To consider the contents of the proposed main modifications and seek approval for them for the purpose of public consultation (report of the Joint Policy Unit Manager enclosed).
The South East Lincolnshire Joint Policy Unit Manager introduced the report, outlined the Examination process and explained that the primary purpose of the hearing sessions was to enable the inspectors to identify any potential changes to the Local Plan.
Thirty-eight Proposed Main Modifications had arisen from the Examination process, and these were of four broad types:
· The deletion of policy for reason of duplication of national policy.
· Amendments to policy and/or policy justification to improve the effectiveness and/or clarity of its content.
· Amendments to policy and/or policy justification to achieve compliance with national policy or statute; and
· The formulation of additional policies to address gaps in guidance.
The Planning Inspectorate’s (PIN’s) procedural practice required PMMs to be the subject of public consultation and sustainability appraisal (SA)
· The SA was completed
· Updates of the Habitats Regulations Assessment and the Equalities Impact Assessment to take account of the PMMs were also completed.
· There was a minimum six-week period of public consultation on PMMs proposed for Monday, 16 July to Tuesday, 28 August, 2018 inclusive.
Additional modifications:
The Examination process allowed for the Joint Committee to put forward ‘additional modifications’ of its own to deal with more minor matters, such as the rectification of typographical errors. These would not form part of the public consultation exercise.
· The Joint Policy Unit (JPU) had agreed with the Lead Inspector that any comments it wished to make on the responses to the consultation would be delivered to the Programme Officer by Monday, 10 September 2018.
· The findings from the consultation would be used to inform the completion of the Inspectors’ report.
· The draft Inspectors’ report would be subject to the PINS internal quality assurance process (3 weeks).
· The JPU would have two weeks to consider the ‘fact check report’ and respond with its findings.
· On receipt of the final report, the Joint Committee could proceed to adopt the Local Plan, as amended in accordance with the Inspectors’ report.
· Formal adoption was hoped to occur before Christmas 2018.
Officers recommended some amendments to the PMMs as identified in the report. These were:
Officers asked for feedback on either amendments or general matters. The following points were raised by members;
It was asked, if during the consultation, the public would be provided with a version of the Local Plan incorporating the Modifications rather than the Schedule of proposed Main Modifications . Officers stated that the public would be presented with the Schedule of proposed Main Modifications. The Chairman stated that the inspectorate would also need to consider the feedback of the public.
Members asked if the floor spaces given on page 62 of the report were correct. Officers responded that the figures were indeed correct.
Members asked for clarification of whether the infrastructure investment identified in ‘Appendix 5: Allocations - Infrastructure requirements, constraints and mitigation’ was expected to come from developers or another source. Officers responded that these costs would be shared by developers and infrastructure providers, and clarified it was not the role of the planning authority to make this investment.
Members asked why, although the Local Plan makes provisions to ensure the delivery of various phases of the Boston Distributor Road, it does not ensure that the links between these phases will be delivered. Officers stated that, although the Safeguarding Corridor protected the land that would be needed for the provision of the links, the mechanisms for their delivery were not yet fully established.
a. That the contents of the report and the attached Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Publication version of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan and its supporting Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment be considered and;
Supporting documents: