Question to: Councillor Worth
Question from: Councillor Gibson
Subject: National Grid Pylon Proposals
Councillor Gibson noted that the S&ELCP had provided a press release on the Grimsby to Walpole National Grid proposals but stated that in his view, it was not strong enough. He stated that the County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Planning had agreed to write to National Grid and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero to encourage them to re-consider an underground or offshore option. Would the Leader be willing to do the same? Councillor Worth advised that the responsible Portfolio Holder, Councillor Bingham would respond on this question and provide more detail. Councillor Bingham stated that the proposal would affect the whole S&ELCP area and in his view, would have an unacceptable impact on the landscape. He fully recognised the need for energy security and the need to distribute energy to where it was needed, but the cost of doing so should not come as a burden on host communities or be detrimental to the local landscape. He noted that the application would be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and determined by the Secretary of State. The process was lengthy, and it was not likely that a decision would be made for a number of years. Numerous rounds of public and technical consultation would take place. It was important to note that the District Council was only a consultee, and not the determining body. He encouraged residents to complete the National Grid consultation and participate throughout. It was critical that the environmental impact of these proposals was appraised. The Portfolio Holder was also of the view that the National Grid should re-consider the proposal all together, and work with developers who would be making applications to route interconnectors in the East of England. It was important to have an integrated approach to such a significant infrastructure project.
Question to: Councillor Worth
Question from: Councillor Alcock
Subject: Defibrillators
Councillor Alcock noted that a number of defibrillators had been distributed throughout Spalding and asked whether there was any funding available to install more defibrillators across the rest of the district. Councillor Worth asked Councillor Bingham to respond, who stated that he would work with members and assist in identifying funding if a defibrillator was needed in a specific location.
Question to: Councillor Worth
Question from: Councillor Alcock
Subject: Funding for road improvements
Councillor Alcock enquired as to whether the District Council would be lobbying the County Council for funding to improve the roads in South Lincolnshire, particularly the A16 and A17, which needed either resurfacing or for potholes to continue to be filled. Councillor Worth responded that the announcement of funds for the County Council to improve the roads was good news and confirmed that he would be lobbying on the Council’s behalf to ensure South Holland got its fair share of the money for maintaining infrastructure in the area.
Question to: Councillor Carter
Question from: Councillor Eldridge
Subject: Green Homes Funding
Councillor Eldridge had noted that some councils were beginning to hand back their green homes funding and enquired whether South Holland would be doing the same. Councillor Carter confirmed that the team were on track to spend all of their allocated funding and therefore would not be handing any money back. She stated that South Holland had received £2.8m of funding and this had been used on projects to increase EPC ratings of properties within the district.
Question to: Councillor Carter
Question from: Councillor Hutchinson
Subject: Property Inspections
Councillor Hutchinson highlighted a concern surrounding a recent experience of an SHDC tenant who had paid for repairs to their property and asked whether property inspections were being carried out to a good standard. Councillor Carter responded to say that she was limited in what she could say about the case Councillor Hutchinson had referred to. However, she did state that she was confident that inspections were generally of a good standard. She did however note that every Housing department could always do better and encouraged members to speak to her if they had concerns about tenant satisfaction with the service.
Question to: Councillor Astill
Question from: Councillor Scalese
Subject: Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Councillor Scalese asked whether the Council had a position on the use of AI. Councillor Astill highlighted that while AI could revolutionise some customer services systems, there was a need to ensure that the correct controls and governance was in place before using it. He advised that an AI strategy was currently being worked on.
Question to: Councillor Taylor
Question from: Councillor Scalese
Subject: Spalding in Bloom
Councillor Scalese asked what could be done to make the area look attractive, given that Spalding would not be submitting an entry to the In Bloom competition this year. Councillor Taylor confirmed that while Spalding wouldn’t be entering the official In Bloom competition this year, the Council would still be putting in place floral displays and bedding in Spalding and Ayscoughfee, and the budget for planting had not been reduced this year. He stated that there were businesses in the town centre interested in adding to the In Bloom offer and there were also opportunities in the future, such as working with the potential future Spalding BID Town Board. Councillor Taylor also advised that new groups and volunteers could join in – many voluntary groups worked together in other towns and villages. A Community Garden would be developed as part of the new health and wellbeing hub. He also expressed his hope that new volunteers would come forward for Spalding in Bloom so that it could be relaunched.
Question to: Councillor Casson
Question from: Councillor Booth
Subject: Flytipping and Litter
Councillor Booth asked whether the enforcement officers were still patrolling outside of Spalding, in small towns and villages across the district. He also asked whether any statistics could be provided for the number of fines issued. Councillor Casson responded to say that the enforcement officers did go out to the towns and villages. If there was a particular problem in an area, he asked that he be advised. Councillor Casson confirmed that in January, 115 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) had been issued (92 for littering, 23 for flytipping) and in February, 94 FPNs had been issued (84 for littering, 8 for flytipping, and 2 for commercial duty of care).
Question to: Councillor Carter
Question from: Councillor Brewis
Subject: Markets Promotion
Councillor Brewis asked when the campaign to promote the markets would start and how vigorous it would be. Councillor Carter responded that plans were currently being worked on in preparation for the campaign to start. She stated that gazebos had been purchased to assist new traders wanting to stand on the market (that did not have a gazebo) and also to promote the Teenage Market. Existing traders that wanted to use a gazebo could also use one. Traders would not be forced to use the gazebos however some canopy covers that tied in with the gazebos were being sourced so there was a consistency to the markets. She confirmed that banners had been put in place in Holbeach with different designs for the other market towns in the District also being prepared. Councillor Carter also stated that the team were looking to tie events in with the markets, possibly during the school holidays in the summer.
Question to: Councillor Astill
Question from: Councillor Geaney
Subject: SHDC’s 50th Anniversary
Councillor Geaney enquired whether any plans were in place to celebrate South Holland District Council’s 50th Anniversary. Councillor Astill confirmed that he would be working with the Communications Team and Portfolio Holders on ideas of how to recognise the occasion.
Question to: Councillor Tyrrell
Question from: Councillor Geaney
Subject: Garden Waste Bins
Councillor Geaney commented that at the start of the year, it had been announced that the supply of garden waste bins would be starting again, and that those on the waiting list would have the opportunity to acquire bins. What was the current situation and had those that had been waiting some time for a bin now been able to get one? Councillor Tyrrell responded that over 2,000 brown bins had been requested, 1,035 individuals had been contacted and of those, 651 had now received their bins. He stated that those people that had been contacted needed to respond if they still required a bin – failure to do so would mean that they would drop off the list. From 8 January, people had been contacted about 1500 more bins, with approximately 150 bins a week being supplied at the moment. There were plans to expand to other areas and if there was sufficient demand, then the Council would start supplying those areas.
Question to: Councillor E Sneath
Question from: Councillor Avery
Subject: Refurbishment of Spalding Station House
Councillor Avery stated that the Council had last year acquired Spalding Station House to be preserved for future generations – what were the Council’s plans for refurbishment and was there a timeframe? Councillor E Sneath replied to advise that specifications and costs for renovation works (initially to the outside of the property) were currently being drawn together. The premises had been built in 1882 and was in a good state of repair – the plan was to restore it to a good stand and secure a safe future for this heritage asset. Internally, a number of options were being worked on (flats/serviced offices/small family home) – whichever option was chosen would bring in income for the Council.
Question to: Councillor E Sneath
Question from: Councillor Avery
Subject: Restoration of Lutyens Memorial in Ayscoughfee Gardens
Councillor Avery asked what progress was being made with regard to the restoration of the Lutyens Memorial in Ayscoughfee Gardens and what was the timeframe. Councillor E Sneath responded to advise that there was progress with regard to the Lutyens Memorial – listed building consent had been applied for, to start some exploratory drainage work around the perimeter of the memorial, and this would start in April. Over the years, the paths around the memorial had been raised up resulting in water not being able to drain away from around the memorial, and this was what was causing the damage. Considerable funds to carry out the major restoration works were now available, and the Council was looking to start working with specialist heritage building contractors as soon as possible. It would be wonderful to have this work completed by Remembrance Sunday this year and both Councillors E Sneath and Bingham both hoped that this would be the case.
Question to: Councillor Redgate
Question from: Councillor Beal
Subject: UKSPF Funding
Councillor Beal asked with regard to UKSPF funding, what total monies had notionally been received, how much had been spent and how much was still available for applications still to be made. What businesses/organisations should be approached or targeted. Councillor Redgate responded to advise that circa £3 million had been provided to distribute throughout the whole district to support local projects. This had been split into three pots – ‘Communities and Place, ‘Supporting Local Businesses’ and ‘People and Skills’. The vast majority for the first two pots of money had been committed with a small amount of around £70,000 remaining for ‘Communities and Place’ and about the same for ‘Supporting Local Businesses’. ‘Supporting People and Skills’ was still undersubscribed by approximately £0.25 million. The Portfolio Holder strongly reiterated that all the funding had to be committed by December 2024 and spent by this time next year. The money was there for communities and over the next few months, Parish Councils and village halls would be contacted to get them to engage, get involved and seek applications. The next round of funding was due around May, and it was hoped that by then, 100% of the funding for the first two pots would have been earmarked. All members were encouraged to engage with the team administering the UKSPF funding to ensure that the funding was all spent across the district, specifically around the ‘People and Skills’ pot of funding.