibilities


For each of the portfolio holders, they:

·       Take responsibility for a range of council services and functions which are delegated to the Cabinet

·       Contribute to the development and implementation of the council's policies, budget, strategies and service delivery and takes the lead at Cabinet meetings on items within their portfolio

·       Make decisions on specific issues within their portfolio as permitted in the List of Delegation and the council's constitution

·       Are accountable to the council’s scrutiny committees, the council and the local community for the portfolio.


Each portfolio holder will also:

·       Act as spokespeople inside and outside the council Liaise with relevant council officers

·       Make sure they have a clear understanding and knowledge of their portfolio strategically and operationally

·       Make sure the council has appropriate methods of consultation and communication in place

·       Attend scrutiny committees when required.