To adopt the Housing Damp, Condensation and Mould Policy, risk assessment and to delegate minor and operational changes to the Assistant Director – Housing and the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing (report of the Assistant Director – Housing enclosed).
Consideration was given to the report of the Assistant Director – Housing, which requested adoption of the Housing Damp, Condensation and Mould Policy risk assessment, and delegation of minor and operational changes to the Assistant Director Housing and the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing presented the report.
The following points were raised:
· The priority appeared to be around the habitable areas of the home – were out-buildings not covered? Clarification was required regarding this.
o The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing advised that this was an industry-wide approach, which focussed on habitable areas. The Risk Assessment form at Appendix B broke down the areas to be considered however, the document could be made clearer if needed.
o Officers responded that there was reference to conversion of non-habitable spaces under the section relating to tenants’ responsibilities – it would be expected that tenants would advise the Authority of any such conversion but agreed that the Policy could be made clearer as to why notification was needed.
· Under the ‘No Access Issues’ within Appendix A, clarification was sought as to whether this was in addition to the normal access requirements which the Authority’s tenancy agreements had.
o The Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing advised that the Damp, Condensation and Mould Policy sat alongside other Council policies. Access to undertake remedial issues was often a problem, but all efforts would be made documented and followed up. This was one of the areas that the Portfolio Holder was tracking on a monthly basis with the Assistant Director – Housing.
1) That the Housing Damp, Condensation and Mould Policy be adopted;
2) That the Damp, Condensation and Mould Risk Assessment tool be adopted;
3) That minor operational amendments be delegated to the Assistant Director – Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Operational Housing.
(Other options considered:
Reasons for decision:
· The proposed policy and accompanying risk assessment were presented to the Policy Development Panel on the 6 February 2024. The Panel noted there had been a shift in the sector to ensure robust arrangements were in place to effectively manage and control damp condensation and mould. The panel noted that pathways for reporting issues should be centrally triaged to ensure an appropriate response.
· It was widely noted that several property factors could be contributing towards damp condensation and mould issues identified within Council owned properties. Therefore, it was important to ensure the Councils response is robust and consistent. Members of the panel expressed that literature on how to tackle damp condensation and mould should be widely available to new and existing tenants. The panel supported the recommendations the Cabinet are asked to approve).
Supporting documents: