Agenda item

Local Authority Housing Fund

Following invitation from Government, to seek agreement for the Council to take part in the Local Authority Housing Fund programme Round 2.  This is with a view to accepting government funding to support the delivery of eight new homes in the district to meet short, medium and long term housing need (report of the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development enclosed).


Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development.  Following invitation from Government to seek agreement for the Council to take part in the Local Authority Housing Fund programme Round 2, the Cabinet was requested to consider acceptance of government funding to support the delivery of eight new homes in the district to meet short, medium and long term housing need.


The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing presented the report.  The following points were highlighted:


·       Whilst supporting the proposals, members asked whether the requirement to house Afghan refugees in the area would be imposed if the proposals within the report were not supported at this stage?

  • Officers were unable to answer this question – this was a decision for the Government, and currently all that could be considered were the proposals detailed. 


·       Members asked whether the Afghan refugees would be expected to leave the property they were housed in once their visas had expired, or would they be able to remain.

  • It was clarified that, based on what we currently know, it was not the intent that any persons be asked to leave whilst they had the legal right to remain, and should they wish to remain at a property.


·       Members asked whether the intention was to purchase new build properties, or properties from the existing general market?

  • The Portfolio Holder responded that the quickest route would be sought – the money had to be spent and the properties owned by March 2024.  The intention would be to go to the new market first however, as the report suggested, this did not necessarily mean that those would be the properties to be used for temporary accommodation or to house the Afghan families – the Authority’s own stock could be used as a better fit for either of these groups.  The scheme did not specify that the houses bought had to be the ones used.

·       Members responded that care needed to be taken in buying older house and what any potential upgrade costs could be.


·       The Leader of the Opposition summarised that Government monies, to be match funded to buy properties to house Afghan families and three local families was a very good way forward and congratulated the team for its work on this to date. 


·       The Leader agreed that there was a need to support Afghan families that had supported our armed services, and that the proposals also provided the opportunity to provide housing solutions for local people aswell.




1.     That Cabinet formally agree to take part on the Local Authority Housing Fund Round 2 programme with a view to bringing eight properties in the council’s ownership to meet short, medium and long term housing needs within the district;


2.     That it be recommended to Council that the 2023/24 capital programme be amended to reflect the LAHF project as set out at Appendix A;


3.     To delegate to the Assistant Director – Strategic Growth and Development, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing, the authority to conclude contractual and grant agreement arrangements with Government in respect of the scheme.




4.     That the 2023/24 capital programme be amended to reflect the LAHF project.


(Other options considered:

·       Do nothing – Under this option, the council will not accept the funds from government, nor to seek to make properties available.  The purpose of the fund is to support local authorities in meeting the housing needs arising in their area.  Therefore, under the ‘do nothing’ option, the potential benefits referenced within the report would not be realised.

Reasons for decision:

·       To accept an offer of up to £880,000 in government funding to support in making eight properties available to meet short, medium and long term housing needs within the district.  To recommend to Council the inclusion of funds in the 2023/24 capital budget to deliver the project, captured within the capital programme set out in Appendix A.  To delegate authority to officers to conclude contractual agreements with government).

Supporting documents: