Consideration was given to the report of the
Assistant Director – Regulatory that asked members to
consider the Health and Safety Policy following a recent review,
and make recommendations to Cabinet for approval.
The Assistant Director –
Regulatory introduced the report and the following points were
- The Health and Safety
Policy was a mandatory requirement of all employers under the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974;
- The Policy set out
the council’s commitment to health, safety and welfare of all
employees and others who could be affected by council
- The Policy needed to
be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remained compliant and
fit for purpose; the policy had not materially changed as a result
of the review; and
- The draft Health and
Safety Policy was at Appendix A.
Members consideration the report and made the
following comments:
- Members asked whether
staff were encouraged to log ‘near miss’ incidents.
- The Assistant
Director – Regulatory responded that :
- Part of Health and
Safety management at the council included both accident and
‘near miss’
- Employee training, in
respect of responsibilities to report accidents and ‘near
miss’ incidents, was delivered as
part of the induction programme and at regular intervals
- Certain categories of
accidents were required to be reported to the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE);
- There was an
obligation for the council to keep track of all accidents, not just the most
- Discussions and
actions arising from the Health and Safety Working Group were
shared with departments and also escalated to the Partnership
Health and Safety Governance Group, which was chaired by the
Assistant Director – Regulatory. In turn, the minutes from
the partnership meeting were seen by the Senior Leadership Team and
this process demonstrated the Health and Safety performance
mechanism within the organisation and ensured that opportunities
for learning were captured across the partnership.
- Members asked whether
the policy covered issues relating to mental health, and were
incidents required to be recorded.
- The Assistant
Director – Regulatory responded that:
- Responsibilities
relating to mental health were intrinsic as part of the
council’s obligations and duties under the Health and Safety
at Work Act and issues should be recorded;
- Mental Health First
Aiders were in place across the partnership as part of the regime
to manage the wellbeing of employees;
- The council also had
an Employee Assistance Programme and employees could utilise mental
health resources through Maximus; and
- Although updates had
been made to the 1974 Act, the issue of wellbeing and mental health
in the workplace was still evolving in importance.
- Members asked whether
resilience and conflict management training was offered to staff
and whether processes were in place for managers to follow-up this
type of training with employees.
- The Assistant
Director – Regulatory confirmed that, as part of statutory
responsibilities, training to manage and mitigate workplace abuse
or violence was provided to front-line staff and repeated at
intervals. Management processes were in place as part of the
overall Health and Safety management arrangements.
That after consideration of
report by the Policy Development Panel, the Health and Safety Policy be noted and recommended to
Cabinet for approval.