To outline the proposed three-year plan of improvements for Holbeach and Spalding that can be delivered to enhance the town centres and provide future opportunities (report of the Executive Director Place enclosed)
Consideration was given to the report of the Executive Director – Place, which outlined the proposed three-year plan of improvements for Holbeach and Spalding that could be delivered to enhance the town centres and provide future opportunities.
Members commented that with regard to future potential improvements to other towns, there would be the benefit of lessons learned from this project.
It was also important that the basics (for example ensuring a litter-free environment) were dealt with, that the needs of the local people were catered for and that communities and groups were involved in the process.
a) That the Town Centre Improvement Plan as outlined in Appendix 3, be agreed.
b) That works associated with the Improvement Plan be funded from the Growth and Investment reserve up to a value of £500,000 investment over 3 years.
c) That a 3 year fixed term post be added to the establishment to co-ordinate and undertake works as part of the Town Centre Improvement plan.
d) That the Executive Director for Place, in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of Cabinet, be given delegated authority to commit resources up to the value of £500,000 to deliver the agreed Improvement Plan.
e) That the Town Centre Steering Group for Spalding be established to act as a consultative body to gather community and business input.
f) That the suggested governance arrangements for the Holbeach Future High Street Fund business case development be agreed and that these be used to deliver proposed actions set out for Holbeach in the proposed Town Centre Improvement Plan.
g) That the sum of £150,000 granted from the Future High Street Fund for the purposes outlined in paragraph 1.15 be accepted.
(Other options considered:
· To do nothing.
Reasons for decision:
· Both the towns of Holbeach and Spalding face significant challenges particularly around the viability of their high streets. It is fundamental to the growth and prosperity of both towns and the wider population of South Holland that actions are taken to secure the future of them both.
· The Town Centre Improvement Plan brings together a series of activity including quick wins to establish a ‘track record’, foundation building (getting the fundamentals right) and data harvesting to establish a baseline of evidence. This provides a robust position to move forward each year, building on successes or changing direction for further outcomes.
· The success of Holbeach in moving forward to the next stage of the Future High Streets Fund provides further opportunity to develop plans. The delivery of a number of the actions outlined in the report and Appendix 3 would demonstrate the commitment of South Holland to improving the town centres and therefore be fundamental to securing a successful bid for capital funding.
· Both towns are scheduled to take a significant amount of housing and infrastructure growth in the future. The Improvement Plan allows further residential opportunities to be identified and plans developed that are effective place shapers of the town centres. As part of this growth we need to ensure that the towns are fit for purpose and meet the needs of these additional communities and that they are able to connect into the towns easily at all times of the day).
Supporting documents: