Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director - Governance (Monitoring Officer) which asked
the Policy Development Panel to provide feedback on the draft
updated Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information
Regulations (EIR) Policy.
The Scrutiny and Policy Officer introduced the
report and outlined the following main points:
- The FOI policies of South Holland
District Council (SHDC) and East Lindsey District Council (ELDC)
had been reviewed and a single updated policy would be aligned
across all three authorities of the partnership;
- The policy incorporated both FOI and
EIR for the first time due to similarities of the processing of
information requests under both policies;
- The draft FOI and EIR Policy was
detailed at Appendix A;
- The policy document contained live
weblinks to the latest version of the policy on the council
website. This approach negated the need to republish a new policy
document each time legislation or processes were amended;
- Adoption of the policy ensured that
the partnership complied with all statutory requirements; and
- During scrutiny of the policy at
Boston Borough Council (BBC), it was suggested that the charging
formula for requested information be clarified. Most requests were
free of charge however a charge would only be incurred if the work
involved to provide the response was calculated at £450 or
more. Suggested wording included the insertion of links to relevant
pages of the website of the Information Commissioners Office.
Members considered the report and made the
following comments:
- Members referred to the approach of
including links to legislative information within the document
(rather than producing a revised policy document at each change)
and sought reassurance that officers and relevant members would
respond to legislative changes.
- The Scrutiny and Policy Officer
responded that:
- The use of links ensured that the
most current version of legislation was available; and
- The Information Governance Manager
was responsible for the Council’s compliance to the
legislation – this was a statutory role.
- Members asked which agencies
frequently made FOI requests:
- The Scrutiny and Policy Officer
responded that:
- Since April 2023, SHDC had received
285 FOI requests;
- The following SHDC departments
received the most FOI requests: Revenue and Benefits, Housing,
Planning, and Licensing.
- FOI requests were made by both
individuals and organisations;
- When responding, the council ensured
that sensitive personal information was redacted;
- The majority of FOI request were
free of charge as they fell below the charging threshold; and
- The Publication Scheme on the SHDC
website would be updated to include a ‘regularly requested
information’ section which aimed to achieve transparency and
provide information.
- Members debated the benefit and
drawback of including a link within the policy to ‘Frequently
Asked Questions’ (FAQs). FAQs were accessible via the
‘Publication Scheme’ link which had been included at
page 3 of the policy, however some members felt this was unclear.
Other members stated that the purpose of a policy document was to
outline the purpose and delivery of the policy and that inclusion
of links within a policy document posed a risk should the links
- The Scrutiny and Policy Officer
responded that:
- The Publication Scheme webpage
covered many areas and included further links to information likely
to be requested;
- The Publication Scheme webpage was
being updated and could include additional information; and
- The wording within the policy would
be reviewed for clarity in respect of FAQs.
That after consideration by the Policy Development Panel, the draft
FOI/EIR Policy be recommended to Cabinet for approval; and
That the comments of the Policy Development Panel be noted.