Consideration was given to the
report of the Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community
Leadership to seek the Policy Development Panel’s views on
the South and East Lincolnshire Community Safety Strategy 2022-25,
prior to adoption.
The Community Safety and
Enforcement Manager introduced the report which set out the duties
placed on local authorities and other named statutory agencies in
relation to crime and disorder (Section 5-7 of the Crime and
Disorder Act 1998). The report outlined the current Community
Safety Partnership (CSP) arrangements across the South and East
Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (S&ELCP) and in Lincolnshire
as a whole.
The policy provided for a
strategic response which was locally owned and covered the
following priority areas:
- Anti-Social Behaviour
- Hate
- Safter Street and Night-Time
- The Safety of Women
and Girls; and
- Vulnerability and
The policy would be subject to
annual reviews.
Members considered the policy
and made the following comments.
- Members welcomed the
- Members referred to
the Safer Street section of the policy which looked at
environmental issues such as poor street lighting, blind spots, and
hidden areas and asked whether links were being made with the SHDC
Planning department to shape improvements. Some new housing
developments had faced community safety challenges.
- The Community Safety
and Enforcement Manager confirmed that engagement with Planning was
integral to the day-to-day work however some residential
developments had presented community safety challenges. The
implementation of mitigations, such as Safe Zones and the
installation of CCTV, had been put in place to target issues
experienced around the night-time economy.
- The Assistant
Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership welcomed
members’ feedback and stated that the consideration of
utilising Planning tools to address issues of community safety
across the Partnership would be beneficial. It was suggested that
the Review of Implemented Planning Decisions tour to be undertaken
by Performance Monitoring Panel members on 27 October 2022 could
also incorporate this aspect.
- Members stated that
police resources were challenging, and reports of safety issues
were often made to ward members. Would the implementation of the
strategy enable focussed attention on areas which had experienced
an increased volume of incidents, and could response activity be
communicated to residents? A pro-active approach was needed.
- The Community Safety
and Enforcement Manager responded that:
- residents did not
need to wait for the strategy to be adopted and should report all
incidents to the police so that relevant action could be taken,
including: targeted patrols; police inspections of the area to
investigate development opportunities; and a visible presence by
Community Wardens;
- the Community Safety
team met fortnightly with the police to receive case updates;
- enquiries would be
made with the local Inspector to ascertain whether patrol records
were available and could be made public.
- Members requested to
be advised when Community Wardens were scheduled to visit their
ward. Members also suggested that Community Wardens engage with
residents at a neighbourhood/Parish Council level to understand
local communities and aid with the sharing of
- Members suggested
that South Holland District Council lobby Lincolnshire County
Council (L.C.C) to reverse the decision to turn off streetlights in
housing estates at night, as this decision had resulted in feelings
of vulnerability among residents.
- A member of the
Committee advised the Panel that L.C.C. was in the process of
removing the requirement for streetlights to be installed in new
housing estates. Street furniture would be illuminated but it was
unclear what this related to. The date of implementation was not
known but the member would investigate, and the details would be
forwarded to the Chairman of the Policy Development Panel and the
Community Safety and Enforcement Manager.
The Community Safety and Enforcement Manager
responded that she had not previously been made aware of this
development and welcomed the update.
The Assistant Director – Wellbeing and
Community responded that interrogation of data would establish
whether increased reporting of issues had occurred during the
period when streetlights were switched off. The Community Safety
and Enforcement Manager would review the data and any intelligence
would inform the consideration of future action.
- Members stated that
both footway lighting and street lighting, the responsibilities of
the District Council and County Council respectively, should be
considered when developments were discussed at Planning Committee
That the comments of the Panel be noted;
That the Panel noted the contents of the report and
the work of the partners in addressing crime and disorder in South
and East Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire as a whole;
That the Panel recommended that Cabinet agree to
adopt the Community Safety Strategy and identified priorities for
the SELCSP for the period 2022-25; and
That the Panel recommended that Cabinet agrees to
provide delegated authority for the Deputy Chief Executive
(Communities) to finalise with the relevant Portfolio Holders a
programme for the development of a Community Safety Action