Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Corporate to provide an update on the
Council’s strategic risks for the period 1 July 2022 to 30
September 2022.
The Senior Change and Performance Business
Partner provided the Committee with the following updates:
- The report included risks which
related to the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership
(S&ELCP) at Appendix B. This element had been included at the
request of the Governance and Audit Committee.
- Whilst there had not been any
changes to risk scores in the current iteration, the following
updates to ICT controls and mitigations had taken place:
In respect of risk
relating to a cyber incident:
- PSPS had been successful in its
application for a grant from the Department for Levelling-Up to
improve the security position of the three partnership
- the maximum grant of £175,000
had been secured;
- an action plan would be developed to
improve cyber security and infrastructure; and
- the action plan needed to adhere to
caveats stipulated by the award.
In respect of risk
relating to ICT infrastructure:
the risk had been moved onto the Strategic Risk Register;
the risk scoring had not changed; an increased risk had been
considered after the outage in September 2022, and whilst the risk
had been elevated at the time of incident, the likelihood of
reoccurrence in the future had not changed; and
a Major Incident review had been conducted and was in the process
of being shared with the ICT Strategy Board, Senior Leadership Team
and Portfolio Holder. The review considered resiliency options that
may be used to lower the risk scoring in the future.
Members considered the report and made the
following comments:
- The ‘retention of staff’
risk had been duplicated.
- Members discussed the risks that
related to both economic downturn and economic hardship (on agenda
pages 47 and 54 respectively):
- members referred to ‘economic
downturn’ risk and noted that since the report was produced,
a number of companies in the district had announced closures/ceased
trading. Potential redundancies would have a significant
impact on the local economy. The Committee strongly determined the
risk rating of 3 to be too low and requested that this opinion be
communicated to relevant officers;
- members also referred to
the ‘economic hardship’ risk and requested further
details regarding the ‘working with landlords’
mitigation; and
- members queried the
impact that economic hardship would have on the partnership
The Senior Change
and Performance Business Partner responded that:
- all of the issues that related to
economic downturn and economic hardship would be raised with Growth
- The economic downturn risk would be
reviewed; and
- The economic hardship risk would be
- Members welcomed the chart on page
41 of the agenda which outlined how risks were graded and
- Members requested that Appendix A
and Appendix B be clearly separated in future iterations.
- Members referred to the risk
relating to the ‘failure to deliver new homes
programme’ and questioned whether the delivery pace of new
homes was too quick/frontloaded, potentially resulting in a future
economic slowdown when projects were completed. Members requested a
risk be included for this aspect of delivery.
- The Senior Change and Performance
Business Partner would look into this and report back to the
- Members referred to the risk
relating to ‘failure to meet statutory requirements regarding
general fund assets’ and noted that the Business Support
Officer narrative was incomplete.
Members queried whether the intention had been for the Business
Support Officer role to remain temporary as this position was
likely to be required going forward.
- Regarding the incomplete narrative,
the Senior Change and Performance Business Partner stated that the
current report was produced during a transition period. Formatting
issues would be rectified for Q3 when the report would be generated
wholly through the Pentana system.
- The Senior Change and Performance
Business Partner would investigate the terms of the Business
Support Officer role and report back to the Committee.
- Members referred to the risk score
of 3 for ‘internal communications’ and questioned
whether this was realistic. The Q1 Performance Report 2022/23
presented at the 19 October 2022 Performance Monitoring Panel
meeting stated the ‘percentage of workforce who felt informed
about the Partnership and what decisions it was making’ was
That following consideration of the covering
report and Appendix A, which detailed the latest assessment of the
Council’s strategic risks, the Q2 Risk Report 2022/23 be