Agenda item

Questions asked without notice under Standing Order 7


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Gibson

Subject:  Designated Member Budgets v Future funding for items such as flower baskets


Councillor Gibson commented that members, particularly those with wards in Spalding, had been asked to contribute from their Designated Member Budgets towards flower baskets, the Remembrance Day Parade and a Christmas Tree for the town centre.  While members were happy to contribute, this was not what Member Budgets should be used for – what were the plans for funding going forward?  Councillor Worth commented that with regard to Christmas lights, approximately £20,000 from the Economic Development budget had been spent on reconnecting electricity and ensuring that Christmas lights were up to date.  In future, it was suggested that the Spalding Town Forum could make recommendations to Cabinet for decision regarding any specific items that may be required that were not included within the budget.  With regard to hanging baskets, all other towns paid for their own baskets and found their own sponsors and volunteers.  He did not believe that it was fair to other towns in the district for the Authority to fund hanging baskets in Spalding when all others funded their own.


Question to:  Councillor Taylor

Question from: Councillor Gibson

Subject:  Christmas lights in The Crescent, Spalding


Councillor Gibson commented that traders in The Crescent were unhappy not to have any Christmas lights in the area last year.  Could it be confirmed that there would be lights this year?  Councillor Taylor stated that a Christmas event was to take place in Spalding over the weekend.  With regard to The Crescent, a major investment in the electrical infrastructure was taking place this year which would assist in moving this issue forward.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Brewis

Subject:  Future special interest groups


Councillor Brewis was very pleased to hear that a special interest group had been set up to take the issue of IDB funding forward.  As the Partnership was becoming more influential, could other areas of work be taken forward in a similar way? For example, some years ago a debt to the Authority had arisen from the compulsory purchase of HRA from central government – could a special interest group be set up with the aim of encouraging the write-off of this debt?  Councillor Worth had some sympathy with this issue - he responded that this could be looked into however, special interest groups were very time consuming and required a lot of support and the support of 15 other councils.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Barnes

Subject:  Increase in senior officer pay


Councillor Barnes commented on a recent Press article detailing a salary increase (31% of which was covered by SHDC) for the Joint Chief Executive.  He commented that SHDC had not had a say in this decision and queried thus how finances could be controlled.  He asked for an explanation on this case and also how many other officers may be in the same position of receiving salary increases.  Councillor Worth explained that when the Partnership had been set up, senior officers remained with their employing authority.  In this instance, East Lindsey District was the employing authority but this would not always be the case meaning that the pros and cons to an employing authority would be spread.  This was the way of working that had been agreed and no changes to this arrangement were planned.


Question to:  Councillor Casson

Question from: Councillor Scalese

Subject:  Enforcement – Fly tipping and littering fines


Councillor Scalese asked how many fines had been given out since the commencement of the environmental crime enforcement contract, and whether only Spalding, or all other towns and villages in the district were covered.  Councillor Casson responded that he was provided with a monthly update and that for October 2023 the following had been issued – 121 fixed penalty notices, which included 5 fines for fly tipping, 14 fines for spitting, and 1 fine for dog fouling.  Since March 2023, 703 fixed penalty notices had been issued.  The contractors covered all towns in the district.


Question to:  Councillor Carter

Question from: Councillor Harrison

Subject:  Community Lottery


Councillor Harrison commented that the Community Lottery was a great initiative which had now been running for a while. How much money had been raised for good causes and how many groups across the district had benefited?  Councillor Carter agreed that the aim of the Community Lottery was to raise funds for good causes, and that all local groups could register.  The Community Lottery had been running for nearly a year (the first draw had taken place on 26 November 2022), to date 83 good causes had received funds and just under £32,000 had been paid out to them.  It was expected that, dependent on ticket sales, this would be around £36,000 by the end of the year. 


Question to:  Councillor Astill

Question from: Councillor Eldridge

Subject:  Customer Services – call back facility


Councillor Eldridge asked how effective the customer services call back facility had been since its implementation.  Councillor Astill responded, advising that the service had been introduced in May 2023 and that there had been approximately 400-500 successful call backs per month.  Since its introduction, Key Performance Indicators were showing a significant improvement.


Question to:  Councillor Bingham

Question from: Councillor Hutchinson

Subject:  Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act/Capacity to undertake Local Plan review and to reap benefits of LURA and Biodiversity net gain


Councillor Hutchinson commented that the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act became law in September however, members had not yet received information on this.  In addition, with the LURA and Biodiversity net gain coming into force, and the Local Plan requiring a review before mid-March 2024, reassurance was required that the authority not only had the capacity and skill set to meet requirements, but also to reap the benefits and the opportunities that these could bring to the local area.  Councillor Bingham confirmed that the department was currently complying with all relevant legislation.  Information on the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act and Biodiversity Net Gain would be sent to members in due course.  With regard to capacity and skill sets, the Portfolio Holder believed that these were in place, but stated that he would come back further on this. 


Question to:  Councillor Tyrrell

Question from: Councillor Avery

Subject:  Refuse bags for SHDC residents


Councillor Avery referred to a recent comment in the Press that stated that the Authority was spending £1/4 million on refuse sacks.  Would the  residents of Pinchbeck and Surfleet and the wider district still be receiving 52 free black bags per year?  Councillor Tyrrell responded that this would continue. 


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor James LeSage

Subject:  Options for car park charging


Councillor J LeSage understood that a trial for a voucher for free parking was being considered.  Would it not be more simple to provide 2-3 hours of free parking, or completely free parking in order to support use of the market?  Councillor Worth responded to say that he was willing to look at any options however, consideration had to be given to how other options could be put into practice and whether they would work within the constraints of the budget.


Question to:  Councillor Worth

Question from: Councillor Beal

Subject:  Excess food risk


Councillor Beal referred to Northampton Council and asked for clarification that SHDC did not suffer from excess food risk? Councillor Worth confirmed that the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercialisation, UKSPF and Levelling Up had a tight rein on finances and that there were no concerns in this regard.


Question to:  Councillor Redgate

Question from: Councillor Sheard

Subject:  Savings by the Partnership


Councillor Sheard commented that a recent quote in the local Press by Councillor Worth stated that the Partnership had made more than £21 million of savings, 50% of £42 million of savings targeted two years ago.  She requested that a breakdown of this be provided, along with details of what percentage of this would come back to SHDC.  Councillor Worth advised that this information would be sent to members.