The Leader made the following announcements:
The Leader firstly congratulated the Chairman on the money raised at his recent Ball – it had been a very enjoyable night for all those that had attended. He wished him well for the year ahead.
The Leader commented that he was always conscious of the need to make financial savings wherever possible and to this end, he would be reducing the number of Deputy Leaders from two to one. The new Deputy Leader would be Councillor P Redgate. The Leader thanked Councillors T Carter and G Taylor for all their support as Deputy Leaders over the past year.
As a result, some changes would be made to portfolio responsibilities which would be circulated in due course – in brief:
· Councillor T Carter would be responsible for all functions relating to Housing, both Strategic and Operational;
· Councillor G Taylor, in addition to his other responsibilities would take on responsibility for community development, district events, community assets register and community cohesion and support (including play schemes, open spaces, community and voluntary sector support);
· Councillor H Bingham would take on responsibility for all functions relating to the South Holland Centre and Ayscoughfee Hall and Museum (both operational and strategic), along with Facility Management;
· Councillor A Casson would be responsible for all enforcement functions (taking on responsibility for District Safety, Crime and Disorder, Police, CCTV, Anti-Social Behaviour);
· Councillor P Redgate would take on responsibility for Community Inward Investment and Grants for Growth;
· Councillor E Sneath would take on responsibility for Tourism;
· Councillor N Worth would take on responsibility for Markets
The Leader also commented that it had been a year since the local elections and with this in mind, he wished to reflect on some of the achievements made so far, and the work that still lay ahead:
The Leader thanked all those who had helped make achievement to date possible, which included staff fellow councillors and the brilliant partner organisations, local businesses and community groups. He looked forward to continuing to strive to improve, develop and deliver moving forwards.
In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Community Development, the Portfolio Holder for Finance provided an update on the Wellbeing Hub. Members of the public and Councillors were thanked for their engagement and feedback as part of the pre-application consultation that had recently taken place. Feedback on responses to the consultation would be made available to Councillors next week, along with a Member briefing providing a full update. The planning application was now being prepared for submission on Friday 17 May – all members were asked to looked at this and provide positive feedback on the application as it was important to get this right. All comments from residents were also welcomed.
The Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Conservation and Heritage and Tourism announced that confirmation had been received of continued funding from the Government which allowed the Authority to extend the Household Support Fund. This fund had allowed the Authority to support many struggling residents, particularly those that may not have been eligible for other government support. The total grant for Lincolnshire was £5.5million, with around 34% being made available for the seven District Councils. SHDC should receive approximately £223,000. As before, the Authority would work with the Lincolnshire Community Foundation to open up a public application process, and retain about half to support food banks, charities and NHS neighbourhood teams. It was hoped to start local support in early June, with all money allocated by 30 September 2024.