Agenda item

Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7


Prior to raising any questions, the Leader of the Independent Group congratulated Councillor Worth in his appointment as Leader of the Council, and also welcomed all new members elected at the District Council election.  He also passed his thanks on to the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development (S151) for the work she had undertaken in lobbying for the funding from Central Government in relation to the Internal Drainage Board pressures on Council Tax.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Gibson

Subject: Cross party working following District Council Election results


Councillor Gibson stated that voters had returned a larger number of Independent councillors at the recent District Council Elections, and he was therefore hopeful that all 37 Councillors could work together for the district.  The Leader acknowledged that the Conservative Group had a majority of only one and that it was important for them to work with the Independent Group. Both Groups had much in common and a good relationship going forward was anticipated.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Gibson

Subject: Cost of the Cabinet

Councillor Gibson commented that due to his other responsibilities as Chairman of the LGA and within the House of Lords, Councillor Porter had appointed two Deputy Leaders.  It was noted that Councillor Worth had retained two Deputy Leaders as part of his Cabinet – could a breakdown of responsibilities for these positions be provided in order to ensure that value for money was being achieved? The Leader responded that this information could be provided.  He also highlighted that the Cabinet membership had been reduced by one, and that there were no longer any Executive Support posts.  The new members of the Cabinet possessed an array of skills and were looking forward to the work ahead of them.


Question to:  Councillor Redgate

Question from: Councillor Gibson

Subject:  Security of Levelling Up funding

Councillor Gibson asked whether the Levelling Up funding received from Central Government that was to be used towards the Spalding leisure facilities and the associated extra care housing was secure?  The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up deferred to the Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development to provide specific information, and she confirmed that subject to a meeting to be held at the end of the week, it was expected that all necessary paperwork would be signed off.


Question to:  Councillor Tyrrell

Question from: Councillor Wilkinson

Subject:  Holbeach Waste Depot update

Councillor Wilkinson asked if an update could be provided on the Holbeach Waste Depot, had a new site been identified, and where were vehicles currently being stored?  Councillor Tyrrell stated that he had been newly appointed as Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, but would provide a response to these questions in due course.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Brewis

Subject:  Internal Drainage Board interim settlement

Councillor Brewis commented that although it was excellent news that the authority had been successful in securing an interim settlement for one year in respect of IDB levies, it was important to ensure that IDB precepts were treated as IDB precepts, and that this should be pursued.  The Leader responded that this was an issue that should continue to be pursued.  Although the one year award was not completely ideal, the authority was in a better position than it had been a year ago.


Question to:  Councillor Taylor

Question from: Councillor King

Subject:  Welfare of birds within the aviaries at Ayscoughfee Gardens

Councillor King advised that she had been advised by members of the public that there were a number of birds in the aviaries in Ayscoughfee Gardens that were dead or dying – had this been due to neglect, and were SHDC compliant with DEFRA rules and regulations in relation to bird flu?  The Deputy Leader (Council) advised that he was aware that some birds had escaped, and that this was being investigated.  Previous care of the birds had been good, and it was important that this should continue, and that the incident be investigated.  It was important to also look into the future of this particular area, and councillors could feed into this.


Question to:  Councillor Taylor

Question from: Councillor Wilkinson

Subject:  Long Sutton Leisure Centre

Councillor Wilkinson commented that some of the equipment at the Long Sutton Leisure Centre had been broken for several months and had not yet been repaired – efforts were required to ensure that the equipment was brought back into service as soon as possible.  The Deputy Leader (Council) responded that he had contacted the Assistant Director responsible to ensure that some pressure was put on the contractor to rectify the situation.  It had taken longer than expected but he acknowledged that his was an important facility serving a large area of the district and that it needed to be addressed promptly.