Agenda item

Appointment of Councillors to Outside Bodies

To consider the benefits of making appointments to outside bodies that are now due and to make such appointments as deemed appropriate for the period 2023 – 2027.


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer), which asked members to consider: 1) the benefits of making appointments to outside bodies that were due and to make such appointments as deemed appropriate for the period 2023 – 2027; 2) appointing Member Champions; and 3) appointing members as Directors/Shareholder Representatives to PSPS, Welland Homes and South Holland Homes.


The Assistant Director – Governance (Monitoring Officer) introduced the report stating that the Council was due to appoint to outside bodies until the Annual Council meeting after the District Council Election in 2027.


In addition to the information detailed in Appendix B to the report, further proposed appointments were put forward as follows:


·       Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire – Councillor M Geaney

·       South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee – Councillor N Chapman


Proposals for appointments to Outside Bodies, appointments of Member Champions, and appointments of members as Directors/Shareholder Representatives to PSPS, Welland Homes and South Holland Homes are detailed below, and include the additional nominations.     It was agreed that any remaining vacancies could be considered outside of the meeting and confirmed at a future meeting of the Council.


Outside Bodies


Name of Outside Body

Nomination for 2023 -2027

Advisory and Liaison Committee to the Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire

Cllr E Sneath

Air Training Corps – Civilian Welfare Committee (Spalding Squadron)                  

Cllr A Woolf

Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board

Cllr M Geaney

Citizens Advice Bureau – Board of Trustees

Cllr J Astill

Cllr A Beal

East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership

Cllr T Carter


East Midlands Councils         


Cllr N Worth

Cllr G Taylor (Substitute)

Health Scrutiny Committee for Lincolnshire


Cllr M Geaney

Named replacement vacancy – no nomination received

Lincolnshire County Council Flood and Drainage Management Scrutiny Committee

No nominations received – 1 vacancy

Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel

Cllr J Astill

Lincolnshire Waste Partnership           

Cllr J Tyrrell

Local Government Association – General Assembly

Cllr N Worth

North Level District Internal Drainage Board

Cllr A Beal

Cllr A Harrison

Cllr C Brewis



No nominations received – 1 vacancy

Rural Services Network – SPARSE Rural

Cllr G Taylor

South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee

Cllr J Avery

Cllr H Bingham

No Con subs provided

Cllr B Alcock

No Ind sub provided

South Holland in Bloom Advisory Committee      

Cllr N Chapman

Cllr J Reynolds

Cllr J Whitbourn

Cllr R Gibson

1 vacancy remaining

South Holland Internal Drainage Board

Cllr A Beal

Cllr H Bingham

Cllr A Casson

Cllr N Chapman

Cllr P Redgate

Cllr J Tyrrell

Cllr D Wilkinson

Cllr T Sneath

3 vacancies remaining

South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme

No nominations received – 1 vacancy

Spalding Town Husbands

Cllr E Sneath

Cllr J Whitbourn

Spalding Water Taxi Company Limited

Cllr G Taylor

The Wash and North Norfolk Coast European Marine Site Management Group

Cllr D Wilkinson

Welland & Deepings Internal Drainage Board          

Cllr J Avery

Cllr H Bingham

Cllr A Casson

Cllr E Sneath

Cllr R Gibson

Christine Lawton

1 vacancy remaining


Councillor Champions


Champion Title

Nomination for 2023/27

Armed Forces Champion


Cllr J Whitbourn

Children’s Champion

Cllr J Reynolds


Dementia Champion

Cllr J Astill


District Carers Champion


Cllr A Casson

Heritage Champion

Cllr E Sneath


Mental Health Champion

Cllr J Astill



Board members/Shareholder representatives – PSPS, Welland Homes and South Holland Homes







Proposed - Cllr J Astill


Shareholder Representative

Proposed - Cllr T Carter

South Holland Homes


Proposed - Cllr H Bingham

South Holland Homes



South Holland Homes

Shareholder Representative

Proposed - Cllr A Beal

Welland Homes


Proposed - Cllr H Bingham

Welland Homes


Proposed - Cllr P Redgate

Welland Homes

Shareholder Representative

Proposed - Cllr T Carter




1)    That appointments be made to outside bodies for the period 2023 – 2027, as set out at Appendix B to the report and detailed more fully above;


2)    That Member Champions be appointed as set out at Appendix B to the report and detailed above; and


3)    That Directors to the Boards of PSPS, Welland Homes and South Holland Homes, and Shareholder Representatives be appointed, as set out at Appendix B to the report and detailed above.

Supporting documents: